HOME VILLAGE(ホームヴィレッジ) - Itami

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact HOME VILLAGE(ホームヴィレッジ)

住所 :

Ikejiri, Itami, 〒664-0027 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 664-0027
Webサイト : http://home-village.com/
街 : Hyogo

Ikejiri, Itami, 〒664-0027 Hyogo,Japan
Bard Happy on Google

色味、デザイン共に興味が湧いたソファがあったので、家族がトイレに行く間、座り心地のテストを兼ねて少しの間座らせて貰いました。 丁度今あるソファがダメになってきましたので、家族が戻ってきたら、勧めてみようかと思っていたのですが、座って間もなくすると、男性の店員が私の近くにディスプレイの配置を直す素振りを見せながら、うろうろと監視するように目の前まで近づいて来て、私の近くを離れようとしませんでした。 すると、お待ちでソファに座っているのでしたら、イオンのほうに座って下さい!と言われました。 その時点で、えっ!?座り心地の確認もできないの?と疑問に感じましたが、まぁ声を掛けて座らなかったし、と思い何も言いませんでした。 敷居が高いお店だったのでしょうか…。そうではないですよね…。 仕事から帰ってきた後に外出し、疲れている事もあり、ビシッと決めた服装をしていくのが面倒で私がラフな服装をしていたので、購入してくれそうにないと感じたのかもしれませんが…。 近くにいた中年夫婦にその様子が見えていたようで、ソファと私の顔を見てヒソヒソと話をしていました。 とても決まりが悪かったです…。 以前から、おしゃれな雑貨も置いてあるので色々と購入させて頂いていたのですが、この事で今までより購買意欲が落ちてしまいました…。 女性の店員さんの接客が親切丁寧なだけに残念です。 もしこの口コミを見られる事がありましたら、ぜひ改善なされて下さい。
There was a sofa that was of interest to both color and design, so while the family went to the bathroom, I sat down for a while to test their comfort. The sofa which is right now has become useless, so I was thinking of trying to recommend it when my family comes back, but when I sit down, a male clerk will tell him to reposition the display near me As I watched, I was approaching to the front as I watched limply and did not try to leave me near. Then, when I was sitting on the sofa with a wait, I was told to sit on Aeon! At that time, I felt that I could not confirm my comfort, but I asked, I didn't sit and asked, I didn't say anything. Was it a shop with a high threshold .... That's not right .... I went out after I came back from work, and sometimes I was tired, and it was troublesome for me to wear the clothes I decided and I felt I wasn't ready to buy it because I was wearing rough clothes. It may be .... The middle-aged couple who was nearby seemed to be seeing the situation, and I was talking with my son looking at the sofa and my face. The rules were very bad .... I have been buying various items since I have put up fashionable items from before, but this has made me less interested in purchasing .... It is a pity that only female clerks are kind and polite. If you can see this review, be sure to improve it.
Bradley King (エディー) on Google

品揃えは豊富ですし、オシャレで良いと思います。 ただ今回は新築のお祝い品なので包装と熨斗をお願いしましたところ、出来るスタッフがいないのか20分ほど待たされた挙句に、出来上がったのは折り目ユルユルの包装で、紙袋もないということ。それなら先に言うて欲しかったです。 自分用ならありですが、贈り物は買えないですね。ラッピングの練習してください。
The product lineup is abundant and I think it's fashionable. However, since this time it was a newly-built celebration, I asked for packaging and a funnel, and after waiting for about 20 minutes whether there was no staff who could do it, the result was that it was wrapped in a crease Yuruyuru and no paper bag. Then I wanted you to say first. You can use it for yourself, but you can't buy a gift. Please practice wrapping.
Kei actor on Google

机を買おうとレジにならんだ。店員が5人いたが、忙しいのか何をしてるのかわからないが、いらっしゃいませや、少々お待ちくださいとか一切ないまま、5分くらい待たされた。目の前にいるのに 忙しいのは仕方ないが一言あってもいいんじゃないか。最悪。どんなサービスを会社はしたいのか。
I went to the cash register to buy a desk. There were 5 clerk, but I don't know if I'm busy or what I'm doing, but I had to wait for about 5 minutes without any welcome or waiting for a while. I'm in front of you I can't help being busy, but I think it's okay to have a word. worst. What kind of service does the company want?
Meg Kan on Google

初めて行ったのですが、 素敵だなと、思いたちよりました。 わたし好みの商品がたくさんあり、ネットで探してた商品も見つける事ができわくわくしてたのですが、 商品を手に取ろうとしたら、商品の上に埃がものすごく積もってて しばらく、置きっぱなしなんだろうな。 古い在庫なんだろうな。と思わせる商品 お店のひとは居ないのかな? と思ったら、だいぶたってから何処からか 【いらっしゃいませ】の声が聞こえてきましたが、姿がどこにも見えず。 聞きたいこともあったのですが、商品も古そうだし、買うべきではないか?と思い、店をでました。
I went there for the first time, I thought it was wonderful. I was thrilled to find many of my favorite products and the ones I was looking for online. When I tried to pick up the product, the dust was extremely piled up on the product I guess it's been left for a while. I think it's old stock. Products that make you think Is there no one in the store? I wondered where it was from a long time I heard the voice of [Welcome], but I can't see him anywhere. There was something I wanted to ask, but the products seem to be old, so shouldn't I buy them? I left the store.
タウンマサラダ on Google

欲しいソファを見つけ、店員さんに声を掛けたが「コロナ禍で入荷未定」と言われた。全く入荷時期が分からないとの事。では、「入荷時期がわかり次第連絡ください」と言うと、「それも出来ない」と・・・。はぁ????じゃあ入荷したかどうか、逐一足を運んで確認しないとならんのか?? それなら最初から「入荷未定」と商品に書いて貼っておくなりすればいいのでは? こっちは、買うか買わないか散々悩んだ挙句、結論を出したのに。 全くの時間の無駄。不親切過ぎる!!
I found the sofa I wanted and called out to the clerk, but he said, "The arrival is undecided due to the corona." I don't know when it will arrive at all. Then, when I said, "Please contact me as soon as I know the arrival time," he said, "I can't do that either." Huh? ?? ?? ?? Then, do I have to go and check if it has arrived? ?? In that case, why not write and paste "arrival undecided" on the product from the beginning? I was worried about whether to buy or not, and I came to the conclusion. A complete waste of time. Too unfriendly! !!
高井真弓 on Google

There are various accessories and furniture here, and even if you enter the store, the clerk does not get caught, so you can see it slowly. There are also many fashionable accessories. I think that the prices of sofas, beds, cupboards, dining tables, etc. are also affordable.
Luck Startree on Google

イオン内の店舗にしては、規模がデカイ! 国産の家具も置いてあり、値段が安くて良い。 有名メーカーと同レベルの物も紹介してもらい、ブランド名で値が張る商品と、そんなに品質が変わらなかった。
The scale is huge for a store in Aeon! Domestic furniture is also available, and the price is cheap. We asked them to introduce products of the same level as famous manufacturers, and the quality did not change so much from the products with high prices under the brand name.
すだち on Google

湯川家具系列なんですね。 湯川家具よりもリーズナブルでしょうか? 雑貨のチョイスが可愛く、ホームセンターよりはこちらで買った方が可愛いなという感じ。 ニトリでは飽きた、ありきたりだし。って方にオススメです。 SNSでよく見かけるヤカンやフライヤーの代わりになる調理器具や、人をダメにするクッションなど衝動買いしそうになりました~。 家具を見ていてもいい意味で話しかけられなかったからプレッシャーなくゆっくり見れました。 ニトリや無印良品、ホームセンターにない商品が置いてますので比較して購入できるこちらのお店にも頑張って欲しいです。
It's the Yukawa furniture series. Is it more reasonable than Yukawa furniture? The choice of miscellaneous goods is cute, and it feels like it's more cute to buy here than at a home improvement store. I'm tired of Nitori, it's commonplace. Recommended for those who like. I was about to buy cooking utensils instead of kettles and flyers that I often see on SNS, and cushions that ruin people. I could see the furniture slowly without any pressure because I couldn't talk to him in a good way. There are Nitori, MUJI, and products that are not available at home improvement stores, so I would like you to do your best at this store where you can compare and purchase.

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