一心教会 一本松大師堂

4.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact 一心教会 一本松大師堂

住所 :

Hirotacho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0071 Kagawa,Japan

街 : Kagawa

Hirotacho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0071 Kagawa,Japan
KZ OT on Google

私の祖父母の家と祠。父達も私もここで育った。 中のお大師さまにお祈りください。 特に小さなお大師さまはよく加護してくださいます。
My grandparents' house and shrine. Both my father and I grew up here. Please pray to the master inside. Especially small masters are often blessed.
宮本康弘 on Google

It is a temple located just east of Asahina Shrine. It must have been a big tree because the name of the big tree, Ipponmatsu, which grew on the Asahina tumulus, was used as the name of the temple. It's a pity that I couldn't worship the master's face because it was locked because I wasn't careful.

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