
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 登計トレイル

住所 :

Hikawa, Okutama, Tokyo, Nishitama District, 〒198-0212 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Hikawa, Okutama, Tokyo, Nishitama District, 〒198-0212 Tokyo,Japan
0707ちか on Google

ウッドチップを踏みしめると、フワッと柔らかい感触と木の香りに、疲れも感じずに楽しく歩き進むことができました。 森の中でもオブジェがあったり、テラスのようなところや、森のリビングのようなところがあって、次々に景色が変わって飽きることはありません。 風が心地よく、空気がきれいで離れがたい気持ちで帰ってきました。 途中のトイレもとてもきれいです。 素晴らしい森林セラピーになりました! 登計トレイルの関係者のみなさま、本当にありがとうございます。
When I stepped on the wood chip, I was able to walk forward happily without feeling tired and with the soft touch and the smell of wood. There are objects in the forest, places like terraces and places like living rooms in the forest, so the landscape changes one after another and you never get bored. The wind was comfortable, the air was clean, and I came home with a feeling that it is hard to leave. The toilet on the way is also very beautiful. It is wonderful forest therapy! Thank you very much for the people involved in the Togashi Trail.
K KDM on Google

コースの特徴 日本初の森林セラピー専用ロードです。JR青梅線「奥多摩駅」からも徒歩10分というアクセスのよいコースです。 コースのなかには、ヨガや座禅ができる広場やセルフカウンセリングを行う施設、水療法を行う施設など多彩なメニューを行うことができる設備が整備されました。 また、体が不自由な方にもご利用いただくため「車椅子用モノレール」も設置しております。(使用できない日もありますので事前にお問い合わせください)施設ベンチ7箇所休憩施設 (セラピーステーション)2箇所トイレ2箇所車椅子用モノレール1基その他
Course features This is Japan's first road dedicated to forest therapy. It is an easily accessible course that is a 10-minute walk from "Okutama Station" on the JR Ome Line. In the course, there are facilities for various menus such as a plaza where you can do yoga and zazen, a facility for self-counseling, and a facility for water therapy. We have also installed a "wheelchair monorail" so that people with disabilities can use it. (Please contact us in advance as it may not be available on some days) Facility bench 7 places Rest facility (Therapy station) 2 places 2 toilets 1 wheelchair monorail Others
na a on Google

登山をまともにしたことがない人でも歩きやすいと思います。きつすぎずゆるすぎずトレイルできます。 とても森林浴に特化しています。椅子や休憩所が森の深い箇所に向かって設置されているので、何も考えず自然に没頭できてとても良い時間を過ごすことができました。 椅子や休憩所のデザインもおしゃれですし見ていて楽しいです。 今度はおやつやコーヒーなどを持参して自然の中でまったりしようかと思います(^^)
I think it's easy to walk even if you've never climbed. You can trail without being too tight and not too loose. Very specialized in forest bathing. Chairs and rest areas were set up in the deep part of the forest, so I was able to spend a very good time because I could immerse myself in nature. The design of the chairs and rest areas is also fashionable and fun to watch. Next time I will bring snacks, coffee, etc. to relax in nature (^^)
金子昇 on Google

夜の空の観察に良いかなと思い行きましたが、グランドの回りに、照明があり、あまり良くないと思いました。 しかし、夜空に浮かぶ星達は、くっきり見えていましたので、少しは、夜空が楽しめそうですね?
I thought it would be good for observing the night sky, but I thought it was not so good because there was lighting around the ground. However, the stars floating in the night sky were clearly visible, so it seems that you can enjoy the night sky a little ?
Jyoji on Google

所々ベンチがあり、休みながら歩くことができる。また、ウッドチップが敷き詰められており、登山に慣れていない人でも歩きやすい。 奥多摩駅から氷川渓谷、このトレイル、愛宕神社を通り、また駅に戻るルートは90分ほどで回れる。
There are benches in some places and you can walk while resting. In addition, wood chips are spread all over, making it easy for people who are not used to climbing to walk. The route from Okutama Station to Hikawa Valley, this trail, Atago Shrine, and back to the station can be reached in about 90 minutes.
sho t on Google

In the afternoon of the last day of August 3 consecutive holidays, there are few people and enjoy the quiet forest. It is easy to walk because the wood chips are spread out, and there is not much difference in elevation in the trail course. However, to get here, be careful not to go from the general park side on the north side or from the Ehime mountain side on the south side, as it is necessary to go through a certain climb.
1126 4126 on Google

Although the distance is not long, you can enjoy yourself in combination with the nearby walk course. It is unusual to have woodchips and to be able to walk, and in some places benches, chairs, toilets, and yoga areas are well maintained. I wish I got up early in the morning. If I think that the sound of the shellfish is on the way back, I encounter Yamabushi. I did not think that I could meet in Tokyo, and I was impressed by the experience I could not get.
Youko on Google

お散歩コース第5弾 (4/10と24) 春の登計トレイル。 入口から登り、ぐるっと回って愛宕神社へ。神社の裏を回ってR184へ降り、また奥多摩総合運動公園の駐車場に戻る、約5900歩、90分。 あなたは、この階段上がりますか?下りますか?(笑) 私はまだ自信が無いので愛宕神社から降りてきました。 ウッドチップが敷かれている道を春の花々に迎えられ、気持ちの良い青空の下歩いてきました✌️ ツツジの間に楓の木があり、四季折々、自然の彩りを楽しめそうです☺️ 駐車場とR184に降りた右手にお手洗いあり。 前回から2週間後です(4/24) すっかり植物は様変わり。 ツツジから山吹に、白いカジイチゴから黄色いヘビイチゴが多くなりました。 来る途中、車の窓から藤の木に紫の花を咲かせた大きな木がいたる所にあります。 今日は、19℃ですが北東の風が強く、愛宕神社を境に風の向きがかわったので、羽織物あると良いです。
The 5th walk course (4/10 and 24) Spring registration trail. Climb from the entrance and go around to Atago Shrine. Go around the back of the shrine, get off at R184, and return to the parking lot of Okutama Sports Park, about 5900 steps, 90 minutes. Do you go up or down this stairs? (Laughs) I'm not confident yet, so I came down from Atago Shrine. I was greeted by spring flowers on the road with wood chips and walked under a pleasant blue sky ✌️ There is a maple tree between the azaleas, and it seems that you can enjoy the colors of nature in each season ☺️ There is a restroom on the right hand side of the parking lot and R184. Two weeks after the last time (4/24) The plants are completely different. From azaleas to Yamabuki, from white rubus trifidus to yellow snake strawberries. On the way, there are big trees with purple flowers everywhere from the car window to the wisteria trees. Today, the temperature is 19 ℃, but the northeastern wind is strong, and the direction of the wind has changed at Atago Shrine, so it would be nice to have a haori.

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