(株)丸幸 与野本町駅ビーンズ店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)丸幸 与野本町駅ビーンズ店

住所 :

Honmachihigashi, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0003 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888977
Webサイト : http://www.marukou-g.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Honmachihigashi, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0003 Saitama,Japan
osonosan on Google

ビーズ店の店長さんはとても親切な方で、娘の引っ越しの際とても親身になってお部屋探しをして頂きました。 夜の帰宅が遅い時にも 安心して帰宅出来る様にと、安全性にも気を配って頂き 部屋を見つける事ができ 本当に感謝しています。 これからお部屋探しされる方は、是非この店舗へ足を運んで見たらよいと思います。
The manager of the beads store is very kind and very kind to me when I moved my daughter and asked for a room. I am very grateful that I was able to find a room so that I could come home with peace of mind when I come home late at night. If you are looking for a room, I recommend visiting this store.
豊小松 on Google

It is located in the station Naka, and the environment of the store is open, so it is easy to use. There are times when staff are absent due to customer inspections, etc. When looking for a room, I got a look at one of the properties that seemed to meet the conditions. In addition, I was able to introduce recommended drinkers who are not directly related to the business, and I felt that it was a real estate agent that is firmly community-based.
要素 on Google

They kindly searched for a room together. thank you for helping me.
マルトモ on Google

賃貸物件でお世話になりました。初めての訪問では、私達夫婦のニーズを伝えると、担当者の方は経験豊富な知識で希望のエリアを丁寧に案内して下さいました。契約もスピード感があって、物件のオーナーさんとも信頼関係が成り立っているように感じました。入居後のトラブルにも直ぐに対応して下さいました。また、土地勘もあまりなかったので、担当者の方に質問すると、丁寧に色々教えてもらいました。 安心感を持ってお任せすることができました。友人にも紹介出来る不動産屋さんです。ありがとうございました。
Thank you for your rental property. At the first visit, I told them about the needs of our couple, and the person in charge kindly guided me to the desired area with a wealth of experienced knowledge. The contract was also speedy, and I felt that there was a relationship of trust with the owner of the property. I immediately responded to any troubles after moving in. Also, I didn't have much intuition about the land, so when I asked the person in charge, I was kindly taught about it. I was able to leave it with a sense of security. It is a real estate agent that can be introduced to friends. Thank you very much.
和カズ on Google

急な引っ越しでしたが親切丁寧な対応できまり助かりました。 ん
It was a sudden move, but I was saved by the kind and polite response. Hmm
ねこ on Google

初めて一人暮らしをすることになり、その物件探しの際にお世話になりました。 店長さんをはじめ、どのスタッフの方も、とても親身になって話を聞いてくださるので、小さなことも相談しやすかったです。 また、こちらからの問い合わせや要望への対応も迅速で、大変助かりました。
It was my first time to live alone, and I was taken care of when searching for the property. All the staff, including the store manager, listened to me very kindly, so it was easy to talk about small things. In addition, it was very helpful to respond quickly to inquiries and requests from us.
神埼遥音 on Google

一人暮らしの物件探しの際に利用させていただきました。 厳しい条件だったのにも関わらず、とても親切に対応していただけ、安心して契約までいけました。感謝しております。ありがとうございました
I used it when looking for a property to live alone. Despite the harsh conditions, I was able to respond very kindly and I was able to sign the contract with confidence. I am grateful. thank you very much
寺澤実 on Google

The store manager who goes to see the numbers such as water meters and takes care of even the smallest details. Thank you for helping me very much. I am grateful. I also wanted to use it.

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