パティスリー ヨシザワ

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パティスリー ヨシザワ

住所 :

Hiu, Ojiya, 〒947-0003 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.facebook.com/patisserieyoshizawa/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Hiu, Ojiya, 〒947-0003 Niigata,Japan
Tatsuya on Google

I'm not good at sweets, but I ate three cakes ? It's really delicious no matter what I eat, but Montblanc was impressed ❗️ It's amazing that it's made by one person ... I'll definitely go again ✨
よう on Google

贈答用のクッキーと自分用に生チョコのケーキを購入。 ケーキはしっとり濃厚、でもしつこくない文句ない美味しさでした。 クッキーも美味しいと喜んでもらい、お店に行きたいと名前と場所を聞かれました。 また利用したいです。
I bought a gift cookie and a cake of raw chocolate for myself. The cake was moist and rich, but it was not persistent and had a delicious taste. They were pleased that the cookies were delicious and asked for their name and location to go to the store. I still want to use it.
らんラン on Google

まるごとメロン?去年食べれなかった ので今年こそは、と思い買えました? 激ウマ‼️食べてみるかちありです✨
Whole melon ? I couldn't eat last year So I thought this year was the time to buy it ? Super horse! ️There is a way to try it ✨
みみ on Google

It looks cute and tastes very good, so I have been buying it many times. Some are seasonal, and you can reserve them by calling ♩
おんまる on Google

ケーキも美味しいのですが、手土産に何度かフィナンシェやクッキーをボックスで用意してもらいました。 見た目の可愛いのとお菓子もおいしくまた利用させてもらいたいです。 可愛いお店も好きです。
The cakes are delicious, but I asked them to prepare financiers and cookies in boxes as souvenirs. I want to use the sweets that look cute and delicious again. I also like cute shops.
らぶきょん on Google

It's a small shop, but it has very beautiful cakes. All cakes are delicious and recommended. We also sell other baked goods.
R i on Google

1番好きなケーキ屋さんです。 今の時期はシャインマスカットのエクレアがとてもおいしいです。 お店の外観はその場だけ都会かと錯覚してしまうおしゃれな感じです。 ケーキはどれも独創的で見た目もキラキラしていて、ショーケースを見るだけで幸せな気分になれます。 夏はフローズンヨーグルトのドリンクも販売していてこれもおいしいです。 お店の方もとても感じの良い方でした。 お店の場所が少しわかりづらいのと駐車場が狭いのが難点ですが、そんなこと忘れるくらいとても良いお店です。
This is my favorite cake shop. Shine Muscat eclairs are very delicious this time of year. The appearance of the shop is fashionable, which makes you feel like you are in the city. All the cakes are original and glittering, and you can feel happy just by looking at the showcase. Frozen yogurt drinks are also on sale in the summer, which is also delicious. The shop was also very nice. The location of the shop is a little difficult to understand and the parking lot is small, but it is a very good shop to forget about that.
廣井瑞江 on Google

いつもカスタードパイを買いに行きますが、 ショーケースにないときは、その場で作ってくれます。 サクサクのパイと甘すぎないクリームがベストマッチです♥ 名前を忘れたけど、ショコラなんとか…というのも濃厚なチョコで美味しかった。 ケーキもいろいろあります。 季節により限定ケーキがあります。 まるごとシリーズがスゴいです?‼️
I always go to buy custard pie, If it is not in the showcase, it will be made on the spot. The best match is a crispy pie and not too sweet cream ♥ I forgot the name, but somehow chocolate ... it was delicious with rich chocolate. There are also various cakes. Limited cakes are available depending on the season. The whole series is amazing ?‼ ️

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