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Contact ほっぺるランド東新小岩

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Higashishinkoiwa, Katsushika City, 〒124-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://hoppel-land.com/introduces/4644
街 : Tokyo

Higashishinkoiwa, Katsushika City, 〒124-0023 Tokyo,Japan
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運動会もやらない、発表会もやらない、昼食後の歯磨きも歯ブラシが喉に刺さると危険だからしない、基本土曜は預からない。 預けるなら他の曜日を休みにしろ。 危険だ、危ない、保護者の負担を考えて等と理由付けてやらないけど、本当は自分達職員が楽にしたいだけ。 子供や親の事等考えて無い保育園。 園庭も無く、気軽に外であそべない。 建物は新しくて綺麗だけど、内容が悪い。 自分達が面倒な事は極力やらない保育園です。 勿論、箸の使い方もやらない こんな保育園に預けて、子供達の将来大丈夫か❓ 小学生になって他の保育園や幼稚園の子供と差が出ないか心配です。
There will be no athletic meet, no presentation, no tooth brushing after lunch because it is dangerous if the toothbrush sticks in your throat. If you want to leave, rest on other days of the week. It ’s dangerous, dangerous, I ’m not thinking about the burden on parents, but I just want to make it easier for our staff. A nursery school that doesn't think about children or parents. There is no garden, so feel free to play outside. The building is new and beautiful, but the content is bad. It is a nursery school where we do not do as much as we can. Of course, I don't use chopsticks Is it okay for children in the future to leave in such a nursery? I'm worried about becoming a child and making a difference with other preschool and kindergarten children.
B P on Google

今年の4月に開所した新園です。 3カ月通わせた保護者ですが8月には転園しました。理由は園長筆頭に対応が酷過ぎるからです。 7月に頭部外傷で保育園内で怪我をしました。二針を縫うほどの1センチ以上パックリ。 流血してたにも関わらず救急車は呼ばずにタクシーで病院に連れて行かれた我が子はその後約3時間病院で放置されたまま(救急車できてないため救急対応されなかった) 後から分かった話では、保育園側は怪我をした子供の名前を間違えて別の保護者に電話をしていたみたいです。(これもママ友からこちらへ知らされる) 普段大きい病院を受診したことがないのかわからないけど、病院って外来で受診したら予約なきゃ待つよね?頭を怪我したからすぐに呼ばれると思ったのかな? その日の夜主人の提案で、本部と園長が自宅へ説明に来ました。 本部の方は、首から上の怪我は救急車を呼ぶというマニュアルがありますとの説明をしてくださりましたが、園長は救急車を呼ばなかったのはタクシーのが救急車より早く来るし、この流血なら大丈夫と看護師が判断をしたからと看護師のせいにしてたのには驚きましたね。更に他の保護者に電話をした話を確認したら、違うんですよ!!と嘘をつこうと必死になってました。 名前を把握していない園長が何故保育に入るのか謎。事故が起きて結局こうなるのは最初から分からなかったのかな? 怪我をした場所はキッチン型のおもちゃの角でしたが初めからベビーガードなどはしてなかったためこんな事になる。 けどテノコーポレーションは初めての開園じゃないのに何故防げなかったのかな? 入園前、別園で赤ちゃんが亡くなっている記事を見た時に入園決まってても蹴れば良かったと後悔しました。 あと学校保険は会社の等級がやばいのかで使わせてくれずに会社清算でした! 保険屋の知り合いに聞いたところやはり等級関係だったみたいだし。 あの時我が子が受診を待ってる間に容体が急変して亡くなっていたらと考えると恐ろしいです。 それとここの園長の嘘つき具合も恐ろしいです。 転園が決まってよかった。 それとこの園は近所がうるさいので車送迎NGです。 夏はプール遊びなどではなく、近くのせせらぎパークへ行っていました。 他に、任意で月購読の絵本があったり3歳以上はECCの授業が別枠も設けられています。 ECCは親の付き添いはなしで保育園内でやってくれるのでそれは良かったですが、転園になれば教材費などは全て無駄になるのでよく考えてから入会をお勧めします。 あと今年は保育園側が子供の体調などを考慮して運動会などが無くなったみたいです。そんな話聞いた事ないのでビックリですが… 保育士の先生は、かなり事務的な方と子供想いの優しい先生で差がわかりやすいな思いました。 今でも知り合いの子供は通っているので、今後まともな保育園に少しでもなってほしいと思います。 ☆追記☆ 来年以降も運動会、年末の発表会はないそうです。行事を期待する保護者の方はお勧めできませんね!
New garden opened in April of this year. It was a guardian who was allowed to go for 3 months, but it was changed in August. The reason is that the head of the director is too harsh. In July, I was injured in a nursery school due to a head injury. It ’s more than 1 centimeter enough to sew two stitches. Despite being bloody, my child who was taken to the hospital by taxi without calling an ambulance was left unattended in the hospital for about 3 hours after that (the ambulance was not made, so no emergency response was made) As I learned later, it seems that the nursery school was calling another parent with the wrong name for the injured child. (This is also announced by mom friends here) I don't know if I haven't seen a big hospital, but if I get a doctor's visit in an outpatient department, I'll wait if I don't make a reservation? Did you think it would be called right away because your head was injured? On the night of my husband's proposal, the headquarters and the director came to explain to their home. The headquarters explained that there is a manual that injuries above the neck call an ambulance, but the director did not call the ambulance because the taxi came earlier than the ambulance and this bloody Then I was surprised to be blamed by the nurse because the nurse made the decision. And if you check the story of calling another parent, it ’s different! ! I was desperate to try to lie. The mystery why the director who doesn't know the name enters childcare. Did you know from the beginning that this happened after an accident? The place where I was injured was the corner of a kitchen toy, but I didn't have a baby guard from the beginning, so this is the case. But Teno Corporation isn't the first park, why couldn't it be prevented? Before entering the park, when I saw an article about the death of a baby in a separate park, I regretted that I should have kicked even if I decided to enter the park. Also, the school insurance was liquidated without letting me use it because the company grade was bad! When I asked an acquaintance of an insurance company, it seemed to be grade related. It's scary to think that if my child was waiting for a medical examination at that time, his condition suddenly changed and he died. And the director's liar here is also scary. It was good that the park was decided. And this garden is noisy because the neighborhood is noisy. In the summer, I went to the nearby murmuring park instead of playing in the pool. In addition, there are voluntary monthly picture books and ECC classes are available for those over 3 years old. ECC was good because it was done in the nursery school without being accompanied by parents, but if you change the school, teaching materials will all be wasted. Also this year, the nursery school seems to have lost the athletic meet in consideration of the physical condition of the child. I'm surprised that I've never heard of that ... The nursery teacher was quite clerical and kind to the children, and I thought the difference was easy to understand. I know that I still have children I know, so I hope I can become a decent nursery school in the future. ☆ postscript ☆ There seems to be no athletic meet or year-end presentation after next year. Parents who expect events are not recommended!

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