Hinata-Wada River Side Garden - Ome

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hinata-Wada River Side Garden

住所 :

2 Chome-285 Hinatawada, Ome, Tokyo 198-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 198-0046
Webサイト : https://oniwa.garden/hinata-wada-rinsen-garden-%25E6%2597%25A5%25E5%2590%2591%25E5%2592%258C%25E7%2594%25B0%25E8%2587%25A8%25E5%25B7%259D%25E5%25BA%25AD%25E5%259C%2592/

2 Chome-285 Hinatawada, Ome, Tokyo 198-0046, Japan
大木勲 on Google

A plum and stone garden built by an individual is not so easy now. I want to cherish ... ♪
紺野成雄 on Google

Quiet and calm. You can see the flow of the Tama River through the trees.
疋田文五郎 on Google

素敵な庭園です。 大きな駐車場があれば、もっと大勢の方にこの場所を知っていただけると思うのですが、、
It's a nice garden. If there is a large parking lot, I think that more people will know this place, but ...
Gaz Caz on Google

手入れをされている割には訪れる人も少なく、ゆっくり過ごせます。 梅と桜もあったので春になったら再訪したいと思います。
There are few visitors to the area while being cared for, so you can spend it slowly. There were also plums and cherry blossoms, so I would like to revisit them in the spring.
Junko on Google

It is a quiet place with the sound of the river flowing and a nice atmosphere.
三池はるよ on Google

A hideaway garden. Free admission. A small tea room is also free (reservation required). It's small and cozy. At Azumaya, four or five local groups were talking. Pond or stream? It's a little disappointing that it has dried up. I also want to come to other seasons.
小野雄平 on Google

無料です。掃除や管理が行き渡っていて素晴らしい。隅々まできれいでした。 冬はなにもないですが、人もいないので鳥の声とか川のせせらぎだけが聞こえて癒やされます。
Free. Cleaning and management are widespread and wonderful. It was beautiful in every corner. There is nothing in winter, but since there are no people, I can only hear the voice of birds and the murmuring of the river and heal.
Jacob Searing on Google

Skip the hustle and bustle of overcrowded parks and sites in the city center. If you don't mind a long train ride to the far, far side of Tokyo this is for you. A beautiful peaceful garden right next to the river that rivals the beauty of it's more famous siblings.

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