置賜三十三観音第十二番札所 赤湯観音

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Contact 置賜三十三観音第十二番札所 赤湯観音

住所 :

Akayu, Nanyō, 〒999-2211 Yamagata,Japan

街 : Yamagata

Akayu, Nanyō, 〒999-2211 Yamagata,Japan
吉田勝彦 on Google

ちゃーたん(遠藤聡美) on Google

I came back to visit. Thank you very much.
廣瀬一志 on Google

It was hard to stay at a nearby ryokan and ask Nakai for the location.
杉原謙治 on Google

It was good to put it inside Kannon-do and it was amazing that Kannon was drawn between the ceilings
御朱印好き on Google

Going up the stairs, the view in front of the main hall is wonderful.
猫舌男爵 on Google

赤湯観音は 置賜三十三観音の第十二番札所 御本尊は《聖観世音菩薩》です 温泉街を進んだ道から東正寺の 石の門柱を通り枝垂桜の石段を 真っすぐ上っていきます 100段くらいありますが結構 高い場所まで上りますので見晴 らしがよいです 上りきった参道に石鳥居があり 横には〈若松聖観世音菩薩〉の 石柱があります 御本尊〈聖観世音菩薩立像〉は 元々、会津の若松山山頂に安置 されていたもの拝受したそうで 以来〈若松観音〉とも呼ばれて いるそうです 鳥居をくぐって石段をのぼると 観音堂があります 手水舎は亀の口から水が出ます 観音堂は開いておりましたので 中に入ってお参りいたしました 堂内の天井には観音様の美しい 板絵があり素晴らしかったです 帰りは御朱印を頂くため墓地の 中を下って東正寺に向かいます 庫裡玄関で御朱印頂きましたが お守りや朱印帳なども販売して おりました お寺の駐車場は石段の先に専用 駐車場があり5台位停めれます 観音堂までの石段が大変な方は 裏手から上ることになりますが 烏帽子山公園を抜けて八幡宮の 駐車場まで車で上り、大鳥居の 横の参道を進めば、かなり楽に 到着できます 赤湯温泉は近年外国人観光客も 多く見かけ、参拝当日も観音堂 見学に来てましたので、英語や 中国語等表記の注意書きも必要 かもしれませんね
Akayu Kannon Twelfth place in Okinari 33rd Kannon Omotoson is "Shonkan Seion" On the way from the hot spring area to Higashi Shoji Temple Pass the stone pillar of the branch cherry tree I will go straight up There are about 100 stages but it is fine As we go up to high place, we see It is good There is a stone torii in the approach that went up Next to Wakamatsu Seikan There is a stone pillar Omoto Son is Originally placed at the summit of Wakamatsuyama in Aizu In what seemed to be accepted Since then it has also been called "Wakamatsu Kannon" It seems to be Climb the stone steps through the torii There is a kannon hall The water is drained from the turtle's mouth As Kannon Hall was open I went inside The ceiling of the hall is a beautiful Kannon There was a board picture and it was great Return to the cemetery to get a seal Go down the road to Higashishoji Temple I received a seal at the entrance door Selling amulets and stickers, etc. There was The parking lot of the temple is dedicated to the end of the stone steps There is a parking lot and can stop 5 cars If the stone steps to Kannon-do are serious I will go up from behind Hachimangu Shrine through the Hathasan Park Ascend to the parking lot by car and If you go ahead on the sidewalk, it will be quite easy Can arrive Akayu Onsen has been visited by foreign tourists in recent years Many seemingly, Kanondo also on the day of worship I came to visit, so English and A note on Chinese notation is also required It may be
トラえもん on Google

It is Akayu Kannon-do in the corner of Eboshiyama Park. At the 12th temple of the Okitama 33 Kannon Sacred Ground, the principal image is a wooden statue of the Holy Kannon Bodhisattva, which is said to have been made by Ennin, a Jikaku Daishi. Thank you, I received the red stamp of "Akayu Seikannon" at Toshoji Temple.

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