Gyu-Kaku - Otawara

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gyu-Kaku

住所 :

1 Chome-2691-1 Honcho, Otawara, Tochigi 324-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 324-0041
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 4–11PM
Sunday 4–11PM
Monday 4–11PM
Tuesday 4–11PM
Wednesday 4–11PM
Thursday 4–11PM
Friday 4–11PM

1 Chome-2691-1 Honcho, Otawara, Tochigi 324-0041, Japan
ha ru on Google

ありえない。じじいの対応ほんと悪すぎ。こっちの話も聞かずに1人でずっと説明してるし、、、。 18時入店して、5分に注文、最初の提供料理来たのが30分。え?遅すぎない?遅すぎて帰ろうかと思いました。他にお客は2組だけ。ラストオーダー19時25分で、料理提供遅すぎて食べた気がしない。 たまたまバックヤードが見える席に座ってましたが、コーラはグラスに注がれたまま冷蔵庫に入っていたようで、ストローは素手でさしてるし、飲む気失せました。このご時世、素手は考えられません。手袋するなり考えて欲しいです。 新人教育もいいですが、じじいの接客対応こそ教育が大事なのではないでしょうか。そして、新人の後ろをついて回ってるのはお客からしたら良い気はしません。教えてるつもりでしょうが、見てて不愉快です。お客さんに聞こえるような声で指導したり、信じられません。 料理は美味しいかもしれませんが、バターついてこなかったり、定員呼んでも5分経っても来てくれないし、どういうことでしょう…??怒りしか湧いてきませんでした。 もう、大田原店は2度と行かないと決めました。
Impossible. The old man's response is too bad. I've been explaining it all alone without listening to this story... I entered the restaurant at 18:00, ordered in 5 minutes, and the first served food came in 30 minutes. e? Isn't it too late? I thought it was too late to go home. There are only two other customers. The last order was at 19:25, and I didn't feel like eating it because the food was served too late. I happened to be sitting in the backyard, but Coke seemed to be in the refrigerator with the glass poured into it, and the straw was pointing with my bare hands, so I was disappointed. In this age, bare hands are unthinkable. I want you to think about gloves. New employee education is also good, but I think education is important for dealing with old customers. And, it doesn't feel good for the customer to follow the newcomer. I think I'm telling you, but it's unpleasant to see. I cannot instruct or believe in the voices that customers hear. The food may be delicious, but it doesn't come with butter, or it doesn't come even after 5 minutes have passed even after calling for a capacity, what's that? ? I was only angry. I have decided that I will never go to the Otawara store again.
モチモチ on Google

I was worried because it was unpopular, but I made a reservation and entered the restaurant smoothly, and since it was reserved for a while, the all-you-can-eat early discount was offered smoothly. Maybe it's an impatient clerk who doesn't wait because he's trying to change if he wants to pay a small amount of money.
あお on Google

平日早割でお得に食べ放題をしました。お手頃価格なので肉の種類や質はこんなもんかなと思います。豚カルビやチキンが柔らかくて美味しかったです。提供は確かに早くはなかったです。皿の置き方にもう少し配慮(赤ちゃんの目の前に熱いスープを置かないなど)が欲しかったです 。
We had an all-you-can-eat meal at an early discount on weekdays. It's reasonably priced, so I think the type and quality of meat is like this. The pork ribs and chicken were tender and delicious. The offer was certainly not early. I wanted a little more consideration for how to put the dishes (such as not putting hot soup in front of the baby) ..
ひでき on Google

The clerk's customer service is normal, it took too long to bring it after ordering, so I didn't feel like eating it. I went there for the first time in a few years, but the quality of the meat is better than before. I felt that it had fallen considerably. It used to be delicious. However, the cold noodles were delicious ?
後藤伸哉 on Google

色々注文するので仕方ないと思いますが、やはり書き込みの通り米が最初に提供される。 スープが届くがレンゲの向きが逆。 ユッケが到着するも持ってきた時点で卵黄が割れていてダダ漏れ。 タブレットの充電が無く注文できず。 頼んだドリンクは来ない。 極め付けはお子様カレーのご飯がメニューでは星形になっているが実物は普通にご飯が盛り付けられていて、子供が星が良かったと言って悲しんでました。 更にお子様カレーのウインナーは焼いて食べるように書いてありましたが、ハッシュドポテトは冷凍のままプレートにのっていて、知らずに食べると湯気かと思いきや冷気が出ていておったまげ。 会計時に充電が無く、届かなかったドリンクをキャンセルして欲しい事を伝えるもお会計に時間がかかった事を次のお会計を待ってるお客様に謝っていました。 なんだか私が悪いような気分で帰宅しました。 大手チェーン店でここまで教育とオペレーションのなっていない店舗は初めてでびっくりです。
I think it can't be helped because I order various things, but as I wrote, rice is offered first. The soup arrives, but the direction of the astragalus is opposite. Even though Yukhoe arrived, the yolk was cracked and leaked when I brought it. I couldn't order because the tablet wasn't charged. The drink I ordered doesn't come. At the very end, the rice in the children's curry is star-shaped on the menu, but the actual rice is served normally, and the child was sad to say that the stars were good. Furthermore, it was written that the wiener of the children's curry should be baked and eaten, but the hashed potatoes were on the plate in the frozen state, and when I ate it without knowing it, I thought it was steamy and cold. I told the customer that there was no charge at the time of checkout and wanted to cancel the drink that did not arrive, but I apologized to the customer waiting for the next checkout that it took time to check out. I came home feeling bad for some reason. It's the first time I've been surprised at a major chain store that hasn't been educated and operated so far.
Toshiyuki Sakura on Google

I ordered all-you-can-eat and the meat was delicious, but ... the serving time was really late! Even if I ordered in advance before I finished eating, no items came. No drinks come. The last order time is coming even though we don't have all of them. Still does not come. Even if the closing time has passed, they are not ready. After all, other customers were out of stock.
ろー on Google

めちゃくちゃ提供までが遅いです。 食べ放題には向いてません。 品切れの早さが異常でした
It's really slow to serve. Not suitable for all-you-can-eat. The speed of out of stock was abnormal
とむもと on Google

単品注文なのになんで客である俺がiPadで7桁くらいの商品コードを打たなきゃいけないのか。しかもそのiPadは液晶がズレていて文字が定期的に二重にブレていた。 端末導入するなら他のチェーンみたいにもっと見やすくしてほしい。端末には値段も載ってないし電卓みたいな画面のみ。会計時にはそのiPadをレジまで持っていく面倒臭さ。二度と行かない、はんがんかきんぐ行く。誓います。
Why do I have to type a 7-digit product code on my iPad because it's a single item order? Moreover, the LCD of the iPad was misaligned and the characters were regularly double-blurred. If you introduce a terminal, I want you to make it easier to see like other chains. There is no price on the terminal, only a screen like a calculator. It's a hassle to bring the iPad to the checkout at the time of checkout. I won't go again, I'll go hard. To swear.

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