Jizoin - Ome

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jizoin

住所 :

2 Chome-583-1 Hatanaka, Ome, Tokyo 198-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 198-0061

2 Chome-583-1 Hatanaka, Ome, Tokyo 198-0061, Japan
大木勲 on Google

I visited for the first time, there was a plum tree protected by the city ...
五十嵐英明 on Google

It was a temple along the river where you can see Tamagawa. I haven't seen the autumn leaves yet, but he was a friendly superior.
Tatsuro Minami (CREATIVE) on Google

当寺地蔵院の山号にちなんで宝珠梅という吉野梅郷として著名な梅郷には、2万本の梅が植栽されていましたが、それらのうちもっとも古いものとの事です。かなり老いた梅がきれいに咲いていました。 青梅七福神の布袋尊のお寺です。
Named after the mountain of Jojizo Temple, Umego, famous for its Hojuume, has been planted with 20,000 plums, the oldest among them. A pretty old plum blossomed beautifully. It is a temple of Fukuroson of Ome Shichifukujin.
Tatsuya Iijima on Google

"Jizo-in Temple" is designated as the "Fukubuson" of Ome Shichifukujin.
はるのゆいたろう on Google

青梅七福神の内で「布袋尊」を祀っている寺院です。「ロウバイ」に代表される梅が有名で境内には青梅市の天然記念物に指定されている老梅の木も有ります。吉野梅郷の梅はウイルスでなくなってしまいましたが、地蔵院の老梅の木はウイルス被害は大丈夫だったんでしょうか⁉️ 葉はちゃんとついていましたので今度は春先に訪れて開花を見ようと思いました。 また小さいながらも山門は青梅市の指定文化財に登録されている等の見所も有ります。青梅市街から歩いていくには相当な距離があるのですが廻りは里山の雰囲気が味わえる田舎なのでゆっくり歩いて訪れるのもイイと思います。
It is a temple that enshrines “Nenbukuroson” within the Ome Shichifukujin. There is also an old plum tree that has been designated as a natural monument in Ome City. The plums of Yoshino Umego are no longer viruses, but the old plum trees of Jizoin were okay with the virus damage? It was. In addition, although it is small, there are other attractions such as Sanmon being registered as a designated cultural property of Ome City. There is a considerable distance to walk from Ome city, but I think it is good to visit slowly because it is a countryside where you can enjoy the atmosphere of Satoyama.
山﨑清 on Google

青梅七福神 布袋像のある寺院。駐車場があります。
Ome Seven Lucky Gods Temple with a statue of Budai. There is a parking lot.
Kengtaro Takayoshi on Google

青梅七福神巡りで伺いました 御朱印記帳をしてくださったお坊さんが とても明るくご挨拶してくださりました
I visited Ome Seven Lucky Gods The Buddhist priest who did the stamp book Thank you very brightly
Torai Handa on Google

I worshiped at Ome Shichinbokujin. Plums began to bloom little by little, Rowbai was in full bloom and a good scent was drifting. Honjo Jizo Bodhisattva, Seven Lucky Gods Houbunkei are enshrined, and each one can have a red stamp. It seems that the Baekje plum in front of the main hall is the oldest in this area, so I feel that history as I see it, but I heard that they are still flowers. It is very relaxing in a temple that is well maintained.

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