
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クレープ・ピーナッツ

住所 :

Higashisakada, Kimitsu, 〒299-1144 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–7PM
Sunday 11:30AM–7PM
Monday 11:30AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–7PM
Thursday 11:30AM–7PM
Friday 11:30AM–7PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Higashisakada, Kimitsu, 〒299-1144 Chiba,Japan
KUWAHARA on Google

チョコ生クリームナッツ(正式名称忘れた)注文。 皮はどちらかというと厚め。丸く伸ばした生地を最初に半分に折って、そこに材料をトッピングして巻いていくスタイルの様だ。 よく食べるクレープよりも、生地の重なりが多め!クレープの生地が好き&生地を楽しみたい人にはおすすめ! ナッツがたくさん入っており、パリパリした食感が美味しかったです。
I ordered chocolate cream nuts (I forgot the official name). The skin is rather thick. It's like a style in which the rolled dough is first folded in half, then topped with ingredients and rolled up. There is more dough overlap than the crepes you eat often! Recommended for those who like crepe dough and want to enjoy it! It contained a lot of nuts and the crispy texture was delicious.
tsugihagi 8 on Google

It was delicious today too (๑ ♡ ⌓ ♡ ๑)
佐々木洋二 on Google

Depending on the time of day, you may line up and often wait 30 minutes or more. There are many menus and I think the cost performance is good, but please be prepared to line up. Please be careful not to crack down on the roads these days.
カレーパンマン on Google

何年もこのお店のクレープを食べてますが、生地がとてももちもちしていて他のクレープ屋さんの生地だと満足できなくなります。 甘い系、惣菜系とかなりの種類があり全種類食べたわけではありませんが、とにかく美味しいの一言です。 君津に来たら是非寄っていただきたいお店です。
I've been eating crepes in this shop for years, but the dough is so chewy that I'm not satisfied with the dough from other crepe shops. There are quite a few types, sweet and side dish, and I haven't eaten all of them, but it's just a delicious word. If you come to Kimitsu, you should definitely stop by.
中身 on Google

知り合いにオススメされて行ってみました! 生地が甘すぎないので、食事系クレープがちゃんと軽食!食事系+デザート系で1食分になりそう笑 車はスーパーに停めちゃったけど、ダメだったかな??この辺り初めて来たので、分かる方は駐車場情報お願いします? 平日の14~15時頃に行きましたが、並んでる方は3人程いました。 メニューが色褪せたりして商品名や値段など、所々見えにくくなってました。手持ちのメニュー表やチラシ等、手にとって選べる様なものがあると嬉しいですね(*^^*) クレープってその場で食べるイメージでしたが、お持ち帰りは手提げ袋に入れてくれるので、家族分を持ち帰って食べるのも良いですね♪
I was recommended by an acquaintance and went! The dough isn't too sweet, so the meal-type crepe is a light meal! Meal system + dessert system seems to be one meal lol The car parked at the supermarket, but wasn't it ?? I came here for the first time, so if you know, please give me parking information ? I went there from 14:00 to 15:00 on weekdays, but there were about 3 people in line. The menu has faded and it has become difficult to see the product name and price in some places. It would be great if there were menu tables, leaflets, etc. that you could choose for your hands (* ^^ *) The image of crepes was to eat them on the spot, but you can take them home with you in a carrying bag, so it's a good idea to take your family home and eat them.
M O on Google

種類が豊富で、お食事系もスイーツ系も両方食べましたが、どちらもとても美味しいです!! 他の方の注文を聞いていると、お食事系が人気なのかな!?と思いました(^^) ボリューミーなのに値段がリーズナブルなのも、魅力の一つだと思います。 いつ行っても必ず並んでいて、人気店なのも納得です! お店の方も優しく、何度でも来たいと思えるお店です! 今回は私が焼きチーズカレーフランク、娘は黒蜜きなこを食べましたが、次回はサラダ系も食べてみたいです!!
There are many kinds, and I ate both meals and sweets, both of which are very delicious! !! When listening to other people's orders, I wonder if the meal system is popular! ?? I thought (^^) I think one of the attractions is that the price is reasonable even though it is volumey. It's always lined up every time I go, and I'm convinced that it's a popular shop! The shop is kind and you will want to come back again and again! This time I ate grilled cheese curry flank and my daughter ate black honey kinako, but next time I would like to eat salad too! !!
k s on Google

奥のスーパーに買い物に来た後、看板が気になり立ち寄り。 列が出来ているので、ツナサラダタマゴを頼んでみた。 若い子たちはカレーにチーズにウインナーを巻いたのを頼んでる。 生クリーム系は生地を少し置いてある冷ました生地で。食事系は焼き立ての生地で鉄板の上でそのまま作る。 非常に一枚一枚丁寧に仕上げていて、具も多く、尚且つ安いので見ていると儲け出てるのか心配になるくらい。 生地はモチモチでかなりボリューミー。 追記。今回は生イチゴを注文。ホイップクリームにスライスイチゴがこれでもかと乗っている。生地はモチモチでイチゴも沢山。満足満足。
After coming to the supermarket in the back for shopping, I was worried about the signboard and stopped by. There is a line, so I ordered a tuna salad egg. Young children ask curry to wrap cheese with sausages. The cream type is a cold dough with a little dough placed on it. The meal system is made from freshly baked dough on an iron plate. It's finished very carefully one by one, there are many ingredients, and it's cheap, so I'm worried if I'm making a profit when I look at it. The dough is chewy and quite volumey. postscript. This time I ordered raw strawberries. Sliced ​​strawberries are still on the whipped cream. The dough is chewy and there are many strawberries. Satisfaction Satisfaction.
kozu on Google

2021/10 クレープ・ピーナッツ この周辺の地元民には昔から親しまれているクレープ屋。 メニューは多彩。 まぁ、ある程度決まった具材の組み合わせを変えるだけでメニューを多彩に出来るというのがクレープの楽しさ。 価格は一般的なクレープ屋と同等くらいだが、特徴としてはクレープの皮が若干厚めで具材がぎっしりと入っている。 ボリュームの割にリーズナブル。 お昼くらいだったらこのクレープ1つだけで空腹が満たされそう(個人差はあるけど) 今回はツナ明太チーズを食べたが、次は甘いクレープを食べてみようかな。
2021/10 Crepe peanuts A crepe shop that has been familiar to the locals around here for a long time. The menu is diverse. Well, the fun of crepes is that you can make a variety of menus just by changing the combination of ingredients that have been decided to some extent. The price is about the same as a general crepe shop, but the feature is that the crepe skin is a little thick and the ingredients are packed tightly. Reasonable for the volume. If it's about noon, this one crepe will satisfy your hunger (although there are individual differences). I ate tuna menta cheese this time, but next time I'll try sweet crepe.

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