居酒屋 鳥一

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 居酒屋 鳥一

住所 :

Higashioi, Shinagawa City, 〒140-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
街 : Tokyo

Higashioi, Shinagawa City, 〒140-0011 Tokyo,Japan
R T (黒焦げ) on Google

Only for Toriichi, the fried chicken is an iron plate. There are many variations of bird dishes.
中村圭司 on Google

こじんまりしたお店ですが、家庭的な料理で美味しいです。 少し間違ったメニューの日本語表記も微笑ましいです。
It is a small shop, but delicious with homey dishes. The Japanese notation of the slightly wrong menu is also smiling.
高橋弘明 on Google

We had a weekday lunch.
Satoshi Komiya on Google

ランチ カニクリームコロッケ&牡蠣フライ 790円
Lunch crab cream croquette & oyster fry 790 yen
渡辺和宣 on Google

The fried chicken set meal was very delicious for 680 yen.
Tsuna Mita on Google

お昼の日替わり定食。豚しゃぶと唐揚げ(850円)。 1ヶ月ほど前にオープンした新店。 鳥の唐揚げをベースにした定食各種がリーズナブルに供される。
Daily set meal for lunch. Pork shabu and fried chicken (850 yen). A new store that opened about a month ago. Various set meals based on fried chicken are offered at a reasonable price.
Akira Yokomura on Google

ランチで行ってきました。 店内はそれほど広くなく、4人テーブルが3つ、2人テーブルが1つです。 唐揚げ定食を食べましたがメニュー写真よりボリュームあり、とってもジューシー!当たりなお店でした。店員さんは愛想良かったのですが難点が。ランチタイムも喫煙可能なんです。一人が吸うと狭い店内は一瞬でタバコ臭くなります。せめてランチタイムは禁煙にして欲しいです。喫煙可能なので☆をマイナスつけました。
I went there for lunch. The inside of the shop is not so wide, there are 3 tables for 4 people and 1 for 2 people table. I ate chicken fried set meal, but there is more volume than menu picture, it is very juicy! It was a nice shop. The clerk was friendly but the difficulty. I can smoke lunchtime as well. When one sucks, the inside of a narrow store smells cigarettes in a moment. I would like at least lunchtime to quit smoking. Because I can smoke ☆ is negative.
MM KK on Google

Visited at lunchtime. It was a little early so there were no other customers yet. I was glad that I could eat freshly-fried fried chicken.

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