ゴ~ルデンミート 東久留米店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ゴ~ルデンミート 東久留米店

住所 :

Honcho, Higashikurume, 〒203-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://ge3s801.gorp.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Honcho, Higashikurume, 〒203-0053 Tokyo,Japan
479 Incognito on Google

ずっと気になっておりました。今日はお弁当で、評判の唐揚げにしようか迷った挙句息子の意見でステーキ丼をいただきました。 店内で待たせていただきましたが清潔感のあるお店で、今度は店内でキッチンの男性スタッフさんもホールの女性スタッフさんも気持ちの良い接客でした。 是非、今度は店内で飲食しに来ます!
I've always been interested. Today I had a lunch box and had a steak bowl in the opinion of my son who was wondering whether to make it a popular fried chicken. I had to wait in the store, but it was a clean shop, and this time the male staff in the kitchen and the female staff in the hall were pleasantly serving customers. By all means, come to eat and drink in the store this time!
中山誠 on Google

西武池袋線東久留米駅西口から市役所方面へ約160m、最初の信号を渡って直ぐ1階の肉専門料理屋さん。22時20分頃来店、先客2、後客1、いつもは混んでます。入口近くに2人掛け丸型テーブル2卓、カウンターと奥にテーブル席、喫煙可、女性スタッフ2名。自家製・黄色工房のローストビーフ(690円)と生中(450円)(税抜)注文。柔らかな肉質と旨味を感じるローストビーフ、自家製ソースが肉を引立てます。旨い!ビールが進みます。ベーコンときのこのアヒージョ バケット付き(590円)と生中追加。濃厚なオイルスープにバケットを浸してアヒージョを堪能。カリッとしたベーコン、歯ごたえの有るきのこ、満足の逸品です。次回は看板メニューのステーキ、スペアリブを。ごちそうさまでした。 約2ヶ月ぶり22時10分頃来店、先客4、後客0、カウンター席へ。看板メニューの黄金スペアリブ(690円)、やみつきムゲンピーマン(290円)、生中(450円)(税抜)注文。歯応えの有るピーマンとささみ、白胡麻が絶妙。旨い!病みつき無限に納得、生中追加。熱々ジューシーのスペアリブ、肉の旨味を堪能。ボリュームは少ない印象、3人前位いけそうです。肉を楽しむには良いお店、ごちそうさまでした。 約3ヶ月ぶり22時25分頃来店、先客5、後客2、いつものカウンター席へ。とまとのガーリックチーズ鉄板焼き(590円)と生中(450円)(税抜)注文。熱々チーズとガーリックの効いたトマト焼き、酸味とスパイシー、チーズのまろやかさが程好い感じの味わいです。ゴールデンからあげ(490円)、国産牛ステーキ(70g 790円)追加。熱々柔らかジューシーのからあげ、味わい良くビールに合います。生中追加。ステーキも熱々ジューシー、ミディアムレアで歯応え良く特製ソースが旨い!凄く柔らかで肉の旨味を堪能。70gだと少し食べ足りないかな。まだまだ魅力的メニューが有るので次回に。ごちそうさまでした。
About 160 meters from the west exit of Higashi-Kurume Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line to the city hall, a specialty meat restaurant on the first floor immediately after the first traffic light. Around 22:20, the customer, the second customer, the first customer, are always busy. Two round table for two near the entrance, table seats at the counter and back, smoking allowed, two female staff. Homemade and yellow roast beef (690 yen) and raw (450 yen) (excluding tax). Roast beef with soft meat quality and umami, homemade sauce enhances the meat. delicious! Beer advances. Add bacon and this Ahijo bucket (590 yen) and add raw. Soak the bucket in a rich oil soup and enjoy the Ahijo. Crispy bacon, chewy mushrooms, a gem of satisfaction. Next time, steak and spare ribs on the signboard menu. Thank you for the meal. At around 22:10 for the first time in about two months, the customer arrives at 4, the customer 0, and the counter seat. Golden spare rib (690 yen), addictive mugen pepper (290 yen), raw (450 yen) (excl. Tax) on the signboard menu. Crunchy peppers, scissors and white sesame are exquisite. delicious! Addictive infinitely convinced, added during life. Enjoy the hot juicy spare ribs and meat flavor. Impression is small, it seems to be about 3 people. Good restaurant to enjoy meat, feast. At around 22:25 for the first time in about 3 months, we arrived at the first five customers, the second customer, and the usual counter seats. Tomato garlic cheese teppanyaki (590 yen) and raw (450 yen) (excluding tax) order. The tomato grilled with hot cheese and garlic, the sourness and spicy taste, and the mellowness of the cheese are just right. Added golden karaage (490 yen) and domestic beef steak (70g 790 yen). It is hot and juicy, and goes well with beer. Added during life. The steak is also hot and juicy, medium rare and crunchy with a special sauce! Enjoy the softness of the meat and the taste of the meat. I wonder if 70g is not enough to eat. Next time because there are still attractive menus. Thank you for the meal.
Ta K on Google

コスパよし 空間よし 接客よし! ですが、よりびっくりしたのが、かなり上質な山形牛が3000円以内で二品セットになっているメニューがあって、こちらが圧巻の旨さでした ワサビ 塩 ソース とありましたが、やっぱり良い肉はワサビ塩が旨い!と、改めて知らされた一品でした もちろん味変で食べるソースもまた、美味でした 赤ワインとの相性は言うまでもなく抜群でした これだけの肉がこの値段 良い驚きでした ランチセットも、セットもついてボリューミーで、ステーキ ローストビーフ 唐揚げなどが選べて、美味しかったです 値段以上の美味しさに出会えます また、接客も、非常に心地の良い接客をして頂けました ソファー席もあり、お子さん連れでも、安心です
Good cospa, good space, good customer service! However, what surprised me more was that there was a menu that included a set of two dishes of fairly high-quality Yamagata beef for less than 3,000 yen, and this was a masterpiece of wasabi salt sauce, but after all it was good meat. Wasabi salt is delicious! It was a dish that was informed again Of course, the sauce that was eaten with a strange taste was also delicious. Not to mention the compatibility with red wine, this amount of meat was a good surprise at this price. The lunch set was also voluminous, and you could choose steak, roast beef, fried chicken, etc., which was delicious. You can meet the deliciousness that is more than the price Also, the customer service was very comfortable. There is also a sofa seat, so it is safe even with children
Yu K on Google

どちらも美味しかったです。 店内はテーブルが5、6席程と、カウンターが少しある位で、ちょっと狭いです。店員のフレンドリーなおばさんが楽しくて、また行きたいと思いました。
They were both delicious. The inside of the store is a little small with 5 or 6 seats at the table and a little counter. The friendly aunt of the clerk was fun and I wanted to go again.
Minami on Google

I had a roast beef bowl for lunch. I am satisfied with the soft and delicious roast beef! The garlic sauce is also appetizing. In addition, new incense and soup are included. I think that 690 yen is very profitable with this. It's a repeat decision!
KEWロケット on Google

趣味仲間が経営する東京都東久留米市の駅前に鎮座するゴールデンミート(金肉)さん(^^) 贔屓目無しに美味しくて、年1〜2回は打上げ等で利用しています! 富山にもあれば頻繁に行きたいと思うほど! お酒もビール、ハイボールに限らずワインやシャンパンと肉料理にも合います???
Golden Meat (gold meat) sitting in front of the station in Higashikurume, Tokyo, run by a hobbyist (^^) It's delicious without any favors, and I use it once or twice a year for launches, etc.! If you are in Toyama, you will want to go there often! Not only alcohol, beer and highball, but also wine, champagne and meat dishes ???
ville valkonen on Google

I recommend to visit this place for lunch. Oishii!
Adam Harwell on Google

I really like this place, but it seems like it is never very busy. I wonder if it is too expensive for local people to want very often? I really like their seasonal drinks, and their meat plates and especially their Korean style cheesy chicken is very good.

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