
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハルト工務店

住所 :

Hirano Toriimaecho, Kita Ward, 〒603-8321 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://haruto-koumuten.com/
街 : Kyoto

Hirano Toriimaecho, Kita Ward, 〒603-8321 Kyoto,Japan
まち on Google

お世話になりました。細かく進行状況を教えてもらい、気になるところはすぐに見に来てもらい安心してお任せできました。 職人さん達が楽しそうにお仕事されていたのも印象的でした?。
thank you for helping me. I was able to tell you the progress in detail, and I was able to leave it to me with confidence because I immediately came to see what I was interested in. It was also impressive that the craftsmen were working happily ?.
大谷修平 on Google

無理な注文にも関わらず、丁寧に対応していただきました。 作業中も笑顔でご対応いただき、気持ち良く対応させていただけました。
Despite the unreasonable order, we kindly responded. I was able to respond comfortably with a smile during the work.
11 Kaku on Google

It was a small construction, but he responded very politely. In addition, I was very grateful for the kind consultation and specific advice I received.
ばくすい8695 on Google

It looks like a young president (master), but he has a lot of experience and has a very friendly impression.
on Google

マンションのリフォームでお世話になりました。 社長自ら親身に相談にのってくださり助かりました。初めてのリフォームでしたので何を選べば良いのか悩んでいるとセンスの良いアドバイスをくださってとても参考になりました。 何をするにも素早く気持ちの良い対応で大変満足しています。 出来上がったお部屋に入ると想像以上の素晴らしい出来栄えで感動しました。 リピート確定です! また、リフォームなどの際は宜しくお願い致します(๑ت๑)♡
Thank you for your help in the remodeling of the condominium. It was helpful for the president himself to consult with me. It was my first remodeling, so when I was worried about what to choose, he gave me good advice and it was very helpful. I am very satisfied with the quick and pleasant response to whatever I do. When I entered the completed room, I was impressed with the wonderful workmanship beyond my imagination. Repeat is confirmed! Also, thank you for your remodeling (๑ت๑) ♡
ないきまり on Google

不用品処分の相談をさせて貰ったところ即対応下さり、依頼から処分日までの期間も短く対応下さり非常に有難かったです。 当日はハルト工務店社長自ら業者の方と共に撤収作業に加わり、細かいところまで見てフォロー下さり本当に感謝です。 今回は一部屋の荷物を基本全て処分の依頼をさせて頂きました。 最後は掃除機までかけて下さり、声をかけ細かいフォローを下さる姿は、 顧客の立場に寄り添い丁寧な仕事を常日頃されているからと感じました。 業者の方も皆さん感じ良く迅速にお仕事下さり感謝です。 これからも先ずはハルト工務店さんに相談し、お願いしていきたいと感じた今回でした。
When I was asked to discuss the disposal of disused items, I was very grateful for the immediate response and the short period from the request to the disposal date. On the day of the event, I am truly grateful that the president of Hart Construction Co., Ltd. participated in the withdrawal work together with the contractor and followed me in detail. This time, I requested to dispose of all the luggage in one room. At the end, you can see him vacuuming, calling out and following him in detail. I felt that I was always doing a polite work that was close to the customer's point of view. I am grateful to all the vendors for their pleasant and prompt work. From now on, it was this time that I wanted to consult with Hart Construction Company first and ask for it.
杉本大夢 on Google

今回、使ってなかった家庭用キッチンを販売用の加工品製造の為に【業務用キッチン】への工事でお世話になりました。 予算や時間も仕上がりもたくさん配慮していただき、感謝しかありません。 特殊な工事で、こちらの知識不足にも寄り添いお力を貸していただきました。 また先々の使い方までアドバイスをくださり不安なくお任せ出来ました。 住居でも商業用施設でも何か工事を考えてる方は、一度ハルト工務店さんに相談することをオススメします!
This time, I was indebted to the construction of the [commercial kitchen] for the production of processed products for sale from the unused home kitchen. I am grateful for the consideration given to the budget, time, and finish. Due to the special construction work, I was able to help with this lack of knowledge. In addition, he gave me advice on how to use it in the future, and I was able to leave it to him without any anxiety. If you are thinking of doing something for a residential or commercial facility, we recommend that you consult with Hart Construction Co., Ltd. once!
海王みちる on Google

I had you remodel an old old parents' house into a two-family house. Taking advantage of the old material, I had you fix it very nicely and comfortably. What I was most happy about was the polite work of Hart Komuten. At first I was thrilled about what would happen for the first time, but I immediately felt relieved when I actually saw and felt the kind personality, good attitude, passion, and politeness of working on my work. After the house was completed, the whole family became a fan of Hart Komuten ^^

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