お肉とお野菜 あら川 豊橋駅前店 - Toyohashi

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お肉とお野菜 あら川 豊橋駅前店

住所 :

Hirokoji, Toyohashi, 〒440-0881 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 440-0881
Webサイト : https://arakawa-coco-entertainment.gorp.jp/
街 : Aichi

Hirokoji, Toyohashi, 〒440-0881 Aichi,Japan
一生必笑 on Google

I'm doing my best with Corona.
phrsh on Google

「あらかは」と云ふと、何處ぞのステーキ店を思ひ出しますが、此處も何か關係あるんですかね? よく分かりませんが、看板通り、魚もありますが肉が得意な感じの店です。野菜は・・・よく分からん。〆がつけ麺だったんですが、一寸變はってゐますね。
"Akahaha", what do you think of a steakhouse, but do you have anything to do with salmon? I do not know well, but as the signboard, there is also a fish, but it is a store that feels good at meat. Vegetables ... I do not know well. It was noodles cooked with rice cakes, but one inch rice cakes are eaten.
さは on Google

オサレなお兄さんが子供を抱いて来店してる こう言う上質感のあるお店も必要なんだね!
A big brother is coming with a child You also need a shop with a high quality feel like this!
まさ#厳選nnn on Google

年末年始休暇もそろそろ終わる事もあり、一人酒を嗜もうと立ち寄ったお店です。居酒屋という気持ちで入った店内(カウンター席)は、ちょっと洋風なバーの様な雰囲気で、何か自分には似つかわしくないかなと思いました。 肝心の料理は品数は有りますが、魚よりもお肉が得意な店かなって印象です。 勿論全てを食べてる訳ではないので解釈が違うと思われる方も居るかとは思いますが、あくまでも自分の印象なので、参考程度に思って頂けたらと思います。
The year-end and New Year holidays are about to end, so I stopped by to enjoy sake alone. The inside of the restaurant (counter seats), which I entered with the feeling of being an izakaya, has a slightly Western-style bar-like atmosphere, and I thought it might not suit me. There are a number of essential dishes, but I get the impression that the restaurant is better at meat than fish. Of course, I don't eat everything, so I'm sure there are people who think that the interpretation is different, but it's just my impression, so I hope you can think of it as a reference.
Shinichi Kono on Google

職場の壮行会で、使わせていただきました。 コース料理が、つぎつぎと運ばれてきて、お腹いっぱいになりました。飲み物は、飲み放題だったので、けっこう酔っ払いました。 階段が急なので、飲んだあとは、ご注意ください。 また行きたいお店です。
I used it at a send-off party at my workplace. The course meals were brought in one after another and I was full. The drinks were all-you-can-drink, so I got quite drunk. The stairs are steep, so be careful after drinking. This is the shop I want to visit again.
ひろなか on Google

The person who seems to be the store manager was Ji-Pira style. Countryside ● It is unpleasant because the key feeling is exposed. It was a pity that the food was delicious. The clerk who served the customer seemed to be serious.
己志 on Google

素人の寄せ集め。 まともな調理人は一人も存在しません。 オーナーもあちこちに見せ出店する前に、店の調理の腕でも磨いたほうがいいのでは? 逆によく10年も持ちましたね、不思議でしょうがないです。 まぁそのうち2年はコロナで協力金でガッポガッポだったかも知れませんけども。 こんな店に行く人の気が知れません。 ランチも今やってるようですが、客入ってんの? まぁ、あの調理人たちの作る料理じゃ無理だろうな…。 道の駅の店も酷かったです。 料理が出てくるのが一時間以上…オープン当日だからって舐めすぎ。 で、肝心の料理はまっずい。 折角の豊橋牛が台無しでした。 最初から期待なんかしてなかったけれど、ここまで酷いとは…。 呆れましたね。 オーナーさん、飲食の経営の能力ないよ、マジで。
A jumble of amateurs. There is no decent cook. Isn't it better for the owner to improve his cooking skills before opening the store? On the contrary, I often had it for 10 years, no wonder. Well, two years of that may have been Gappo Gappo with cooperation money in Corona. I don't know who goes to such a store. It seems that you are having lunch now, but are there any customers? Well, it wouldn't be possible with the dishes made by those cooks ... The roadside station shop was also terrible. The food comes out for more than an hour ... I lick it too much because it's the day of the opening. So, the essential food is straightforward. The Toyohashi beef was ruined. I didn't expect it from the beginning, but it's so terrible ... I was surprised. Owner, I don't have the ability to manage food and drink, seriously.
kuma san on Google

入口は少し、わかりにくいです。 お店は3階建てて、カウンター、掘り座敷があります。メニューはお肉が多く希少部位もあります。 黒毛和牛炙り寿司が美味しかったです! ご飯ものや揚げ物、一品メニューも豊富です。 飲み物はソフトドリンク、ノンアルコールカクテル、アルコール各種とワインのボトルもあります スイーツメニューも多く、スフレパンケーキやワッフルなども美味しかったです。 トイレは各階にあり男女兼用です。 最近はランチ営業もあります。
The entrance is a little confusing. The shop is 3 stories high and has a counter and a digging room. The menu has a lot of meat and some rare parts. The Kuroge Wagyu beef roasted sushi was delicious! We also have a wide variety of rice, fried foods, and single-item menus. Drinks include soft drinks, non-alcoholic cocktails, various alcohols and bottles of wine There were many sweets menus, and the saffle pancakes and waffles were delicious. Toilets are on each floor and are unisex. Recently, there is also a lunch business.

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