Hiroo Walking Street - Shibuya City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hiroo Walking Street

住所 :

5 Chome-5-2 Hiroo, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0012, Japan

Postal code : 150-0012
Webサイト : http://www.hiroo.info/
Description : Local cherry tree lined shopping strip with established & new shops, restaurants, events & service,

5 Chome-5-2 Hiroo, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0012, Japan
Takeuchi Tadamichi on Google

I go there every day and feel good.
松並利和 on Google

It's close and convenient! There are various shops and you can enjoy it. The atmosphere is great!
AnjinKojyo江上庵人 on Google

広尾駅前から始まる商店街、町並がちょっと懐かしい商店街です。文具店やお菓子屋さんもあります。 突き当たりには、祥雲寺さんの山門があります。まるでお寺の参道の感もある商店街です。 少し脇道を入ると、広尾弁天閣があり、お参りできます。
It is a shopping street that starts from Hiroo station square and a nostalgic shopping street. There is also a stationery store and candy shop. The end of the road, there is a Shounji's temple gate. It is as if there is also a sense of the temple of the approach shopping street. When the little entering a side street, there is a Benten Hiroo Pavilion, you can pray.
rin kou on Google

おしゃれな街というイメージがある広尾を代表する商店街 美味しそうなお店やおしゃれなブティックなどたくさんのお店があるのにもかかわらず歩いたら5分~10分程度の短い距離の中にギュッと詰まっています。 広尾近辺に住んている人はここで買い物や飲み会などをするのではないでしょうか? 明治通りの方まで行くと桜の季節は非常に綺麗なので、春は歩いてるだけでも非常に楽しい気分になります。 広尾近辺にきたらいろいろとこの商店街をうろうろするのがいいかもしれません
Hiroo's representative shopping street with the image of a fashionable city Even though there are many shops such as delicious shops and fashionable boutiques, it is tightly packed within a short distance of about 5 to 10 minutes on foot. People living near Hiroo are not likely to shop or have a drink here? When you go to Meiji Dori, the cherry blossom season is very beautiful, so even in walking in the spring, you will feel very happy. If you come near Hiroo, you may want to wander around this shopping street in various ways.
北幸代 on Google

The Picard Hiroo store, which sells French frozen foods, will open at 10 am on the 6th of April, in the middle of the walking street. It's not a big store, but I'm happy because there are no supermarkets around.
佐川広子 on Google

姉の子供達が行きたい!というので、姉と姉の子供達と、帰る途中に立ち寄りました。 お天気が良いからなのか!?人出が多かったように思いました。 コロナ禍の最中なので、しっかりとマスクをして、適宜手指消毒をしながら、広尾商店街の良さを味わって来ました。
My sister's children want to go! So I stopped by with my sister and her children on their way home. Is it because the weather is nice! ?? I thought there were a lot of people. Since I am in the midst of a corona storm, I have been enjoying the goodness of Hiroo Shopping Street while wearing a mask and disinfecting my hands as appropriate.
海老原諒 on Google

自宅近くなのでよく行く。 基本何でも揃うけど、庶民には物価が高い。 何故か鳥貴族があるw 夜は東京タワーが見えて綺麗! 日中はわりと道譲ってくれない系のアレな人が多いw やっぱり富裕層は違う… 個人的には良い病院がいいイメージ。 やっぱりエリア特性なのかな? ご飯屋さんもおいしいとこ多い!
I go often because I'm near my home. Basically everything is available, but prices are high for ordinary people. There is a bird noble for some reason w At night you can see Tokyo Tower and it's beautiful! During the day there are many people who do not give way to the w After all wealthy people are different ... Personally, a good hospital is a good image. After all it is area characteristic? There are many places where delicious food is served!
Kak on Google

たった500mちょっとの長さですが、お洒落な新店舗から人情溢れる老舗まで、ものすごい数のお店があります。 東京大空襲では焼け残らなかった地区らしく、高級住宅のイメージとは別に温かみのある商店街です。
It's only 500m long, but there are a tremendous number of stores, from fashionable new stores to long-established stores full of humanity. It seems to be a district that was not left unburned by the Tokyo air raid, and it is a warm shopping district apart from the image of a luxury house.

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