フルーツサンド 果じゅる ひたち野うしく店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フルーツサンド 果じゅる ひたち野うしく店

住所 :

Hitachinohigashi, Ushiku, 〒300-1207 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898878
Webサイト : https://culture-shock.co.jp/kajulu/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Ibaraki

Hitachinohigashi, Ushiku, 〒300-1207 Ibaraki,Japan
WAKE祥文 on Google

2021.3月末にオープンした『フルーツ・サンドイッチ(テイクアウト専門)』やさんです。4月の土日に来店しましたが、15~20人程の行列でした(驚)?。 果物屋さんがやっているみたいで、さすがに具材の果物は『期待以上の大きさで、甘くて、ジューシー』で旨かったです??✨。←キレイに食べるのが、ちょっと難しいです?。西友スーパーに隣接してますし、人が並んでると、並ばなきゃ精神で自然に人は集まりますよね~??。お値段は『キウイ 580円』『清見タンゴール 680円』『イチゴ 630円』と少しお高いですが、『サンドイッチというより、ホイップクリームたっぷりのケーキ』という感じなので満足できますよ?✋✨。すごく女子ウケしそうです?✨
This is "Fruit Sandwich (specializing in takeout)" opened at the end of 2021.3. I came to the store on Saturday and Sunday in April, but there was a line of about 15 to 20 people (surprise) ?. It seems that a fruit shop is doing it, and the fruit of the ingredients was delicious with "larger than expected, sweet and juicy" ??✨. ← It's a little difficult to eat cleanly ?. It's adjacent to Seiyu Supermarket, and if people line up, people will naturally gather in the spirit if they don't line up ~ ??. The price is a little high at "Kiwi 580 yen", "Kiyomi Tangor 680 yen" and "Strawberry 630 yen", but it's more like a cake with plenty of whipped cream than a sandwich, so you'll be satisfied ?✋✨. It looks like a girl is really excited ?✨
えねこちゃん on Google

2ヶ月前に一度だけ行きました。 クリームも分離気味で美味しくない パンもモソモソしてて美味しくない やたらめったらクリームもりもりでただのパット見だけのフルーツサンドでした。しかも食べづらい。コンセプトがそもそも違うから比べてはいけないのですが、都内のホテルのアフタヌーンティーに出てくるここより二〜三周り小さいフルーツサンドのほうがよっぽど上品に纏まってて美味しい。 店員さんも不親切でアタフタしてたりぶっきらぼうだったり、シールの渡し間違えがあったりで接客悪かったです。
I went there only once two months ago. The cream is also separated and not delicious The bread is also moody and not delicious It was a fruit sand that was just creamy and just a pat look. Moreover, it is hard to eat. The concept is different in the first place, so you shouldn't compare it, but the fruit sand, which is a few times smaller than the one that appears in the afternoon tea of ​​a hotel in Tokyo, is much more elegant and delicious. The clerk was also unfriendly, and he was awkward and blunt, and he made a mistake in handing over the stickers, so the customer service was bad.
328 berro on Google

Mairu Mr. on Google

※味は申し分ありませんでしたが、その他の理由で評価を1つ下げました。 茨城にフルーツサンド専門店ができたとのことで、余裕を持って10:30分ごろに整理券待ちで並ぶと、平日だったので2番目(実は10時から付近で待っていた)でした。 整理券待ちのタイミングとしては、外の椅子と日避けが用意されたら店前で並び始めた方がいいです。配布時間は11時でした。 1〜20番の整理券持ちの人は11時20分までに戻らないと列の後ろに戻されるようなので注意を。 さて、肝心のフルーツサンドですが…正直舐めておりました。 先日北海道でフルーツサンドを食べまくった身としては、大きい、ずっしり、これだけ入ってこの値段ならむしろ安いのでは?思います。 いちごサンドに関して、気になる書き込みがあったので表に大きいものが3つと、小さめ?の物が4つ入っているものを買い比較してみました。(とはいえ2番乗りだったのでその中でもサイズ大きめなものを選んでしまいましたが笑) 改良されたのか元からなのか定かでないですが、結論、どちらも同量くらいに調節されていました。正直某大手コンビニ会社のいちごサンドを見ると、後ろ側に詰められたいちごの大きさでクレームを入れるほどでは…と思います。 キウイ、マーコットは表に見えるものより小さいもの?が後ろ丸ごと一個入っていました。す、すごい…! パインに関しては家人にあげてしまったので次回食べたいと思います。 クリームは絶賛されてる理由がよくわかりました。いちごには練乳、マーコット(キウイもかな?)にはヨーグルトの風味が感じられました。購入しませんでしたがミックスフルーツにはクリームチーズを使用しているようです。クリームの種類も微妙に変えてるんですね。個人的に甘さは想像してたほど甘すぎる!というわけでもなく、サッと食べれました。クリームたっぷりなのにケーキほど重くないので、流行っている(?)のもわかります。 キウイのピンク化に関してはやむなしかと。期限の短い生ものなのでほぼ家庭内で食べるものだと思いますし…ただ、成分の関係で変色してしまうものだと提示した方が良さそうですね。 追記:再来店し、今度はマンゴー(この日は先着6点)、パイン、デコポン、メロンにも挑戦。どれも甘くて美味しかったです!(そのせいかクリームはスタンダードなものでした。酸味が強いものはヨーグルト風味なのかも?) さくらんぼ目当てでしたが1日違いで買えず…(T ^ T)その代わりにマンゴーが買えました!1400円くらいでお高い代わりにシールも3枚ついていました。 レアなフルーツが入荷した際はインスタグラムで予告をしてくれているようです。日替わりでメニューが変わるのがまた楽しいですね。 この日のいちごは当たりを引いたのか、前回よりも甘味が強くて美味しかったです。 追記2:家人が桃のサンドを買ったのですが、すぐには食べれず日を跨ぐ時間に食べることに…やはりやや傷んでおりました?水分が多く柔らかいフルーツ、特に桃は皮を剥くと傷みやすいので買ったらすぐに食べることをお勧めします。 そして今のところ宮崎マンゴーがイチオシです。(お高いですが…!) 追記3:休日3番目に並んだのですが搬入の遅れ&欠品が多々あり待ち損になってしまいました。いつもの店長?もおらずトラブルがあったのかな?と…少々残念でした。まだまだ課題がある内は星5評価にできませんね( ̄▽ ̄;) それから宮崎マンゴーをまた買ったのですが値段が同じなのに…細くなっていますね…半分しかない…?シールも2枚(手前に1枚、側面に1枚)貼ってありました。時価なんでしょうか…? 訂正:恐らく1度目に食べた宮崎マンゴーは本来2000円代のものようでしたが、会計のミスまたは後ろに貼られているラベル自体がハーフサイズのものと誤っていたのかな?と思います。 追記3-2:インスタグラムにて6月6日ラインナップに「(その日のメニューの)桃、マスカット、無花果、その他レギュラー商品の欠品があり残念でした」とコメントしたところ、該当の記事が消されていました。(もしかすると他にもコメントした方はいたかもしれません)これは…いけません…。製造が間に合っていないのにも関わらず店舗を増やしたのは失策なのでは?と思います。販売店員の方々も困惑していてその日は接客も気持ちのいいものではありませんでした。また、店員さんの口ぶりから前日も(私の知る限りでは)マスカットはメニューに載せていたにも関わらず用意できなかったようですね。 誠実さを見せてください。供給が安定するまで一旦評価は下げさせていただきます。
* The taste was perfect, but for other reasons, the rating was lowered by one. I heard that a fruit sandwich specialty store was opened in Ibaraki, so when I lined up waiting for a numbered ticket around 10:30, it was the second (actually, I was waiting around 10 o'clock) because it was a weekday. As for the timing of waiting for the numbered ticket, it is better to start lining up in front of the store when the outside chair and sunshade are prepared. The distribution time was 11:00. Please note that people with numbered tickets 1 to 20 will be returned to the back of the line unless they return by 11:20. By the way, it's the essential fruit sandwich ... I was honestly licking it. As a person who ate fruit sandwiches in Hokkaido the other day, it's big and heavy, so I think it's rather cheap at this price. think. Regarding the strawberry sandwich, there was an interesting note, so there are 3 large ones on the table, which is small? I bought and compared the ones with 4 items. (However, since I was the second rider, I chose the one with a larger size, but lol) I'm not sure if it was improved or originally, but in conclusion, both were adjusted to the same amount. Honestly, when I look at the strawberry sandwich from a major convenience store, I think it's enough to make a complaint about the size of the strawberry packed in the back. Are kiwis and mercotts smaller than what you see on the table? There was one whole back. Wow, awesome ...! I gave the pineapple to my family, so I would like to eat it next time. I understand why cream is so acclaimed. Condensed milk was felt in the strawberries, and yogurt was felt in the mercott (maybe kiwi?). I didn't buy it, but it seems that cream cheese is used for mixed fruits. The type of cream is also slightly changed. Personally, the sweetness is too sweet as I imagined! Not that it was, I was able to eat it quickly. It's full of cream, but it's not as heavy as a cake, so you can see that it's popular (?). There is no choice but to make kiwi pink. Since it is a raw product with a short deadline, I think that it is eaten almost at home ... However, it seems better to show that it discolors due to the ingredients. Postscript: I came back to the store and tried mango (first 6 points on this day), pineapple, dekopon, and melon. Everything was sweet and delicious! (Because of that, the cream was standard. Maybe the one with strong acidity has yogurt flavor?) I was looking for cherries, but I couldn't buy them one day later ... (T ^ T) I could buy mango instead! It was about 1400 yen and it was expensive, but there were 3 stickers. When rare fruits arrive, it seems that they are giving notice on Instagram. It's fun to change the menu every day. Perhaps the strawberry on that day was a hit, and it was sweeter and tastier than last time. Addendum 2: My family bought a peach sandwich, but I couldn't eat it right away, so I decided to eat it during the time when I straddled the day ... It was still a little damaged ? Moist and soft fruits, especially peaches, when peeled It is easily damaged, so it is recommended to eat it as soon as you buy it. And for now, Miyazaki Mango is the best choice. (It's expensive ...!) Addendum 3: I lined up for the third holiday, but there were many delays and shortages in the delivery, so I missed the wait. The usual store manager? Did you have any trouble? And ... I was a little disappointed. While there are still issues, it is not possible to give a 5 star rating ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) Then I bought Miyazaki Mango again, but the price is the same, but ... it's thinner ... only half ...? There were also two stickers (one on the front and one on the side). Is it the market price ...? Correction: Perhaps the Miyazaki mango I ate for the first time seemed to be in the 2000 yen range, but was it a mistake in accounting or the label on the back was mistaken for a half size one? I think. Addendum 3-2: When I commented on Instagram on June 6th, "I was disappointed that there was a shortage of peaches, muscats, figs, and other regular products (on the menu of the day)," the article disappeared. Was being done. (Maybe there were other comments) This is ... not ... Isn't it a mistake to increase the number of stores even though the production is not in time? I think. The sales staff were also confused, and the customer service was not pleasant that day. Also, from the clerk's mouth, it seems that Muscat could not be prepared the day before (as far as I know) even though it was on the menu. Show your honesty. The evaluation will be lowered once until the supply stabilizes.
sha lala on Google

(Translated by Google) It may be better to hand over the menu while waiting and have it decided, or make an effort to prevent congestion> _ _< ボリューム満点で美味しいから、また買いに行くけど…700円以上もするフルーツサンドを、紙袋にぼんぼん入れるのもちょっとひどすぎるかなぁ…商品に対する愛情を感じない。つぶれて形も崩れて人にはあげられない。 まぁ、おいしいからまた買っちゃうけど…
おじんの徒然日記 on Google

居酒屋産を営んでいて、このご時世でこんなになり、フルーツサンドイッチ屋さんに挑戦との話。 県内10店舗出店の計画と、、、。こちらは第一号店。訪問日、守谷店がオープン日との話。 以前のイタリアンレストランの作りがそのままか? 平日11時から整理券もらって、20分後から順番に呼ばれて、店内。 四種類ほど購入。 ボリュームたっぷりです。名前の通り果樹もジューシー。単価はやっぱり高い。
He is a izakaya maker, and he talks about trying a fruit sandwich shop like this in this age. Plans to open 10 stores in the prefecture ... This is the first store. It is said that the Moriya store will open on the day of the visit. Is the previous Italian restaurant made as it is? I got a numbered ticket from 11:00 on weekdays, and after 20 minutes, I was called in order and inside the store. I bought about 4 types. It has plenty of volume. As the name suggests, the fruit trees are also juicy. After all the unit price is high.
nasyoko on Google

何かの広告で新しくフルーツサンドのお店ができるのを知って、プレオープン2日目にトライ! 初日は彼氏がトライしたけど既に売り切れだったらしく買えなかったようなので早めに行ったが結果2時間半くらい並んだw でも、3種と焼き芋の4種しか残ってなかったので(バナナチョコは奇跡的ラス1だった)試食で食べたものは買えなかった!試食でたんまりあったフルーツを商品に作り直して欲しかったなー…そこが残念。でも、フルーツの甘さが分かったので、次回行った時には買いたい!並んでる最中に雨に振られて若干イラついたけど、フルーツサンドの美味さで怒りはすっ飛んだわ(単純)ww 今後は整理券にするらしいのでスムーズに購入できることを願ってます。
Knowing that a new fruit sandwich shop will be opened with some advertisement, try it on the second day of pre-opening! My boyfriend tried on the first day, but it seems that it was already sold out and I could not buy it, so I went early, but as a result I lined up for about two and a half hours w However, I couldn't buy what I ate at the tasting because there were only 3 kinds and 4 kinds of roasted sweet potato left (banana chocolate was miraculous lath 1)! I wanted you to remake the fruit that you had accumulated in the tasting into a product ... That's a shame. But now that I know the sweetness of the fruit, I want to buy it the next time I go! I was a little annoyed by the rain while lining up, but the deliciousness of the fruit sandwich made me angry (simple) ww It seems that it will be a numbered ticket in the future, so I hope that you can purchase it smoothly.
mini kura on Google

多少食べづらさはありますが(笑) サランラップで包み直せば問題無し! バナナはちょっと重いですが、パイナップルやキウイや桃はとてもみずみずしくて凄く甘くて甘さ控えめのクリームとベストマッチ!とても美味しいです!値段はお高めですが、その価値がありました! 平日4時ごろ行きましたが、誰も居なくてスムーズに購入出来ました♪
It's a little difficult to eat (laughs) No problem if you rewrap it in Saran Wrap! Bananas are a little heavy, but pineapples, kiwis and peaches are the best match with creams that are very fresh, very sweet and modest in sweetness! it tastes very good! The price is high, but it was worth it! I went there around 4 o'clock on weekdays, but I was able to purchase it smoothly without anyone ♪

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