(有)竹隆庵岡埜 上野店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)竹隆庵岡埜 上野店

住所 :

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.chikuryuan-okano.com/
街 : Tokyo

Higashiueno, Taito City, 〒110-0015 Tokyo,Japan
伊藤あい子·花子(アニキ) on Google

I picked up my mother's medicine at the hospital, and I found a Japanese confectionery Okadon right next to it, and bought coffee Daifuku. It ’s a good size, Daifuku with fresh cream, and a semi-melted state is recommended.
中島啓之 on Google

I got souvenir for Daifuku and ate it, so it was delicious so I went shopping for a shop. Daifuku is an ordinary thing for a limited time, there are things that used bean paste for bean paste, prices are a bit high, but it is a bit different. Because one size is large, there is eating.
sakura 3 on Google

「こごめ大福」って? ずーっと気になって、白い方を買ってみました。美味しい? 甘さ控えめの餡子に餅がしっかりしてバランス良い。あまりの美味しさによもぎも買ってみました。甲乙つけがたし!
What is "Kagome Daifuku"? I was so worried that I bought a white one. Delicious ? The mochi is firm and well-balanced on the sweet bean paste. I also bought wormwood for its deliciousness. It ’s good to have Koto!
MAAYA PAPA on Google

Just tried three, the grape Dafu tastes very good, very soft, but the grapes themselves are very general, not fragrant and not sweet. The one with the leaves is the best, very strong leaf green, very recommended. Finally, the chestnuts are very general, and the whole combination is not very good. There are also raw fruits in the store, but they cannot be eaten immediately (because they are thawed). Summarize the need to be frozen to eat.
アップルギャング(めぐ) on Google

こごめ大福、最高です! おいし〜(〃∇〃) 回りの包んであるもちが、食べごたえあり、それで、あんまり重くなくて、米の粒がさらっと、舌に触って、とってもうまい! 有吉くんの正直さんぽで紹介されたみたいですね〜! 食べられて幸せです! 最初白食べて、草のこごめ大福もおかわりしました〜! ご馳走様でした! いまなら、岡山の瀬戸ジャイアンツのぶどう大福が、ありますよ〜!それも、お土産にかいました〜!みなさん、来てね〜!
Kogome Daifuku is the best! Delicious ~ (〃∇〃) The mochi wrapped around it is chewy, so it's not very heavy, and the rice grains are smooth and touch the tongue, which is very good! It seems that it was introduced by Ariyoshi-kun's honest walk! I'm happy to be eaten! I ate white at first, and the grass-filled Daifuku was refilled! It was a treat! Now, there is Daifuku grapes from Seto Giants in Okayama! It was also a souvenir! Everyone, come on!
N KA on Google

散歩中にぶどう大福の登りがあって珍しいなーとフラっと覗いて、丁寧な接客の店員さん、岡山県瀬戸ジャイアンツという品種のぶどうの大福を1個購入。 瑞々しいぶどうと大福の甘さ〜たまらん!美味しかった! 在宅で頑張った日はお家カフェのお供にこういうのいいなぁ。ほっこり。パイン大福とか色んな種類の和菓子があったので違う種類も今度食べてみたい
While taking a walk, I peeped at the climb of grape Daifuku, which was unusual, and bought a grape Daifuku of a variety called Seto Giants, Okayama Prefecture, a polite customer service clerk. Fresh grapes and the sweetness of Daifuku-I can't wait! was delicious! On the day I worked hard at home, it would be nice to accompany my cafe. Unwind. There were various kinds of Japanese sweets such as pineapple Daifuku, so I would like to try different kinds next time.
k s on Google

白餡の苺大福の写真が目に入り、そのまま入店。 1個450円。 苺がすごい大きく香りもすごい良い。 翌日までの賞味期限。 津のとらや本家の苺大福と比べると少し小ぶりで価格が1.5倍以上。 場所柄仕方ないのだろうが、ちょっとお高め。
I saw a picture of Shiro An Ichigo Daifuku and entered the store as it was. 450 yen per piece. The strawberries are very big and the scent is also very good. Best-by date until the next day. Compared to Tsu no Tora and the head family Ichigo Daifuku, it is a little smaller and the price is more than 1.5 times. It may be unavoidable, but it's a little expensive.
Chabo on Google

上野駅から徒歩10分くらいの場所にある「竹隆庵 岡埜 上野店」さんに伺いました。 前日に東京でも雪が降った日だったので、道端には雪が固まっています。 店内は思ったよりもゆったり広め。 有名なこごめ大福の白餅と草餅をいただきました。 早速いただくと大きな大福で餡の甘さ控えめで美味しかったです!
We asked Mr. Takeryuan Okano Ueno, which is about a 10-minute walk from Ueno Station. It was a snowy day in Tokyo the day before, so the roadside is covered with snow. The inside of the store is wider than I expected. I had the famous Kogome Daifuku white rice cake and kusa mochi. When I got it immediately, it was a big daifuku and the sweetness of the bean paste was modest and delicious!

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