Hosaka Internist Clinic - Tokorozawa

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hosaka Internist Clinic

住所 :

1F 1 Chome-1-8 Higashitokorozawawada, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 359-0023
Webサイト : http://hosakanaika-clinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM

1F 1 Chome-1-8 Higashitokorozawawada, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-0023, Japan
白石拓也 on Google

The teacher's explanation is very polite and easy to understand. The explanation here is also gently heard. The image is crowded, but it is relatively empty on the day of the week when the part-time teacher is. I go there several times, but nod to a popular clinic.
T Niikura on Google

とても信頼出来るお医者さんです。 こちらが納得いくまで非常に分かりやすい説明をしてくださいます。 人気で混んでいますが、先生が2名体制のときもあるので、以前より待たなくなった印象を受けました。 またスタッフさんも丁寧で居心地か良いです。 これからもお世話になります。
He is a trustworthy doctor. I will explain it very clearly until this is convincing. Although it is crowded with the popularity, there are times when the teacher has two members, so I received the impression that I have not waited longer than before. Also the staff is polite and comfortable is good. I am indebted with you.
K Watanabe on Google

A physician who has diabetes but has a careful and reliable medical examination. He / she listens and gives nutrition guidance. I can't deny the length of the wait, but it seems like a popular clinic. Depending on the day of the week, there are two doctors, so if you want to reduce the waiting time, it seems better to select the day of the week.
sky Blue on Google

口コミよかったので行ってみました いい点、オンライン予約が出来る事。 初診で心電図、エコー、ホルター付けて1時間以内に終わりスムーズでした 安静時狭心症(異型、冠攣縮)を疑い検査。 ・2度目ホルター外しはぎりぎりまで測定する為に、病院が閉まる前に来てとの指示で、余裕を持ち30分前に着くと、「遅かったので家と携帯に電話してました」と言われました。 …曖昧な約束は辞めていただきたい。 ・心電図、エコーをした看護師に、症状を聞かれ説明中に「それは今 関係ない」とか 別に関係無いことを言ってないし嫌な感じ。 医者、看護師には沢山知識があっても、患者の症状を体感してる訳ではないし、重要性は分からないのだろう。 ・極めつけ、検査結果日。予約の時間1時間経ってから呼ばれ、結果は何ともない。高い金の無駄。 ※ホルター付けた日、大した発作無かったからね。 ※飛び入りを3名以上優先してて驚いた。 お年寄は先、若い人は後回しな印象、同時刻頃から若い人だけ待ってた印象 ・予約≦飛び入り(予約無)…よくわからない。 「安静時狭心症、若いからそれは無いだろう、一応大学病院へ紹介状書きます? ここで検査は出来ない、 大きい病院でも話聞いて何ともないと言われて終わりだと思うけど。」と言われました。大学病院へ投げといて何も検査ないよって(笑) まず分かりにくい病気なので、1日ホルターだけで分からない事、分かればラッキー(発作が出なきゃ意味無し)、薬が効いたら疑いで治療が進む事もある事、最終的に確定診断はカテーテル検査などのはずですがね…。 最初から小さな開業医院ではなく、大きな病院の方が効率良かったですね。 もう2年、狭心症の疑いで苦しんでます。 若くてもある事、勿論病気と思いたくないけれど、納得いくまで追求します。 やる気が感じられなく全体的に不快でした。 長くなりました。
The review was good, so I went there The good point is that you can make an online reservation. I had an electrocardiogram, an echo, and a Holter at the first visit Rest angina (atypical, coronary spasm) is suspected. ・The second time I took off the halter, I was told that I should come before the hospital was closed so that I could measure as close as possible. I was told. …I want you to quit the vague promise. ・A nurse who gave an electrocardiogram and echo asked me about the symptoms and said, "It doesn't matter now." I don't say anything that doesn't matter, and I don't like it. Even if doctors and nurses have a lot of knowledge, they do not experience the symptoms of patients and may not understand its importance. ・Exactly the date of the inspection result. It was called 1 hour after the reservation time and there was no result. A high waste of money. *There was no major seizure on the day when I put on the halter. * I was surprised to give priority to jumping in more than three people. Elderly people are younger, younger people are late, and only young people waited around the same time. ・Reservation ≤ jump in (no reservation)...I don't know. "A resting angina, I don't think it's because I'm young. I'll write a letter of introduction to a university hospital. I can't test it here, but I heard that even in a large hospital, I'm told it's okay, but it's over." I was told. You throw it to a university hospital and you don't test anything (laughs) First of all, because it is a difficult disease to understand, it is not possible to understand it only by Holter for a day, if it is lucky (it does not make sense if there is no seizure), if the drug works the treatment may be suspected, and finally the definitive diagnosis is a catheter test etc. It should be... From the beginning, it was better to work in a large hospital rather than a small practitioner's office. I've been suffering from angina for 2 years now. I don't want to think that I am sick even if I am young, but I will pursue it until I am satisfied. I didn't feel motivated and was generally uncomfortable. It has become longer.
小林なな on Google

The teacher is a very kind teacher who is close to my feelings. Medical treatment is also accurate.
とらつぐみ on Google

I tried to have a medical examination because of sudden abdominal pain, but I couldn't make a reservation because I had a lot of reservations. It's so popular that it's not unreasonable, but I wonder what it's like to be a family member who can't deal with sudden illnesses.
Y大輝 on Google

I am indebted to my diabetes. I think he is a very good teacher. The atmosphere in the hospital is good and the staff feels good.
山下こうき on Google

スタッフの方も院長も非常に感じが良い。また通い続けていたら数値も良くなってきた。 薬の相談など気兼ねなく出来るのも良いし、親身になって聞いてくれる。 インフルエンザなどの時期は混んでいるが、待てる範囲内。混んでいるのが嫌な人は、2人体制の曜日もあるそうなのでそちらがオススメ。 これからもお世話になります。
Both the staff and the director feel very good. Also, if I keep going, the numbers are getting better. It's nice to be able to talk about medicines without hesitation, and they will listen to you in a friendly manner. It's crowded during the flu season, but it's within the waiting range. For those who don't like being crowded, it seems that there are days of the week for two people, so that is recommended. Thank you for your continued support.

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