Hitachinokokorono Clinics - Ushiku

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hitachinokokorono Clinics

住所 :

HITACHINO BASE 2F 3 Chome-32-5 Hitachinonishi, Ushiku, Ibaraki 300-1206, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89877
Postal code : 300-1206
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday 10AM–1PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday 10AM–1PM
Friday 10AM–1PM

HITACHINO BASE 2F 3 Chome-32-5 Hitachinonishi, Ushiku, Ibaraki 300-1206, Japan
みけねこ on Google

Mr. Nagai is a teacher who will face the patient's concerns firmly. Listen to the story and give advice "I see." I think it is more compatible with others, but for me it is a very reliable teacher. Although there is a drawback that it takes a long time for one person to wait and often waits even if you go to the appointment time, but even if you subtract it, it is 5 stars.
aoisora san on Google

永井先生がつくばにいらっしゃった頃から、お世話になっております。十数年間、今の症状に悩まされており、 仕事をすることは疎か、自由に外出することも儘ならない状態でした。 いくつかの心療内科を代わる代わる受診しましたが、月日ばかりが流れ、良くなる傾向も一向になく、正直人生を諦めかけておりました。 そんな折、永井先生の存在を知り、藁にもすがる思いで受診をしました。 結果、十数年来悩まされていた症状も大分落ち着き、社会復帰もできる状態にまで立ち直ることができました。 先生には本当に感謝しております。 先生はいつでも悩みを真摯に受け止め、的確なアドバイスをくださります。 先生の言葉に勇気付けられ、今までどれほど力を頂いたかわかりません。 私は日記による療法も受けているのですが、日々生活していく中で躓いた時など、先生のアドバイスが書かれた日記を開き、それを読み直すことで励みにもしています。 また、スタッフの方々も大変親切で、いつでも笑顔で対応してくださります。 雰囲気が良く清潔感がある院内も、 落ち着いていて、とても好印象です。
I've been indebted since Nagai-sensei came to Tsukuba. I have been suffering from my symptoms for over a decade now. I didn't want to work, and I didn't hesitate to go out freely. I went to the clinic to replace several psychosomatic medicines, but only the month and day flowed, there was no tendency to improve, and I was giving up my honest life. At that time, I learned about the existence of Prof. Nagai and visited the clinic with the hope of being jealous. As a result, the symptoms I had been worried for over a decade have calmed down, and I was able to recover to a state where I can return to society. I really appreciate the teacher. The teacher will always take your troubles seriously and give you accurate advice. Encouraged by the teacher's words, I do not know how much I have gained so far. I also receive diary therapy, but when I come to my daily life, I am encouraged by opening a diary with my teacher's advice and rereading it. The staff are very friendly and will always be happy with you. In the hospital where the atmosphere is good and clean, I feel calm and have a very good impression.
名無しの健 on Google

I tried to apply for the first visit, but it seems that the reservation is full until March next year, five months later. I'm sorry.
はなはな on Google

先生はとても話しやすく、安心して話しのできる病院です。こんな時はどういう風に考えた方がいいとか、具体的に指導もしてくれて、薬も状態に応じて適切に変えてくださり、安定した日々を送ることが出来るようになりました。 病院も新しく綺麗で、広めにとってある待合室なので、ゆったり出来ます。 受付で、メインで患者対応していると思われるスタッフの感じがよくないのが残念です。他の受付スタッフは感じもやわらかくていいのですが、何故か電話や受付対応などを感じの良くないスタッフがしている事が多いです。初診予約で電話してあの感じだったら、私は別の病院にすると思います。
The teacher is very easy to talk to and can talk with peace of mind. He gave me specific guidance on how to think in such a case, and changed the medicine appropriately according to the condition, so that I could send a stable day. The hospital is also new and clean, and it is a waiting room for the spacious, so you can relax. It is a pity that the staff at the reception, who seems to be dealing with patients mainly, do not feel good. Other reception staff can feel soft, but for some reason the staff who do not have good feelings such as telephone and reception are often used. If you call me at the first appointment and you feel like that, I think I'll go to another hospital.
みゆちゃん on Google

永井先生には8年程前からお世話になっています。いつも親身に話を聞いて下さり、的確なアドバイスをして下さいます。お陰様で今では本当に鬱なの?と言われる程 体調も良くなってきています。 受付の方 看護師さんもとても感じが良く素晴らしい病院です。
Mr. Nagai has been indebted to me for about eight years. Please always listen to me and give me accurate advice. Are you really depressed now? I'm getting better and better. The receptionist is a wonderful hospital with a very nice nurse.
安田陽菜 on Google

I'm really grateful that there aren't many psychiatric and psychosomatic doctors who kindly deal with me. Some say it takes time, but it's the same everywhere. Shouldn't I make an appointment at 10 or 13 o'clock when the consultation starts if I don't want to be late? On the contrary, I don't think it's better to have a sloppy consultation at the earliest. It takes 2 to 3 hours only for the first time, so if it takes for the first time, it is better to do it when you have time to spare. The waiting room plays relaxation videos on a large TV. The downside is that you don't want patients to be called by name. Many patients have sensitive problems. I would like you to use a number tag system instead of calling it by name.
こめ on Google

前の病院からお世話になっています。たしかに、待ち時間は長いですが、皆さん、診察に時間がかかっているからだと思っています。(私もその1人ですが。) 昔通っていた病院は、ほとんど待たないけれど、診察は一瞬で終わっていたので、それを思えば、優しい先生と話せて良かった、助かったと思えるので、とても感謝しています。月曜しか休みがなくて、先生はそれ以外働いてるんだとびっくりしましたが、これからも治るまでお願いします。
I am indebted to you from the previous hospital. It's true that the waiting time is long, but I think it's because everyone is taking a long time to see the doctor. (I am one of them.) I didn't have to wait for the hospital I used to go to, but the examination was completed in an instant, so I'm very grateful that I was glad to be able to talk to a kind teacher and that I was saved. I was surprised that the teacher only had a day off on Mondays and was working other than that, but I hope he will continue to recover.
yoshi kick on Google

院長先生に昔お世話になっていましたが私は相性が合いませんでした。 人の話を聞かない、すぐキレる、説明がない。 医師以前に人として問題ある態度をとられていたと感じ診療が苦痛で仕方ありませんでした。 あきれて転院しましたが今は開業されたのですね。 おかげさまで転院先でしっかり診てもらい今は薬も飲んでいません。治療方針に不満を言ったら閉鎖病棟行きになるよ!と平然と話していましたね。 評判は悪くないようなので態度変えられたのでしょうか? 私のような不快な思いをされない方が増えないことを祈ります。
I used to be taken care of by the director, but I didn't get along. I don't listen to people, I'm sharp, I don't have an explanation. I felt that I had a problematic attitude as a person before the doctor, and the medical treatment was painful and unavoidable. I was disappointed and transferred to another hospital, but now it has opened. Thanks to you, I had a thorough examination at the transfer destination and I am not taking any medicine now. If you complain about the treatment policy, you will go to the closed ward! I was talking calmly. Did you change your attitude because it doesn't seem to have a bad reputation? I pray that the number of people who do not feel uncomfortable like me will not increase.

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