Honke Karitoro - Hiroshima

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Honke Karitoro

住所 :

さくらビル 1F 4-13 Yagenbori, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88899
Postal code : 730-0027
Webサイト : https://mobile.twitter.com/karitoro_yagen

さくらビル 1F 4-13 Yagenbori, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0027, Japan
暗黒さん on Google

A restaurant where you can eat hot and crispy outside and authentic takoyaki inside. Eat-in is also possible with a one-drink system.
keisuke nagoshi on Google

広島の歓楽街、薬研堀にあります。 味は大阪、関西エリアのダシの味がするたこ焼きでした。 カリトロってより、カリドロ。 焼きすぎて焦げて固くなっている。 まぁ、それでも、広島でダシの効いたたこ焼きはあまり無いので許容範囲。 ここからは厳しめに。 しかし、高い。 味の割には値段がね。って話になるかな? 夜の街の価格設定なのだろうが、高い‼ チェーン店らしく、大阪の店舗の値段を見てビックリした。 倍とまでは言わないが、大阪の店舗は500円以下だった。 場所代か? あと、新店舗なので仕方ないが、オペレーションがいまいち。 中の店員がちんたらしていたので、混雑したら困るだろうな。 味はそこそこいいので、また食べたいが、たこ焼きにしては高いので、関西エリアのたこ焼きの様に気軽に買えるたこ焼きではないと思った。 20181020追記 いつも買うたこ焼き屋が出店していなかったので、久しぶりにこちらを。 カリってより焦げになってないか? ちょっと前より、味が濃くなった気がする。 また、持ち帰りの容器が熱で変形しているので、容器の扱いを考え直す事も必要だ。 また、大人の事情とは言え、8個650円は高い。 祭などの出店でも500円。 夜の商売とは言え、価格と味、サービスのバランスに疑問を持つ。
It is located in Yakukenbori, an entertainment district in Hiroshima. The taste was takoyaki with the taste of dashi in the Osaka and Kansai areas. It's more like Calidoro than Calitro. It is overcooked and burnt and hardened. Well, even so, there aren't many takoyaki with dashi stock in Hiroshima, so it's acceptable. From here on, be strict. But expensive. The price is good for the taste. I wonder if it will be a story It may be the price of the city at night, but it is expensive! Like a chain store, I was surprised to see the price of the store in Osaka. The store in Osaka was less than 500 yen, if not double. Is it a place fee? Also, since it's a new store, it can't be helped, but the operation is not good enough. The clerk inside was messy, so it would be a problem if it was crowded. The taste is so good that I want to eat it again, but it's expensive for takoyaki, so I thought it wasn't as easy to buy as takoyaki in the Kansai area. 20181020 postscript The takoyaki shop I always buy wasn't open, so this is the first time in a while. Isn't potash more charred? I feel that the taste is stronger than it was a while ago. Also, since the take-out container is deformed by heat, it is necessary to reconsider how to handle the container. Also, although it is an adult situation, 650 yen for 8 pieces is expensive. 500 yen even at festivals and other stores. Even though it is a night business, I have doubts about the balance between price, taste, and service.
神女神 on Google

it's one of my favourite stores. Not only takoyaki but also side menus such as potatoes are delicious. I will go again.
こはこは on Google

焼き加減が絶妙で、何度食べても飽きない味?‍♀️ 味の好みは色々あるかもしれないけれど、ここは味付けたくさんあるから、こってりしたのが苦手な自分でもたくさん食べれます!! お店の雰囲気もアットホームな感じで、店員さんもとても丁寧な対応をして下さるのでとても居心地の良いところです!! 誰にでもオススメできるお店だから助かってます 笑 めっちゃリピーターしてます!!笑
The miso is exquisite, so you don't get tired of eating it many times There may be a variety of taste preferences, but since there is a lot of seasoning here, you can eat a lot even if you are not good at staying! ! The atmosphere of the store is also at home, and the clerks are also very polite to handle, so it's a very cozy place! ! It is saved because it is a shop that can be recommended to anyone I'm really returning! ! Lol
おかか on Google

前々から気になっていたので、深夜に初めて行ってみました! 繁華街にあるので、他のお店はそこそこ人がいる中、ここは終始自分一人でした。 入ったときは人が少ないから提供が早くなりそうでラッキーだと思いながら着席しましたが、このお店はワンドリンク制らしく、最低でもソフトドリンクに300円かかってしまうみたいです。 繁華街なのでしょうがないところもあるとは思いますが、8個入り650円の時点でそこまで安くないのに、さらに店内で食べようとしたら、最低でも950円はかかります。 居酒屋でしたら全く気にしませんが、たこ焼きを食べるためだけに来ているのに、これは非常にコスパが悪いと感じざるを得ません。 この時点でハズレを引いてしまったとは思ったのですが、とりあえずは注文して待つことにしました。 ところが、店内は自分一人にも関わらずかなり待たされることになりました。タイミングが悪かったのかもしれませんが、店員さんの手際も決していいとは思えませんでした。 そのあとテイクアウトのお客さんが来たのですが、先に自分が注文しているにも関わらず、テイクアウトのお客さんに先に提供していました。 そういったマニュアルなのでしょうか。少なくとも店内で待たされ続けている自分としてはいい気持ちにはなりません。 やっと出てきたたこ焼きは、決して美味しくないわけではないですが、店名にもなっているカリトロの、カリの要素が全くなく、終始ドロっとした感じのたこ焼きでした。 味や食感に関しては好みではありますが、店名の通りのカリトロを期待して訪れた人は、これにはがっかりしてしまうのではないでしょうか。店員さんには頑張ってほしいところです。 全体的に不満ばかりという感じで、自分はもう二度と利用しないと思いますし、周りにもオススメしようとは思いません。 後日セブンイレブンの6個入り246円の冷凍たこ焼きを食べてみましたが、こちらの方がカリッとしておりコスパも良く美味しく感じました。 たこ焼きが食べたいときは、ここよりも近所のセブンイレブンで買うことをオススメします!
I've been interested in it for a long time, so I went there for the first time at midnight! Since it is in a downtown area, I was alone here from beginning to end, while there were so many people in other shops. When I entered, I was lucky because there weren't many people, so I thought I was lucky, but this shop seems to be a one-drink system, and it seems that it costs at least 300 yen for soft drinks. I don't think it's a downtown area, but it's not that cheap at 650 yen for 8 pieces, but if you try to eat it in the store, it costs at least 950 yen. I don't really care if it's an izakaya, but I have to feel that this is very bad for cospa, even though I'm here just to eat takoyaki. At this point, I thought I had lost, but for the time being, I decided to order and wait. However, even though I was alone in the store, I had to wait a long time. The timing may have been wrong, but I didn't think the clerk's skill was good either. After that, a take-out customer came, and even though I had ordered it first, I offered it to the take-out customer first. Is it such a manual? At least it doesn't feel good for me to keep waiting in the store. The takoyaki that finally came out wasn't that delicious, but it was a takoyaki that had no potash elements and had a muddy feeling from beginning to end. I like the taste and texture, but I think people who come in anticipation of Karitoro, as the name suggests, will be disappointed. I would like the clerk to do his best. I'm totally dissatisfied with it, so I don't think I'll ever use it again, and I'm not going to recommend it to anyone around me. Later, I tried 7-Eleven's 6-piece frozen takoyaki for 246 yen, but this one was crispy and the cospa was delicious. If you want to eat takoyaki, we recommend buying it at a nearby 7-Eleven store rather than here!
園山宏 on Google

テイクアウトの出来上がり時間を守らない! 自分が20分時間をくれって言ったくせに俺が間違えた言い方 やめてしまえ!! 夜寒い中たこ焼きに40分も待てるか! 値段も高い 立地条件と営業時間で救われてるだけ やめてしまえ!! 来店した時間は23:10 20分お待ち下さいと言われ、出来上がり時間は23:35と伝えられこの時点で計算がおかしい 23:35に店の前に戻り、問い合わせると23:45と言われる これがあなたの「時間はお伝えしました」なのか?こっちが悪い?もし23:45まで待っていたら?40分待たせられてはいないが、35分待つのは馬鹿馬鹿しいと思って帰った 悪いとしたら待たずに帰った事だろうが、代金は払ってあるのでたこ焼きを待たなかったのはこっちの判断 事実を書いてその返事がその答えならますます残念なお店です
Don't keep the take-out time! I made a mistake even though I told him to give me 20 minutes Stop it! !! Can you wait 40 minutes for takoyaki in the cold at night? The price is also high Only saved by location and business hours Stop it! !! I came to the store at 23:10 I was told to wait 20 minutes, and it was told that the completion time was 23:35, and the calculation was strange at this point. I returned to the store at 23:35, and when I inquired, it was said to be 23:45. Is this your "time has been told"? Is this bad? What if you waited until 23:45? I wasn't forced to wait 40 minutes, but I thought it was ridiculous to wait 35 minutes and went home. If it was bad, I would have returned without waiting, but I decided that I didn't wait for takoyaki because I paid for it. If you write the facts and the answer is the answer, it's a shameful shop.
Hoàng Tùng Phạm on Google

didi food 配達アプリでご注文が3回も入っても着いてからお店が休みで誰もいません。 本当に冬の深夜の配達のは大変でしょう? 嫌がらせであれをやってあのオーナーが何か考えているんかな? 次回に離れてさせていただきます 評価が最低です!
Even if the order was placed 3 times with the didi food delivery app, the shop is closed and nobody is there. Is it really hard to deliver at midnight in winter? Is that owner thinking about doing that harassment? I will leave next time The evaluation is the lowest!
いわちゃん。 on Google

I asked for takoyaki with cheese topping, but the takoyaki and cheese didn't match very well. The inside of takoyaki is too soft. There are likely to be many improvements in taste. The atmosphere of the shop was nice and relaxing. You can use PayPay.

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