7-Eleven Nerima Tagara 5-Chōme Shop - Nerima City

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 7-Eleven Nerima Tagara 5-Chōme Shop

住所 :

プラティ光が丘 5 Chome-26-1 Tagara, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 179-0073
Webサイト : http://www.sej.co.jp/
Description : Convenience chain offering grab-&-go bites & beverages, plus assorted newsstand items.

プラティ光が丘 5 Chome-26-1 Tagara, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0073, Japan
ふじのま(fujima) on Google

いいんだけど、、、! 店内が油臭い、、、。揚げ物臭かな、、、。 髪の毛にも臭いがつくし、もらったコンビニ袋や商品も臭い、、、。バイトさん達の接客がいいからもったいない。
It's good, but! The inside of the store smells oily. The fried food smell ... The hair smells, and the convenience store bags and products I get also smell. It's a waste because the service of our bytes is good.
makkoou toitoi on Google

進撃の巨人の34巻が買えなくて、TSUTAYAやコンビニを回って、こちらにきました。6/15 19時頃に、2冊ありました。
I couldn't buy 34 volumes of Attack on Titan, so I went around TSUTAYA and convenience stores and came here. There were two books around 19:00 on 6/15.
みい(パピィ) on Google

奥さまやパートさん達の接客は素晴らしい、が、夜中にいるこぢんまりしたオジサン。 おそらくオーナー。これがまた態度が悪い。何年もあの悪い態度が続いているので、夜行ったときレジにあの人が居ると、ゲンナリする。
The wife and part-time customers are wonderful, but a small man who is in the middle of the night. Probably the owner. This is also bad attitude. That bad attitude has been going on for years, so when you go there at night, if you have that person at the cash register, you'll get crazy.
ひびきかなりあ on Google

人気店なのかいつも混んでますが、混む隣のレジをすぐ開けてくれて接客も良いですが、他の方の投稿があるように、フライヤーの揚げ物が売れる店舗なのか、換気の機械や配管が良くないのかわからないが 油の匂いが凄くて煙たく、服や衣類や商品に臭いが着きます! 店内もすごく暑いです!
It's always a popular store, but it's nice to open the cash register next to it, and it's good to serve customers. I don't know if is not good The smell of oil is terrible and smokes, and the clothes, clothes and products smell. The store is also very hot!
excel period on Google

夜中から朝方は絶対行かない方がいいです。 店員の態度が最悪です。 名前は伏せますが4、50代のネームプレートを隠している男の店員が特に最悪です。 商品の扱いがとにかく雑。 さっさと終わらせて作業に戻りたいのを全面に出してきているので、喋りも早口すぎて何を言ってるのか分かりません。 お釣の渡し方もポイッ!って感じで適当です。 2度とセブンイレブンを利用したくなくなりますので、ああいう店員には居てほしくないですね。
You should never go in the morning from midnight. The clerk's attitude is the worst. Although the name is obsessed 4, the clerk of the man who hides the name plate of the 50s is especially the worst. Anyway, the handling of the product is messy. I've come out with all the things I want to finish quickly and get back to work, so I don't know what I'm saying because I'm too nervous. How to pass the fishing is also poy! It is feeling and appropriate. I do not want to stay with such a clerk because I never want to use Seven Eleven again.
ぴーちゃん on Google

深夜にたまに行くととても対応のいいお兄さんが居る。白髪?のおばさんも優しかったです。仕事疲れてる時にあの接客されたらいい気分になります。ありがとうございます。 でもたまに深夜帯でもおじさんと若い人が態度悪い。商品投げられました。 なので星4 頑張ってる人達が可哀想
When I sometimes go to the middle of the night, there is an older brother who is very responsive. Gray hair? The old lady was also kind. When I'm tired of work, it makes me feel good to serve me. Thank you very much. But sometimes even in the middle of the night, uncle and young people have a bad attitude. The product was thrown. So star 4 Those who are doing their best are sorry
武田久美子 on Google

クチコミ色々あるみたいだけど、最悪な店員が勢揃いしてる時間帯が有るのは事実らしい。結構凄い☔️のなかワザワザ粗大ゴミのシール買いに行ったけど、レジの眼鏡のクソババァ(マジにくそ)、何度言っても分からなくて 側に居た若い子が引出しから出して手渡し→『あぁ』とか言ってスタンプ押してたけど、こんな使えない店員置いとくなよ‼️コンビニなんて腐るほど有るんだからこんな思いしに行く必要ないんで、店員が総入替えになるまで行かない事にしました。
It seems that there are various word-of-mouth communication, but it seems that there are times when the worst clerk is gathered. I went to buy a sticker for oversized garbage in a pretty amazing ☔️, but I couldn't understand how many times I said it, and the young child who was on the side took it out of the drawer and handed it to me. I was pushing the stamp, but don't leave such an unusable clerk! ️ There are so many convenience stores that it rots, so I don't have to go to this way, so I decided not to go until the clerk was completely replaced.
on Google

油くさい。ここの店舗で買った物を自宅に持ち帰りたくないと思う。牛乳や消費期限が短いデザート類やおにぎりですら油臭い。 帰りに数分 立ち寄っただけで全身、髪の毛まで 臭くなり、商品を持ち帰らなくても家族にここのセブンに寄った事がバレます。
It's oily. I don't want to take what I bought at this store home. Even milk, desserts with a short expiration date and rice balls have an oily smell. Just stop by for a few minutes on your way home and you'll have your whole body and hair It smells bad, and even if I don't bring the product home, I can tell my family that I stopped by Seven here.

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