バンバン 本店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact バンバン 本店

住所 :

Honcho, Otawara, 〒324-0041 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : https://yakiniku-banban.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Tochigi

Honcho, Otawara, 〒324-0041 Tochigi,Japan
papa ken on Google

I went for lunch. The domestic beef meat was delicious. The inside of the store is clean and relaxing.
29誉 on Google

一番高い盛り合わせ頼んだら飾りも、野菜ものってない大皿に肉だけ適当にのった色の悪いものが来て、2人で食べたんだけど、次の日から2人とも気持ち悪くて腹痛くなったりしてあたりました。 2度と行かないよね(笑)
When I asked for the highest platter, the decoration came in a large plate with no vegetables, and only the meat came in with the wrong color, and it was eaten by two people, but two people both felt bad and angry from the next day I did it. I will not go again (laughs)
手塚宗樹 on Google

Special Calvi! It was lunch time of egg soup, salad, it was delicious, it was delicious
かなぶん on Google

Is delicious. This is a useless thing but there is a change in the flesh quality depending on the day, but when rice is compacted is the best it is good. There is a feeling of cleanliness, but an ashtray .... The worst when I smell a cigarette from my neighbor, I would like you to quit smartly. (It is personal opinion.)
よんでますよアザゼルさん on Google

初めての訪問でしたが。 値段も味もとても満足度が良かったです! また行きたいと思います!
It was my first visit. The price and taste were very satisfying! I think I want to go again!
森一生 on Google

店員さんのサービスがとてもよかったです。 お肉も大満足?
The service of the clerk was very good. Meat is also very satisfied ?
佐藤心愛 on Google

めちゃくちゃ対応悪いし 提供遅すぎ。 店内の音楽は、かなり大きく 従業員が何度も聞き返すしまつ 一緒に来た人の声も聞づらく 二度と来ない!!!!!!
Insanely bad correspondence Offer too late. The music in the store is quite big Employees listen to it over and over again It's hard to hear the voices of people who came with me Never come again! !! !! !! !! !!
にゃーまろ on Google

お腹が減り、見かけたので入ってみました ランチなのにランチメニュー表は表に出ておらず、探しました、、 おしぼりはテーブルに直置き(え、、、) お冷やは麦茶 クッパランチ クッパ、、、かなり味が薄い!(え、、、) 焼肉大ランチ 、、、 大ランチの『大』とはなんぞや、、、、? それぞれワンドリンク付きます メロンソーダ頼みました 、、、かなり!炭酸が抜けてる!!!!! まずい 飲めない 開けて1~2日、冷蔵庫入れときましたってメロンソーダでした 残しました 二度と来ない 星1つもあげたくないが、 麦茶だったことと ランチはライス大盛り無料 でしたのでその星です
I was hungry and I saw it so I went in Although it was lunch, the lunch menu table was not on the table, so I searched for it ... Place the hand towel directly on the table (eh ...) Cold is barley tea Bowser lunch Bowser ... The taste is quite light! (Huh,,,) Yakiniku large lunch ,,, What is the "large" of a large lunch? Each comes with one drink I ordered melon soda ,,,rather! Carbonic acid is missing! !! !! !! !! Unpalatable Can't drink It was melon soda that I put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days after opening it. Left Never come again I don't want to give you a single star, That it was barley tea Free large serving of rice for lunch Because it was that star

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