Horaiin Temple - Nanyō

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Horaiin Temple

住所 :

3367 Miyauchi, Nanyō, Yamagata 992-0472, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 992-0472
Webサイト : https://horaizen.com/

3367 Miyauchi, Nanyō, Yamagata 992-0472, Japan
佐久間直樹 on Google

実家のお寺です 佐久間家の菩提寺です
It is a temple of my parents' house It is the family temple of the Sakuma family.
YAMAGATA HJ210 on Google

It's a big temple. Bodaiji Temple of my grandparents.
小松恒典 on Google

This temple is for two generations of parents and children. I think it's a great priest.
uti osama on Google

This is the ancestor's grave In the past, everyone visited the graves at the Bon Festival and held fireworks at each grave. ️ I'm lonely, but I can't beat the trend. ‼ ️ Even if the children return home to their parents' home and ignite fireworks in the narrow gardens of each family, only the fireworks known to others can be made, and the fireworks display is revived at Ganin's large grave. I just want it. I can't deny the recent departure from the temple and the decline of the Dan family, but I'm one who wants to keep old good practices 習️
ちゃーたん(遠藤聡美) on Google

わたしの家のおばあちゃんが昔この上の寺でお料理を作っていたというお話しを聞いてました。 おばあちゃんが大変お世話になりありがとうございました。小さな頃からお参りしていました。 中もきれいです。中に入るとお盆に左の柱から入り中に入ってお参りして帰りました。
I heard a story about a grandmother in my house that used to cook at a temple above it. Thank you very much for my grandmother. I have been visiting since I was little. The inside is also beautiful. When we got inside, we went into the tray from the left pillar and walked back.
鉄花りゅか on Google

格式高いお寺です。 住職もとても暖かい方です。
It is a prestigious temple. The priest is also very warm.
安部チヤ子 on Google

実家の兄と甥が続いて亡くなり お世話になりました、 ずーっとお世話になっている、 お寺なので親戚のようです、 住職の両親が相次いで亡くなり 若い住職ですが、しっかりした 人です、神奈川に一人暮らしの兄が亡くなった時、お世話に なり、無縁仏にならず実家の お墓に入れる事が出来ました、 ありがたい事です、感謝してます。
My brother and nephew died in succession thank you for helping me, I have been indebted to you for a long time, It ’s a temple, so it ’s like a relative, The priest's parents died one after another A young priest, but solid I'm a person, when my brother who lives alone in Kanagawa died, take care of me It ’s not like an unrelated Buddha, but at my parents ’house I was able to put it in the grave, Thank you, thank you.
Yoshito Takagi on Google

It is a temple of the Soto sect and is called by the local people as the upper temple, and it is one of the best Tohoku families in the Tohoku region. There is also Shotoku-ji Temple on the south side of the road. That is the Jodo Shinshu Otani school.

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