四川料理 彩菜

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 四川料理 彩菜

住所 :

Higashishukugo, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0953 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : https://gh1f400.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Tochigi

Higashishukugo, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0953 Tochigi,Japan
テラちん on Google

中国人のシェフが料理する本格的だがリーズナブルな四川料理の中華料理です。麻辣の効いた辛い麻婆豆腐と汁なし担々麺は絶品です。他の料理も日本人の舌に合わせて上品に味付けがされていて何でも美味しかったです。 お店の内部もキレイで落ち着いてゆっくり食べられます。 今日は新メニューの海鮮オイスターソース焼きそばをいただきました。海鮮のプリプリとした海老と帆立にオイスターソースの香りが食欲をそそり、美味しくいただきました。 コロナの厳しい中、頑張っているお店なのでまた食べに来て応援したいと思います。
Authentic but reasonably priced Sichuan Chinese cuisine prepared by a Chinese chef. The spicy mapo tofu with mala and the soupless tantanmen are excellent. The other dishes were tastefully seasoned to match the Japanese tongue, and everything was delicious. The inside of the shop is also clean and calm, and you can eat slowly. Today I had a new menu of seafood oyster sauce yakisoba. The scent of oyster sauce on the shrimp and scallops made from seafood was appetizing and delicious. I'm trying my best in the harsh environment of Corona, so I would like to come back to eat and support.
Yoshi Tetu on Google

担々麺 普通をチョイス 辛さの中にゴマの甘みもあり 旨いです。 風味は異国の味わい
Dandan noodles Ordinary choice The spiciness is also delicious with the sweetness of sesame seeds. The flavor is exotic
谷田貝真人 on Google

I ate dandan noodles. You can choose the spiciness from 1 to 5. 3 is the last minute to eat. It tasted as expected and was more spicy and delicious.
aming szk on Google

本格的な四川料理が味わえます。汁なし坦々麺の麺がモチモチで美味しいです。辛さを選べるので、辛いのが苦手な人も大丈夫です。 焼き餃子が半端なく美味しく、食べ応えがあります。
You can enjoy authentic Sichuan cuisine. The soupless Tantanmen noodles are chewy and delicious. You can choose the spiciness, so even people who are not good at spiciness are okay. The roasted dumplings are delicious and satisfying to eat.
ゆうじ on Google

ここの麻婆豆腐は本当に美味しい! ランチのご飯はおかわり一杯まで無料なのでとても満足です?
Mapo tofu here is really delicious! Lunch rice is free up to one refill, so I'm very satisfied ?
ひろみちん on Google

If you want to eat Shirunashi Tantanmen, choose here. From the beginning of the opening, the owner has continued to improve it, and it goes well with the chewy noodles of Hokkaido wheat. Mapo tofu is also recommended!
清水崇博 on Google

かなり本格的な坦々麺や麻婆豆腐を味わえます。 四川料理屋なので辛いメニューが多いですが、色々な薬味が使われているようで、辛さの中に甘さ?を感じるような、深みのある特徴的な味付けでとても美味しいです。 麺類単品、定食、鍋などメニューはまぁまぁ充実しています。 個人的にお気に入りのお店です。
You can enjoy authentic Tantan noodles and Mapo tofu. Since it is a Sichuan restaurant, there are many spicy menus, but it seems that various condiments are used, and is it sweet in spicy? It is very delicious with a deep and characteristic seasoning that makes you feel. The menu includes noodles, set meals, and hot pots. This is my personal favorite shop.
kyon kyon on Google

I ordered the popular "Shirunashi Tantanmen" lunch set, "Sichuan Mapo Tofu" separately, and almond tofu for dessert. The lunch set comes with a small rice. The soupless Tantanmen was made the most spicy in 3 stages. First of all, the noodles of Tantan noodles are mochi mochi, and this is a delicious dish with spicy miso! Even though the spicy miso is round and spicy, you can even feel the sweetness, and it's no wonder that it's popular. On the other hand, Mapo tofu is quite authentic and the Japanese pepper is tingling like Sichuan style, which is also delicious. It's also good to be hot. It's a pity that the taste was a little strong. The dessert almond tofu was delicious with its sweetness and fluffy texture. Not only is it delicious, but the lunch set is 880 yen, which is a great deal. I would definitely like to visit again and eat Shirunashi Tantanmen again.

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