株式会社ミニミニ 前橋店

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ミニミニ 前橋店

住所 :

Honmachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0023 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://minimini.jp/shop/10010/maebashi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Gunma

Honmachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0023 Gunma,Japan
國枝良章 on Google

Thank you very kindly. There are many things that have been helped by services unique to major companies, such as dealing with nighttime water leaks.
TAKE BOT on Google

I'm posting the decoy property in good condition. I pretend that I can introduce the property where I live. The most important thing in business is trust. be careful.
わいわい on Google

It was a fraudulent contract. I was overwhelmed by the management company of the mini-tech group. Even if you choose a real estate agent, you should definitely stop here. Be careful as the response to the contract is normal.
渡辺裕昭 on Google

入居した感想 ・入居前クリーニングは全然出来ていない ・何か設備が壊れた時に直すように言っても後回し、放置、忘れる ・オーナーの態度がデカイ ・とりあえずアフターケアは最悪、言っても直さないのでほぼ自分でやる羽目に 激しくオススメしません。
Impressions of moving in ・ Cleaning before moving in is not done at all ・ Even if you tell me to fix something when something breaks, I will postpone it, leave it, and forget it ・ The attitude of the owner is huge ・ For the time being, aftercare is the worst, I will not fix it, so I almost have to do it myself I do not strongly recommend it.
ずいせんかか on Google

I think it's a very kind and polite company. I am very satisfied with the property information that even foreigners can use, and the owner asks me about this request. Thank you very much.
琥珀ぬこ on Google

It happened that the store manager was in charge and found a property that could also be used as a store at Sokko! The other staff are also kind. I started a relaxation salon at the current property, but it has become my own relaxation space w
しい on Google

Mr. Sarutani in charge. Thank you very much for your prompt and polite explanation of the response.
むぎ on Google

評価の良いコメントはヤラセだと思うぐらいにヤバすぎます。 他の方も仰っていますが入居前のクリーニングができていないです。 前の住人の髪の毛がお風呂場に詰まっていてシャワーの水が流れない(こちらで掃除しました) 玄関の靴箱の裏に前の住人の電気か何かの領収書・謎の出勤簿が落ちていました。出勤簿はネパールかどこかの外国人の名前がズラリで気持ち悪かったです 更に家賃最初の1ヶ月は不要という契約でしたが、未払いなので払ってくださいと電話もあり、他にも色々言いたいことはありますが最悪でした。
A comment with a good evaluation is too dangerous to think that it is Yarase. Others have said that cleaning before moving in has not been done. The hair of the previous resident is clogged in the bathroom and the shower water does not flow (I cleaned it here) On the back of the shoe box at the entrance, there was a receipt for the previous resident's electricity or something, and a mysterious attendance record. The attendance record was unpleasant because the names of foreigners in Nepal or somewhere were sloppy. In addition, the contract was that the first month of rent was unnecessary, but there was a phone call asking me to pay because I hadn't paid, and I have a lot to say, but it was the worst.

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