Chimmabodofu Dainagoyabirujinguten - Nagoya

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chimmabodofu Dainagoyabirujinguten

住所 :

Dai Nagoya Building, 3F 3 Chome-28-12 Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 450-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 450-0002
Webサイト :

Dai Nagoya Building, 3F 3 Chome-28-12 Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 450-0002, Japan
梁川哲也 on Google

食べ切りやすい量。 他店より空いているから入りやすい。 比較的料理が出るのが早い。 以上!です。
Easy to eat. It's easier to enter because it's more vacant than other stores. Cooking is relatively quick. that's all! is.
takahiro nakaguchi on Google

取引先様とご一緒にランチで利用しました。 エビチリです✨ ピリ辛マークが「1」ついてますが、大丈夫です☺️ ライスがおかわりできるのが魅力的?ですが、場所だけにランチ代にはちょっと高めです?
I used it for lunch with my business partner. It's shrimp chili ✨ The spicy mark is "1", but it's okay ☺️ It is attractive that rice can be refilled ?, but it is a little expensive for lunch only in the place ?
n a on Google

激辛麻婆豆腐フェア中に伺いました。 ランチがお得だと思います。 夜は割高な感じ。 ランチセットでスタンダードな麻婆豆腐を注文。 麻婆豆腐 ごはん ザーサイ 卵スープ 杏仁豆腐 がセットです。 ご飯はおかわり無料、量もリクエストできます。 麻婆豆腐は、旨味がほぼないですね? 付け合わせのザーサイの方が旨味が強かったです。 テーブルにある粒花椒をガリガリとかけて食べると旨味が増して美味しかったです! でもこれは私が山椒とかしびれ感が好きなのもあると思います。 粒花椒をずっとガリガリ削ってたので、店員さんが粉の山椒をもって来て下さいました(笑) ありがとうございます! でもテーブルの粒花椒のがおいしくて山椒は使いませんでした。 坦々麺が美味しいらしいので、また機会があったら伺ってみようと思います。
I visited during the spicy mapo tofu fair. I think lunch is a good deal. It feels expensive at night. I ordered standard mapo tofu for lunch set. Mabo tofu rice Zha cai Egg soup Annin tofu Is a set. Rice is free of charge and you can request the amount. Mapo tofu has almost no umami, right? The garnished Zha cai had a stronger flavor. When I sprinkled the grained pepper on the table and ate it, the taste increased and it was delicious! But I think this is because I like Japanese pepper and numbness. The clerk brought me the powdered Japanese pepper because I had been scraping the grained pepper for a long time (laughs). Thank you! But I didn't use Japanese pepper because the grain of Chinese pepper on the table was delicious. Tantan noodles are delicious, so I'd like to ask if I have another chance.
かとりーず on Google

ゆっくり食べると 案外食べれる物です、ただ 頭からは 発汗中。陳麻婆豆腐と名付けられた歴史は 豆類などの始まりからなんですね。
If you eat slowly, you can eat it unexpectedly, but you are sweating from your head. The history named Chen Mapo Tofu is from the beginning of beans and so on.
大魔王わんきち on Google

We visited for lunch and had a traditional cold noodle chicken for a limited time. The noodles are entwined with the delicious sesame sauce of bon bon chicken, and this sesame sauce is quite delicious. If you add the included garlic sauce for taste change in a separate plate when you have eaten about half of it, you will get a addictive taste that seems to be quite addictive. The amount was fairly large. The chain stores here have very high quality food and are quite close to the authentic taste, so I often go there personally. Various electronic money can be used.
Minami on Google

土曜日のランチで訪問。 麻婆豆腐が有名ですが、エビチリが気になりそちらを注文した所、大正解でした?✨?✨ ランチ価格で、エビチリ、ライス、スープ、ザーサイ、デザートまでついて1100円。 しかもエビたっぷり?✨ これはお得過ぎた! エビチリとありますが、ほとんど辛くなく、テーブルの山椒と花山椒を振ってちょうど良かったです。 お腹もいっぱいになり、味も美味しく、とても良かったです。 また行きます! ごちそうさまでした?
Visited for lunch on Saturday. Mapo tofu is famous, but when I ordered it because I was worried about shrimp chili, it was a great answer ?✨?✨ Lunch price is 1100 yen including shrimp chili, rice, soup, zha cai and dessert. Moreover, plenty of shrimp ?✨ This was too profitable! There is shrimp chili, but it was almost not spicy, and it was just right to shake the table sansho and flower sansho. I was full and the taste was delicious, which was very good. I will go again! Thank you for your feast ?
哲学する猫 on Google

麻婆豆腐発祥のお店。名古屋ではラシック店に続く2店目。麻婆豆腐以外にも、日本化された中華料理のメニューとは違う、本来の四川料理をいただくことが出来ます。とは言え、新栄辺りに沢山ある中国人による中国人のためのお店と違って、色々と安心感はありますね。 期間限定メニューも結構あるのでTwitterやFacebookをチェック。 看板メニューの陳麻婆豆腐の痺れは思ったより抑えられていますが、卓上に花椒のミルがあるので、足りない人は追加を。 今回は「幻の屋台式担担麵」のつもりで行ったのですが、ラシック店には有ったのに大名古屋ビルヂング店には無い!店舗によって微妙にメニューが違うのか。仕方がないので、大名古屋ビルヂング店限定らしい「成都汁なし担々麵セット」と迷った上で、結局期間限定の「回鍋肉チャーハン」に。適度な辛さでいい感じです。 次は成都汁なし担々麵セットを。 今回は成都汁なし担々麵セットをいただきました。名前は「成都」と付いていますが、胡麻ペーストと酢の良く効いたドレッシングのようなタレで、冷水でしめたコシのある多加水麺をいただく…至って日本風の汁なし担々麵ですね。卓上の花椒をかけると多少は四川風に…なりません。
A shop that originated from Mapo tofu. This is the second store in Nagoya following the LACHIC store. In addition to Mapo tofu, you can enjoy the original Sichuan cuisine, which is different from the Japanese menu of Chinese cuisine. However, unlike the many Chinese shops around Shinei for Chinese people, there are various senses of security. There are quite a few limited-time menus, so check out Twitter and Facebook. The numbness of Chen Mapo tofu on the signboard menu is less than I expected, but there is a mill of Chinese pepper on the table, so if you don't have enough, add it. This time, I went there with the intention of "phantom stand-type dandan noodles", but it was in the LACHIC store but not in the Dai Nagoya Building store! Is the menu slightly different depending on the store? I couldn't help it, so after wondering about the "Chengdu Shirunashi Tantanmen Set" that seems to be limited to the Dai Nagoya Building store, I ended up with the "Twice-cooked fried rice" for a limited time. It feels good with moderate spiciness. Next is the Chengdu Shirunashi Tantanmen set. This time, I had a set of Tantanmen without Chengdu soup. The name is "Chengdu", but with a sauce like a dressing that works well with sesame paste and vinegar, you can have chewy polyhydric noodles soaked in cold water ... It's a Japanese-style soupless Tantanmen. If you sprinkle the pepper on the table, it will not look like Sichuan.
Masa Yoshida (よっちゃん) on Google

四川麻婆豆腐が有名なお店。 ランチタイムがお得です。 辛い麻婆豆腐に特化しているためか、他の店が混んでいても、並ばずにスムーズに入れる時が多いです。 辛いのが苦手な方にも、回鍋肉やエビチリなどの辛くないランチもあります。 辛いのは苦手だけどちょっとひと口味見したい時にも、小さい小鉢が300円で追加できます。かなり辛いので、胃腸の弱い方は要注意。 辛さへの強さは普通ぐらい?って人で小さい小鉢1個を2~3人で分けても、十分辛さは堪能できるかなと思います。
A shop famous for Sichuan Mapo Tofu. Lunch time is great. Perhaps because it specializes in spicy mapo tofu, even if other stores are crowded, there are many times when you can put it in smoothly without lining up. For those who don't like spicy food, there are also non-spicy lunches such as Twice-cooked meat and shrimp chili. If you don't like spicy food but want a bite, you can add a small bowl for 300 yen. It's quite spicy, so be careful if you have a weak gastrointestinal tract. Is the strength against spiciness normal? I think that even if one small bowl is divided by two or three people, the spiciness can be fully enjoyed.

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