料亭 香梅咲(かめざき)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 料亭 香梅咲(かめざき)

住所 :

Hiyoshicho, Sakata, 〒998-0037 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.sakata-kamezaki.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–9:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Hiyoshicho, Sakata, 〒998-0037 Yamagata,Japan
シャチ on Google

外観、中庭、接客、料理、、 全てが最高!!個々の食べる時間に合わせて運ばれる料理全て温度管理され どれもみな 最高の状態で頂けます。 さすが 老舗ですね。 大満足でした。 あえて 写真は載せません。自分の眼と眼で確かめて下さい。
Appearance, courtyard, customer service, cooking, Everything is great! ! All the dishes that are transported according to the individual eating time are temperature-controlled and all are in the best condition. As expected, it is a long-established store. It was a great satisfaction. Dare not put a photo. Please check with your own eyes and eyes.
斎藤ふみ江 on Google

銀行のバス?ツアーで行った酒田のホテルの晩ごはん会場です。 たまたま誕生月だったので、サプライズで?お祝いして戴きました。 (ツアーコンのお姉さんから) お肉も山形牛がとても柔らかく美味しかったですね。☺
It is the dinner venue of the hotel in Sakata that I went on the bank bus ? tour. It happened to be the month of birth, so I had a surprise ? celebration. (From Tourcon's older sister) As for the meat, Yamagata beef was very tender and delicious. ☺
齋藤緑 on Google

Thank you for your help. Thanks for a great time. After all, peeled soba and Benkei rice are delicious
N Jaguar on Google

Mr. Nakai was interesting and taught me various things about Yamagata.
Thor on Google

A long-established store in Sakata. A banquet sitting on tatami mats for the first time in a while. Unlike in the past, instead of focusing solely on fish, meat, fish, hot pots, etc. came out evenly. 〆 is Benkei rice.
阿部恵子 on Google

It is a calm and elegant long-established restaurant. Taste is certain It is a great shop to eat delicious fish of Sakata. Reservation required 値 段 Price can also be eaten up to oysters at around 4,000 yen for lunch
MA YA on Google

帰省し親と久しぶりにランチ 酒田でも老舗である香梅咲へ お店の雰囲気は抜群 お庭を見るだけでも 価値がある 郷土料理も堪能し 楽しい時間を過ごす事が出来ました
Sooncheol Kwon on Google

Basically it is Kaisei restaurant but they serve simple lunchbox and coffee/tea during lunchtime with reasonable price. It seems to require a reservation in advance but I was lucky to get a seat even without reservation. I had lunchbox with Japanese sake and it was simple food but quite tasty! And the whole restaurant experience was quite impressive with beautiful garden and hospitality. The staffs don't speak any foreign languages and you would need to speak some Japanese.

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