Butcher Yamakoshi - Katsushika City

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Butcher Yamakoshi

住所 :

7 Chome-30-14 Higashishinkoiwa, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 124-0023
Webサイト : http://www.t-meat.or.jp/butcher/view/1881

7 Chome-30-14 Higashishinkoiwa, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0023, Japan
EmusHirtus on Google

The fried foods such as menchikatsu are very juicy, and I think the best food in the Minori shopping street is the prepared food. The price is slightly higher.
永田武士 on Google

小さな町のお肉屋さんとしてはレベルが高いと思います? 個人的には、週末に時々出る「ロールキャベツ(調理済み)」が大好きで、お薦めです。
I think the level is high for a butcher in a small town ? Personally, I love the "rolled cabbage (cooked)" that sometimes comes out on weekends, and I recommend it.
GTI TCR on Google

チラシハガキ効果でものすごく並びます。 チラシの割引価格で安く感じ買ってしまいますが、元々そんなにするか?って言う肉質でした。
The leaflet postcard effect is also very lined up. I feel cheap at the discounted price of the leaflet and buy it, but do you originally do that? It was meat quality.
Min on Google

Wagyu Menchi-katsu is juicy and delicious. A level that can be served at a Japanese restaurant in Ginza.
古川あいか on Google

アジフライ(肉厚!)、コロッケ、メンチ、焼豚、これまでに食べたどれもがとっても美味しかった。質の良さでお得感。 みのり会商店街大好き。
Fried horse mackerel (wall thickness!), Croquette, menchi, grilled pork, everything I've eaten so far was delicious. Good quality and good value. I love Minorikai Shopping Street.
TheGospeldancer on Google

You can become a postcard sale member just by writing your address and name. If you make meat potatoes and meat tofu using 300g of Japanese black beef cut off for 1,260 yen, you will be surprised at a first-class Japanese restaurant. The clerk is an uncle, but everyone is famous for being handsome (laughs). Also, I recommend the Japanese black beef hamburger steak (unbaked one) and the tataki of Japanese beef because you can enjoy the feeling of a high-class restaurant at home. All the side dishes are delicious, but the roast pork has a large line at the end of the year.
A N on Google

生のハンバーグ、ローストビーフ、厚切り牛タン、和牛メンチカツを購入しました。 どれもとても美味しく、特に厚切り牛タンは何度かリピートしていて、毎度感動しています。 お値段がそれなりにしますので、たまに贅沢したいな!と思う時に利用させて頂いています。 今度はタンシチューや豚のメンチカツ、ロールキャベツも頂いてみたいなと思っています!
I bought raw hamburger steak, roast beef, thick-sliced ​​beef tongue, and Japanese beef minced meat cutlet. All of them are very delicious, especially the thick-sliced ​​beef tongue, which has been repeated several times, and I am impressed every time. The price is reasonable, so I want to be extravagant once in a while! I use it when I think. Next time, I would like to have tongue stew, pork minced meat cutlet, and roll cabbage!
yamato on Google

新小岩駅の北側で良い肉が欲しいなら「肉の山越」がおすすめ。 何度かテレビに取り上げられたこともある。 スーパーマーケットの増加で精肉店が苦戦する中、山越は会員に向けてダイレクトメールのセール情報を流すことで集客を頑張っています。 お肉だけでなく惣菜系も人気。自宅で油の調理が面倒な人は、フライ系を店頭で買うのがおすすめ。
If you want good meat on the north side of Shin-Koiwa Station, "Meat Yamakoshi" is recommended. It has been featured on TV several times. While meat stores are struggling due to the increase in supermarkets, Yamakoshi is trying hard to attract customers by sending direct mail sale information to members. Not only meat but also side dishes are popular. For those who have trouble cooking oil at home, it is recommended to buy fried foods at the store.

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