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Contact 飯山医院

住所 :

Higashiterao, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒230-0077 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://www.iiyama-iin.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Higashiterao, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒230-0077 Kanagawa,Japan
Kororo on Google

昔から体調を崩すといつもお世話になっています。先生は症状を丁寧に聞いて下さり、説明も的確で分かりやすいです。いつも先生からの処方で症状がよくなるので感謝しています。 看護師さんや受付の方も優しく雰囲気の良い診療所だと思います。
I have always been indebted to me when I feel sick. The teacher listens carefully to the symptoms, and the explanation is accurate and easy to understand. I am grateful that the prescription from my teacher always improves my symptoms. I think that the nurses and receptionists are also kind and have a nice atmosphere.
우유 on Google

小児科も内科も診てもらったことあります。 小児科の先生は予防接種のスケジュールをちゃんと組んでくれますが、話が一方的でこちらから何か聞くのが難しいほど、ばーっとしゃべります。診察の時も子供がどんなに騒いでもあやしたりとかもしないし、気にせず話すので子供の声で聞こえないことも 。他のかたも書いてますが、アレルギーに関してなど古い考え方でこちらがいろいろ調べてやったことも否定され気分が悪かったです。前回話したことをまた聞かれたり…カルテに書いてないのでしょうか?予防接種のみならいいと思います。 ただ、内科の先生、受付の方、看護師さんたちは皆さん感じよくて親切だしいい方です!待合室も広くて小さいですがキッズスペースもあります。
I have seen both pediatrics and internal medicine. The pediatric teacher will arrange the immunization schedule properly, but will talk so much that the story is unilateral and it is difficult to hear anything from here. Even at the time of medical examination, no matter how much noise the child makes, he does not care, and because he speaks without worrying, it may not be heard by the child's voice . I wrote about other people, but I wasn't feeling well because it was denied that I did a lot of research on the old way of thinking about allergies. Have you heard what I told you last time? I think that only vaccination is good. However, the internal medicine teachers, receptionists and nurses are all nice and kind! The waiting room is large and small, but there is also a kids space.
K F on Google

子供の乳児健診で先生に胸を触られました。 子供にちゃんと吸わせてと言いながら触られましたが、胸を触る必要は全くありませんでした。気持ち悪いので2度と行きません。健診ではパパも付き添いで行くか、他の病院をおすすめします。 小児科の先生は親子で2名いらっしゃいますが、2人ともこちらの話をあまり聞きません。自分の話したいことを一方的に長々とお喋りし、こちらが無理やり切り込まないと状況説明もできないことがありました。 話の内容も専門的で参考になる話だったら良いのですが、昔は〇〇だったとか、笑い話とか(でも全然面白くない)正直どうでもいい話も多く、時間の無駄だと感じました。 お喋りが長いので待ち時間も長くなりがちですが、その割に、もっと早い時間に来てくれないと診察時間がおしてしまうから困る、と言われました。(受付終了の1時間前に来院しました) 離乳食やアレルギーなどの考え方も古く、最新の話は信じたくない、昔のやり方が良いと思われている印象を受けました。 経験は豊富かもしれませんが、新しい考え方・やり方などには否定的なところがあります。 受付や看護師のみなさんはとても優しく、丁寧に対応してくださります。 健診では子供の体重増加が少ないと散々指摘されましたが(成長曲線の範囲内)、後で先生のいないところで看護師さんに「気にしなくていいですよ」と言っていただきました。 他の小児科の先生や看護師さんにも問題ないと言われています。 健康に何の問題もなく、予防接種を受けるだけなら良いかもしれません。
The teacher touched my chest during a baby checkup for my child. I was touched while telling my child to suck properly, but I didn't have to touch my chest at all. I feel uncomfortable so I will never go again. For medical examinations, we recommend that you accompany your dad or go to another hospital. There are two pediatrics teachers, parents and children, but neither of them listens to this story very much. Sometimes I talked unilaterally for a long time about what I wanted to talk about, and I couldn't explain the situation unless I forcibly cut in. It would be nice if the content of the story was also professional and informative, but in the past there were many stories that were OO, laughter (but not interesting at all), and honestly, I felt it was a waste of time. .. Since I talk for a long time, I tend to wait a long time, but I was told that if I don't come earlier, I'll have to spend more time at the consultation. (I came to the hospital 1 hour before the reception closed) I got the impression that the old way of thinking is good because I don't want to believe the latest story because the way of thinking about baby food and allergies is old. You may have a lot of experience, but there are some negative points about new ways of thinking and methods. The receptionists and nurses are very kind and polite. In the medical examination, it was often pointed out that the weight gain of the child was small (within the range of the growth curve), but later the nurse said, "You don't have to worry about it" in the absence of a teacher. It is said that there is no problem with other pediatric teachers and nurses. It may be good if you just get vaccinated without any health problems.
J N on Google

子供が具合悪かったら一刻も早く連れて来い、遅い!と恫喝された。 勝手なことを言わないでと反論したら、裏で看護師が「最近虐待のような親が増えて先生はピリピリしているからごめんなさい」と言ってきた。 そんなの私には関係ない。 どうして医者は一歩的で勝手なんだろう?こんなんだから病院に行きたくなくなるのに。
If your child is sick, bring him as soon as possible and it's late! Was threatened. When I argued that I shouldn't say anything, the nurse said behind the scenes, "I'm sorry because the number of parents who are abusive has increased recently and the teacher is nervous." It doesn't matter to me. Why are doctors step-by-step and selfish? I don't want to go to the hospital because of this.
のり on Google

I think each person feels differently, but I decided to stop using pediatrics anymore because the pediatrics teacher seems to be tough and the child gets more sick when he is sick. I can't help but feel that I'm doing a medical examination. The internal medicine teacher was kind, appropriate and quick, so I would like to use it again.
on Google

私は一歩先生と言う先生に診ていただきました。 迅速に対応して検査や処置もしていただき、状態も良くなったので、とても感謝しています。 看護師さんもみなさん優しい方でした。 ですが、点滴中に院長が他の患者さんの対応をしているのが聞こえましたが、患者さんが心配していることを切り捨てるような発言があったり、一方的に話している印象を受けたり、と先生によって良し悪しがあるようです。 こちらのクチコミでは小児科の評価は悪いようですが、予防接種の時期だからか患者さんはたくさんいました。 子供は好きですが、こちらもとても具合の悪いときに、お子さんが泣き叫んでいるのはちょっとつらかったです。 また、そんなに混んでいないように見えても診察の待ち時間が長いです。なぜかはよくわかりません。 会計と受付が一緒なので、会計にも時間がかかります。 それも、具合が悪いときにはつらいです。 あと、立地的に仕方がないのですが、坂の上なので具合が悪いときにはつらいです。 でも、一歩先生と看護師さんたちはいい方です!
I had a doctor called Ippai-sensei see me. I am very grateful that I was able to respond promptly and perform inspections and treatments, and my condition improved. The nurses were all kind. However, during the infusion, I heard the director responding to other patients, but I got the impression that there were statements that cut off what the patients were worried about and that they were talking unilaterally. It seems that there are good and bad things depending on the teacher. The pediatrics' evaluation seems to be bad in this review, but there were many patients probably because it was the time of vaccination. I like children, but it was a little painful for them to cry when they were also very sick. Also, even if it doesn't look so crowded, the waiting time for consultation is long. I'm not sure why. Since the accounting and reception are the same, it takes time to do the accounting. It's also painful when I'm sick. Also, there is no choice in terms of location, but it is hard when I am sick because it is on a slope. But one step teacher and nurses are good people!
むいむい on Google

昔からある病院でいつもそこそこの患者がいます。 なぜこんなに人気なのか私には不思議で堪らないです。 医者の診察態度が私には合いませんでした。体調悪い中怒るし、患者に文句を言うし、前回言ったことをまた聞いてくるし。手元にあるカルテはただの紙なのでしょうか。 患者の話もろくに聞かずばーっと話して終わり。その割には待ち時間がやたらと長い。1時間ぐらい待たされるので、高熱などで具合が悪い時は付き添い人がいた方が良いです。 多少の風邪でここにかかるぐらいなら風邪薬飲んで家で寝てる方がマシな気がします。精神的に。 特に女の先生(院長?)の高圧的な診察態度が怖すぎて何も言えませんでした。 待合室で待ってもいられないほど具合が悪いのに、通っても全く改善されなかったので病院を変えました。それからもう何年と行っていません。 もしかしたら当時よりは良くなってきているのかもしれませんが、話に聞くと余り変わらないようです。 受付、看護師さんはとても良い方で親切でした。 本当に動けないくらい辛い症状以外での診察はもう行きません。 ただ、診察はせず予防接種などをするだけならまだ良いかなと思いました。
There are always decent patients in old hospitals. It's strange to me why it's so popular. The doctor's attitude did not suit me. I get angry when I'm sick, complain to the patient, and ask me what I said last time. Is the medical record at hand just paper? Don't listen to the patient's story, just talk and finish. For that reason, the waiting time is extremely long. You will have to wait for about an hour, so if you feel sick due to high fever, you should have an attendant. I think it's better to take cold medicine and sleep at home than to get a cold here. Mentally. In particular, I couldn't say anything because I was too scared of the high-pressure examination attitude of the female teacher (director?). I was so sick that I couldn't wait in the waiting room, but even though I went there, it didn't improve at all, so I changed the hospital. I haven't been there for years. Maybe it's better than it was then, but when I hear about it, it doesn't seem to change much. The receptionist and the nurse were very nice and kind. I don't go to see anymore except for the painful symptoms that I can't really move. However, I thought it would be better if I just vaccinated without a medical examination.
松本くるみ on Google

小児科利用しました。 ホームページにも特に何も書いていなかったので、午後の診察に行ったところ、小児科は火曜、木曜日の午前中だけとのことで… 家から近かったから行ったのですが、小児科の時間がそれだけしかないのなら、少し離れている週2休みの午前も午後もやっているところに最初から行きたかった… 他の方も書いていますが、あまり新しい情報を取り入れない先生なのかなという印象でした。 アトピーやアレルギーが心配な方は他の病院を検討した方がいいかもしれません。
I used it in pediatrics. I didn't write anything on the homepage, so when I went to see the doctor in the afternoon, I heard that the pediatrics department was only on Tuesday and Thursday mornings ... I went there because I was close to my house, but if I had only that much time for pediatrics, I wanted to go from the beginning to the place where I was doing two days off a week in the morning and afternoon ... Others have written it, but I had the impression that he was a teacher who didn't take in much new information. If you are worried about atopy or allergies, you may want to consider another hospital.

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