Hikarigaoka Museum of Art - Nerima City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hikarigaoka Museum of Art

住所 :

5 Chome-27-25 Tagara, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 179-0073
Webサイト : https://hikari-m-art.org/

5 Chome-27-25 Tagara, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0073, Japan
Masafumi Ito on Google

The feeling of a hideout is good. Usually a soba shop, and when doing a music concert using only 100 pianos in the world, the museum and the soba shop are closed. Mozart is surrounded by paintings and crafts and forgets where it was.
Siena on Google

It was a small museum, but each work was very impressive. I like the works "Fukiwari no Taki" and "Florence where the God lives" on the 2nd floor. When I visited, there were only 12 pianos in the world, a man who seemed to be involved was practicing, and I could enjoy hearing.
bun-bun mama on Google

I heard piano, flute and soprano concerts. It was wonderful and I was able to hear the whole body. Beautiful artworks are displayed in a calm place.
Alisa Kon on Google

On Sundays, pianists occasionally play on Bethandorfer's piano, which is the only 12 in the world.
北川真 on Google

比較的都心にありコロナ禍かつ緊急事態宣言下にあっても営業してくれている美術館。 この日はポタリングで練馬区を訪れたついでに訪問。 外観は和風モダンで雰囲気良し。大人500円。 コンパクトな美術館で展示物は絵画、陶芸が中心。誰もが知っているような作者の作品は少ない印象です。(恥ずかしながら知っているのは横山大観一点のみでした…) が、現在実施している版画「平家物語」井上員男展はかなり良かったです。 紙版画の制作プロセスとメリット・デメリットから始まり平家物語をテーマに紙版画で時系列で時系列を追って観られる内容で改めて平家物語を読み込み直したいと思えるきっかけになりました。 訪れた時は客は私一人だけの貸し切り状態だったこともあり満足度は高かったです。
A museum that is relatively located in the center of the city and is open even if it is a corona disaster and a state of emergency is declared. On this day, I visited Nerima Ward by pottering. The appearance is modern Japanese and the atmosphere is good. Adults 500 yen. It is a compact museum and the exhibits are mainly paintings and ceramics. I have the impression that there are few works by the author that everyone knows. (I'm ashamed to know only one point, Taikan Yokoyama ...) However, the current print "Heike Monogatari" Kazuo Inoue exhibition was quite good. Starting with the production process of paper prints and the advantages and disadvantages, it became an opportunity to re-read the Heike story with the contents that can be viewed in chronological order with the theme of Heike story. When I visited, I was very satisfied because the customer was reserved for me alone.
飯田馨(RINPLA) on Google

2階建ての木造蔵造りの美術館は、こじんまり隠れ家的な雰囲気がありました。奥にはお蕎麦屋さんと陶芸教室があります。催しなどの理由で定休日になることもあるので、お蕎麦屋さんを利用される方は、事前にホームページで確認されることをお勧めします。 美術館の2階には、井上員男氏作平家物語の版画が全壁面に展示されていました。とても素晴らしかったです。 また、ベーゼンドルファーの世界に12台しかないグランドピアノがあります。ピアノの演奏会の会場として、利用されることもおすすめです。
The two-storey wooden storehouse art museum had a cozy atmosphere. There is a soba noodle shop and a pottery class in the back. As it may be a regular holiday for reasons such as events, it is recommended that those who use Soba shop be confirmed in advance on the website. On the second floor of the art museum, prints of Manabu Inoue's Sakuhei House Story were displayed on the entire wall surface. It was very wonderful. In addition, there are only 12 grand pianos in the world of Basendorfer. It is also recommended that it be used as a venue for piano concerts.
春黐 on Google

It's not noticeable, but it's quiet and calm. The soba restaurant in the back is a renovated old farmhouse, and although it is a tatami mat, it is very spacious and comfortable. It is very crowded at noon. I went there a few years ago, so I don't know what's going on inside this corona.
Yoshie Matsuo on Google

光が丘駅から少し歩いた住宅地に静かに佇む趣の有る美術館。1階と2階の展示室に分かれており、国内作家の日本画、版画、陶芸作品等が展示されております。1階には茶室の展示や横山大観の椰子の木を描いたシンプルな小作品も展示されておりす。 絵画の他にも2階には、オーストリア1000年祭記念で1996年にベーゼンドルファーが限定12台のみ製造したと言う希少なグランドピアノが置かれております。お伺いした際には、演奏されている方がいらっしゃって、絵画鑑賞しながら素晴らしいピアノの音色も楽しめると言う贅沢な時間を過ごす事が出来ました。 同じ敷地内に有るお蕎麦屋さんは、残念ながら準備中でお伺い出来ませんでしたが、玄関前の大きな枝垂れ梅が咲く頃に伺いたい。 陶芸工房も併設されており、そちらも気になります。
A quaint museum that stands quietly in a residential area just a short walk from Hikarigaoka Station. It is divided into exhibition rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors, where Japanese paintings, prints, ceramic works, etc. of domestic artists are exhibited. On the 1st floor, there is an exhibition of a tea room and a simple small work depicting a palm tree of Yokoyama Taikan. In addition to the paintings, there is a rare grand piano on the 2nd floor, which is said to have been manufactured by Bösendorfer in 1996 to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of Austria. When I visited, there were people playing, and I was able to spend a luxurious time enjoying the wonderful piano sounds while watching the paintings. Unfortunately, I couldn't visit the soba restaurant on the same site because it was in preparation, but I would like to visit it when the big weeping plums in front of the entrance bloom. There is also a pottery workshop, which is also a concern.

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