龍一番 清水口支店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 龍一番 清水口支店

住所 :

Shumokucho, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, 〒461-0014 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89778
街 : 区画 Aichi

Shumokucho, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, 〒461-0014 Aichi,Japan
13 HO on Google

It was delicious. Chen Mapo Tofu is red and black and looks spicy. It was hard to eat.
武山尚樹 on Google

I went to the store when I visited a newspaper customer to collect money, but I want to go in and eat it. I like spicy food so I want to go there once.
サスライの達人 on Google

I had dandan noodles, but it's not delicious.

半年ほど前に仕事で出張した際に、仕事関係者10人ほどと来店。典型的かつ今や貴重な「安くてうまい店」。みんなで様々な料理を注文し、多くの種類の料理をいただいたが、例えば砂肝や小袋など、自分が知っているものとまったく違う姿の料理が出てきた。姿だけでなく、味も想定外、だがうまい! 辛い料理はすごく辛いが、唐辛子は多用してなく山椒で辛さを出しているようで、尖った辛さではなく爽やか。これはヤバい、クセになりそう。大通りに面しているが駐車場もなく駅からもやや距離がある。そんな立地条件でもこの店は健全に営業し続けるでしょう。プライベートでもぜひまた行きたいお店となった。良いお店を教えてもらった。
When I went on a business trip about half a year ago, I visited about 10 people related to work. A typical and now valuable “cheap and delicious restaurant”. Everyone ordered a variety of dishes and received many kinds of dishes, but for example, gizzards and sachets came out of a dish that looked completely different from what I knew. Not only the appearance but also the taste is unexpected, but delicious! Spicy dishes are very spicy, but they don't use a lot of chili and they seem to be spicy with yam. This is dangerous and seems to be a habit. It faces the main street but there is no parking lot and it is a little far from the station. Even in such a location, this store will continue to operate soundly. Even in private, it was a store I wanted to visit again. I was taught a good shop.
zuttomotto on Google

安くてそこそこのお店。 分煙とかされてないので、タバコ苦手の人は避けるのが無難
Cheap and decent shop. Because it is not smoked, it is safe to avoid people who are not good at cigarettes
Kay daiji on Google

安くて美味い、下町の中華屋という感じです。 分煙が出来てないので、非喫煙者にとっては辛いお店。 愛煙家の方にとっては天国みたいなお店でしょう!
It's cheap and delicious, and it's like a downtown Chinese restaurant. It's a painful shop for non-smokers because they can't smoke. It's like a heaven for smokers!
W.D. Libaston on Google

It is an ordinary Chinese town but is crowded. Delicious and voluminous, authentic Sichuan ramen is dyed in vermilion with ra oil. I want you to stop smoking when it's crowded.
on Google

安くて、ボリュームもあり。 味もまずまずだと思います。 (ワタクシは、けっこうイケる味だと思います) お店の看板にもあるように、四川料理のお店です。 麻婆豆腐はしっかり辛く、痺れます。 《麻》《辣》、マーラーです。 本番四川料理なら、ただ辛いだけでは無く。 山椒の《麻》マー、痺れる辛さが効いていないとダメですよね。 (って言うか・・・なんだか、そうらしいのです) 中華の鉄人『陳建一』さんが、 お父さん『陳建民』さんの故郷を訪ねられ。 本番四川の〈麻婆豆腐〉を現地で食べた話しをされてたのをテレビで見ましたが。 現地の人は、手のひらに山盛りにして「山椒」を入れるのだとか・・・ そりゃもう、舌が痺れて料理の味も分からなくなる位だったなんて話しでした。
It's cheap and has a lot of volume. I think the taste is also good. (I think I have a pretty good taste) As you can see on the signboard of the restaurant, it is a Sichuan restaurant. Mapo tofu is very spicy and numb. "Mala", "Mala", and Marler. For real Sichuan cuisine, it's not just spicy. Sansho's "hemp" mar, it's useless if the numbing spiciness doesn't work. (I mean ... it seems like that) Chinese iron man "Chen Kenichi" Visit the hometown of his father, Chen Kenmin. I saw on TV that you were talking about eating "Mapo tofu" in Sichuan. Local people put "sansho" in a heap in the palm of their hand ... It was said that my tongue was numb and I couldn't understand the taste of the food.

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