
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パオカフェ

住所 :

Higashinakano, Nakano City, 〒164-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Tokyo

Higashinakano, Nakano City, 〒164-0003 Tokyo,Japan
Yoshinori Takahashi on Google

o-tsuka TJH-LLC on Google

10 hsgm on Google

Taka Lee on Google

There are carpet seats and table seats, creating a calm and relaxing space. You can also enjoy light meals.
biz biz on Google

お昼に伺いましたが、すごくまったりとした雰囲気でとても癒されました。 友達の家のようなアットホーム感ながら、料理も美味しく本当にゆっくりできました。 ホットカーペットがあるとは(^_^) あまりお店のリピートはしないことが多いのですが、このお店は何回も来ると思います。
I visited at noon and was very healed in a very relaxed atmosphere. The food was delicious and I was really relaxed while having a homey feeling like a friend's house. There is a hot carpet (^_^) I don't repeat the shop very often, but I think this shop will come many times.
Shigeharu Sasaki on Google

The pao crust sandwich with hamburger sheep was delicious. There are quite a few seats such as low table seats and chair seats in the cushion.
Masaaki Suga (Gus) on Google

鶏ベースのスープでいただく朝麺は優しい味でした。週末っぽい朝食。外のベンチでいただけるので犬連れでもOK. メニューは早起きは三文の徳方式で、なくなり次第終了。
The morning noodles served with chicken-based soup had a gentle taste. Weekend-like breakfast. You can have it on the bench outside, so you can bring your dog with you. The menu is a three-sentence virtue method for getting up early and ends as soon as it runs out.
chee on Google

●友人と2人で 【頂いたもの】 ・パオクラストパン (ひつじのハンバーグ、フレッシュサルサ、パクチー) 自家製パン使用のバインミーのようなサンドイッチ。 外はカリっと中はもちっとしててドトールのミラノサンドのような美味しいパン(もちろん褒め言葉)に羊のハンバーグなどが挟まっています。 羊味しっかり、つなぎはほとんど使ってないような肉肉しさとスパイスの塩梅が美味しい逸品(´ω`*)
● With two friends [What you received] ・ Pao crust bread (Sheep hamburger, fresh salsa, pacchi) A sandwich like homemade bread. The outside is crunchy and the inside is crisp, with hamburgers of sheep sandwiched in delicious bread (of course compliments) like Milano Sand of Doutor. A gem that has a good taste of sheep and has a delicious meat and spices that use almost no splices (´ω ` *)

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