HOMME HAIR - Chiyoda City

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

倉田ビル 3F 1 Chome-1 Kanda Jinbocho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Postal code : 101-0051
Webサイト : https://beauty.hotpepper.jp/slnH000324383/

倉田ビル 3F 1 Chome-1 Kanda Jinbocho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan
KURIHARA Shuji on Google

先日、平日の夕方、仕事帰りに予約してカットをお願いしました。 こじんまりとした店内ですが、駿河台下交差点を臨む開放感があって心地よい空間です。 若いスタッフの皆さんも感じが良く、明るい雰囲気です。 (私がまさにそうでしたが、)最近髪型がマンネリ化してなんか決まらない・ダサい、とお悩みの方にオススメのお店です。自分がなりたい髪型を実現してくれます。 私は写真や画像などでお伝えするようにしています(イメージしやすいだろうと勝手に忖度してます。笑)。 またおじゃまします。
The other day, on weekday evenings, I made a reservation on my way home from work and asked for a cut. Although it is a small shop, it is a comfortable space with a feeling of openness overlooking the Surugadaishita intersection. The young staff also feel good and have a bright atmosphere. (I was exactly like that) This shop is recommended for those who are worried that their hairstyle has become a rut recently and it is undecided. It will give you the hairstyle you want to be. I try to convey it with photos and images (I think it's easy to imagine, lol). I will bother you again.
Shigetaka TAKEMOTO on Google

男性専用の美容室なので、私の様なおじさんが気を使わずに美容師さんにスタイルや日々のセットの相談が出来ます。私の意見を聞きながら、年齢に見合った提案もしてくれて、仕上がりも大満足でした。 ベッドスパが好きで、やって貰いましたが、冬ということもあり、スーッとする揮発性の高いもので大丈夫か?と事前に確認もしてくれて、細やかな配慮にさすがと思いました。 スタイリストさんを指名すると少し高くなりますが、主治医がいるような安心感を得られるので、個人的には価値を感じています。
Since it is a men-only beauty salon, an uncle like me can consult with a beautician about styles and daily sets without worrying about it. While listening to my opinion, he made suggestions suitable for my age, and I was very satisfied with the finish. I like bed spas, so I asked them to do it, but since it's winter, is it okay to use something that is soothing and highly volatile? He also confirmed in advance, and I thought that it was a delicate consideration. Appointing a stylist will be a little expensive, but I personally find it valuable because it gives me the peace of mind of having an attending physician.
花筏 on Google

この店の前を通る度に、言いようのない不快感、嗚咽感が止まらない。数年前の話だが、この店を訪れて会員カード作ってもらった。そして、2度目の来店。特に予約必須と書かれて無かったので、飛び込みで入ったら受付してくれた。そのまま待っていたら、店長らしき若造に「予約してくれないと困ります!」と凄い剣幕で怒鳴られた。こっちは予約しなければいけないというルールを聞いて無かったし、無理なら受付で断ればいいものの、客に対してこの態度って何?怒りで震え止まらず。 険悪なムードのまま下っ端のスタイリストにカットしてもらった。退店時、エレベーター内で会員カードは破り捨てた。 「2度と行くか!」レベルではない、このビルの前を通るだけで怒りと嫌悪感に襲われる。 この系列の店舗に行くことは勿論ない。
Every time I pass in front of this shop, I can't stop feeling uncomfortable and sobbing. A few years ago, I visited this store and asked them to make a membership card. And the second visit. It wasn't written that a reservation was required, so when I jumped in, he accepted me. When I was waiting as it was, I was yelled at by a young man who seemed to be the store manager, "I'm in trouble if I don't make a reservation!" I didn't hear the rule that I had to make a reservation, and if I couldn't, I could decline at the reception, but what is this attitude towards customers? I can't stop trembling with anger. I had the stylist at the bottom cut it in a terrible mood. When I left the store, I tore the membership card in the elevator. You will be angry and disgusted just by passing in front of this building, which is not at the "Will you go again!" Level. Of course, I don't go to this series of stores.
荒木隆志 on Google

系列店含め10年以上利用させていただいています。 もともと床屋ばかりで美容室には縁遠かったのですが男性専用というところで、変に気を使わず安心して入ることができたのが最初です笑 店員の方も親切で、いろいろと髪などのケアについても教えていただけて、参考になりました。 カットについても勿論、安心感あります。 また利用させていただきます!
We have been using it for over 10 years including affiliated stores. Originally there were only barbers and I was far from the beauty salon, but since it was for men only, it was the first time I was able to enter with confidence without worrying about strange things lol The clerk was also kind and taught me various things about hair care, which was helpful. Of course, there is a sense of security when it comes to cutting. I will be using this again!
クロムウェルオリバー on Google

We ask for haircuts and eyebrow cuts every time. As expected, he is a professional and the finish is very surprising. it's recommended.
Kazuki M on Google

はじめての来店でしたが、どんな髪型が良さそうか?丁寧に話し合ってくれました! 次回の来店が楽しみです!
This was your first visit to the store, but what kind of hairstyle would you like? They talked carefully! I'm looking forward to the next visit!
Feuz Stefan on Google

just got my haircut here. very fast, friendly and a great cut! strong recommendation
Alex K on Google

Had been getting my hair done at this place since 2008. Excellent service, adequate prices. Can't recommend enough. December 2021 update: still great!

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