Gyomu Super Horinouchi - Hachioji

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gyomu Super Horinouchi

住所 :

3 Chome-4-20 Horinouchi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0355, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87987
Postal code : 192-0355
Webサイト :

3 Chome-4-20 Horinouchi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0355, Japan
森田倉司 on Google

出来れば駅から近いので、9時までやっていて欲しい。 しばらく行ってなかったが、久しぶりに行くと安さに感心する。煮干しが330gも入って369円と言う激安ぶり。普通の店では250g入って600円以上する。他の食品では、例えばスパゲッティのルーや小麦粉などは、他店では考えられない量と値段に驚く。店員は若者が多く値段を知らなかった。 他の人はあまり安くないと言うが、量が入っているためで、モノの値段を知っていれば、ここで買ってしまう。320円の大型フランクフルトなどは、他店では2~3本が良いところをここでは5本。 まとめ買いに向く店で量を扱う分値段も張るが、小物があれば他店より20円~100円ほど安いのはザラ。ホットケーキの元は他店と同じ200円で1kg、強力粉も他店と同じ1kgで200円。スーパーの強力粉日清カメリヤは340円する。 小麦の品位は落ちてなくて、日清カメリヤでないと焼けないパンが、安くてもちゃんとホームベーカリーで焼けて、いつもの無添加パンが出来る。写真は自宅のホームベーカリーで焼いた1.5斤食パン。 品位の高い食品も置いているので、品位を気にするならそちらを購入すると良い。業務カレー粉1kgで369円だが、他にS&B業務用カレールー1kg580円、同じ369円で500gの業務用カレー粉があり、本格的なS&Bのカレー粉1kg1100円 があったりする。 何種類も混ぜてカレーを作っているが、キチンと辛くて旨い。 粉モノがかなり強い店で、コーヒー豆や調味料も業務用が買える。また冷凍食品の業務用肉関連が強い。スーパーほどではないが、ソーセージは色々種類がある。 小物アイスが豊富で安く、他のディスカウトにはない特色。卵は他店を圧倒して1パック130~160円と非常に安い。 豆腐も安く29円の圧倒的安さ、油揚げ、厚揚げも安く、200円で豆腐四丁、厚揚げ油揚げが一つづつ揃う。助かるなぁ。 ただし、ここのみで全てが揃うワケではない。また、以外にも振り掛けの小物がないため、小物で種類が欲しいなら他店で買うしかない。 ここの店頭に並んで無いものは在庫がないので、他店での購入になる。とは言え、コロナ不況の最中まともなコロナ支援を受けられない一般勤労者には、コストコ同様生活防衛からも立ち寄って見る価値であるディスカウト店です。
If possible, it's close to the station, so I'd like you to stay until 9 o'clock. I haven't been there for a while, but when I go there after a long time, I'm impressed with the cheapness. It's a super-discount price of 369 yen with 330g of dried sardines. At a normal store, 250g is included and it costs 600 yen or more. Other foods, such as spaghetti roux and flour, are surprising in quantity and price unthinkable at other stores. Many young people did not know the price. Others say it's not very cheap, but because it's in quantity, if you know the price of the item, you'll buy it here. For large Frankfurt, etc. of 320 yen, 2 to 3 are good at other stores, but 5 here. At stores that are suitable for bulk purchases, the price is high because the amount is handled, but if you have small items, it is Zara that is about 20 to 100 yen cheaper than other stores. The price of hot cake is 200 yen, which is the same as other stores, and 1 kg, and the price of strong flour is 200 yen, which is the same as other stores. Super strong flour Nisshin Camellia costs 340 yen. The quality of wheat has not deteriorated, and bread that can only be baked with Nisshin Camellia can be baked properly at home bakery even if it is cheap, and the usual additive-free bread can be made. The photo is 1.5 loaf bread baked in my home bakery. We also have high quality foods, so if you are concerned about the quality, you should buy them. 1 kg of commercial curry powder costs 369 yen, but there are other S & B commercial curry powders of 1 kg of 580 yen, and the same 369 yen of 500 g of commercial curry powder, and full-scale S & B curry powder of 1 kg of 1100 yen. I make curry by mixing many kinds, but it is spicy and delicious. The shop is very strong in powdered foods, and you can buy coffee beans and seasonings for commercial use. In addition, frozen foods are strongly related to commercial meat. There are many types of sausages, though not as much as supermarkets. Rich in small ice cream, cheap, and a feature not found in other discouts. Eggs overwhelm other stores and are very cheap at 130-160 yen per pack. Tofu is also cheap and overwhelmingly cheap at 29 yen, fried tofu and fried tofu are also cheap, and for 200 yen you can get 4 tofu and fried tofu one by one. I'm saved. However, it is not the reason why everything is available here. Also, there are no other furikake accessories, so if you want a variety of accessories, you have to buy them at another store. Items that are not lined up here are out of stock, so they will be purchased at other stores. However, it is a discount shop that is worth visiting from the perspective of life defense as well as Costco for general workers who cannot receive decent corona support during the corona recession.
harupitari vi on Google

Selling asian ingredient, halal food, also fresh & frozen veggies. Price also lower than another supermarket
Paul on Google

Good cheap stuff. Many from China though.
Qwerty Lolness on Google

very nice and cheap. I hope they sell meat as well.
santhosh b on Google

The price of items was cheaper I love this shop
Alexander Pokrashenko on Google

Inexpensive alternative to general supermarkets with some imported goods
Ryann Connell on Google

Overcrowded and short of lots of Gyomu Super staples.
Axel Agsalud on Google

Good food selection

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