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【公式】原価ビストロ チーズプラス | お酒が原価で楽しめる創作チーズ料理の本格ビストロ - Genkabistro-cheese-plus.com


Contact 原価ビストロチーズプラス京都駅タワー前店

住所 :

Higashishiokojicho, Shimogyo Ward, 〒600-8216 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://genkabistro-cheese-plus.com/
街 : Kyoto

Higashishiokojicho, Shimogyo Ward, 〒600-8216 Kyoto,Japan
司朗山口 on Google

イタリアンのお店で、入口が案内が無い!エレベーターで4階に上がってから降りて3階にお店があります! お酒は60円とか嘘みたいな値段です!結構美味しいお店です!
It's an Italian restaurant, and there is no guide at the entrance! Take the elevator to the 4th floor, then get off and there is a shop on the 3rd floor! Sake is priced like a lie, like 60 yen! It's a pretty delicious restaurant!
i s on Google

Everything is delicious, but the risotto was especially delicious ? I think it's a good deal for people who drink a lot because the sake is cheap.
ixy 0701 on Google

昨晩訪問、 アルコール安い。 イタリアン中心の料理。 映えてて美味しい。 ちひろレジはいまいち。
Visited last night Alcohol is cheap. Italian-centered food. It shines and is delicious. Chihiro cash register is not good enough.
N M on Google

前回伺った時、料理が美味しくお酒も安い良い店だと思ったのでまた予約して伺いました。 しかし、かなり混雑している時に伺ったので申し訳無いと思ったのですが、飲み放題2Hメニューを注文してもドリンクは20~30分後に届く…といった感じでした。何度か店員さんを呼びましたが、「確認致します」と言って離れただけでその後何もフォロー無し。 お酒のサーバーが壊れているということを後で伺いましたが、それなら飲み放題メニューを頼んだ時に、もしくは壊れてすぐその旨を伝えてくれても良かったのではないでしょうか? 料理が美味しく、お酒が安いだけに残念でなりません。混み合いやすいイベント時での来店は避けたいと思います。
When I visited last time, I thought it was a good restaurant with delicious food and cheap alcohol, so I made a reservation again. However, I was sorry when I visited when it was quite crowded, but even if I ordered the all-you-can-drink 2H menu, the drink would arrive in 20 to 30 minutes. I called the clerk several times, but I just said "I'll confirm" and left, but there was no follow-up after that. I heard later that the liquor server is broken, but wouldn't it be okay if I asked for an all-you-can-drink menu or told me that it was broken immediately? It's a shame because the food is delicious and the sake is cheap. I would like to avoid visiting the store during events that are easily crowded.
TME T on Google

チーズ好きにはイロイロなチーズ料理 最高です。美味しかった✨ドリンクも安くてびっくりしました?
Iloilo cheese dishes are the best for cheese lovers. It was delicious ✨ I was surprised that the drink was cheap ?
八代翔 on Google

テーブルチャージで500円かかるものの、それ以降はほぼ原価帯という破格で酒、チーズ料理が楽しめる。味も文句なし。 2時間と少し短いので、長居したい人は注意。
Although it costs 500 yen for a table charge, after that you can enjoy sake and cheese dishes at an exceptional cost range. There is no complaint about the taste. It's a little short, 2 hours, so be careful if you want to stay longer.
3道 on Google

A shop where you can drink alcohol immediately from Kyoto Station at almost the cost! !! It was great for liquor lovers and cheese lovers. The rice with outstanding cost performance was also delicious. Especially the marbled steak was soft and the wine went really well. I want to use it again. Repeat confirmed
Jorge POWER on Google

Its a disappointment ! My order just come Tomato Sauce and i almost cant see the cheese! Where is the cheese? Not here!

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