
1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たしろ整形外科

住所 :

Higashikanamachi, Katsushika City, 〒125-0041 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://tashiro-seikeigeka.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Higashikanamachi, Katsushika City, 〒125-0041 Tokyo,Japan
さき on Google

院長の態度最悪ですね 最初で最後の診察だと思います 二度と行きません
The director's attitude is the worst I think it's the first and last consultation Will never go
渡部衛 on Google

The teacher's attitude is bad. emotional instability. Suddenly sharp. Refusing treatment in an attempt to escape responsibility. It's the worst. I will never go again. I'm uncomfortable.
masa mura on Google

院長の態度がとにかく上から目線 開業当初に行って不愉快だった。 いまだにこんな調子なのか。腕がどうのとか以前の問題。
The director's attitude is just looking from above It was unpleasant to go to the beginning of the business. Is it still like this? Somehow my arm was a problem before.
にくきゅうまだら模様 on Google

丁寧な診療で安心して診てもらえます。 リハビリも色々な種類があり効果的ですね。 待合室の椅子がイマイチかも。
You can feel at ease with careful medical treatment. There are various types of rehabilitation, which is effective. The chair in the waiting room is not good.
珈琲と愉快な仲間たち on Google

足腰が痛くて受診してみたら ただ湿布処方されるだけで、病院内は「あ、は〜〜い」みたいな感じで、看護師おろか、院長?医者の人もトータルして雑 レントゲン室?治療室?か訳わかんないところに連れられ、中も治療器具が出っ放し。正直わかりづらい。 本当に資格持ってるのか疑いたくなるくらい。 正直いうと、全て雑だから何で閉院しないのか不思議になる。 もし、立て直すなら、ちゃんとした整形外科か駐輪場なんかになって欲しい。
I have a pain in my legs Just being prescribed a compress, the hospital feels like, "Oh, huh!" Doctors are totally miscellaneous X-ray room? Treatment room? He was taken to a place where he couldn't understand why, and the treatment equipment was left inside. It's hard to understand. I just want to doubt if I'm really qualified. To be honest, it's all sloppy, so it's strange why you don't close the hospital. If you rebuild it, I want it to be a proper orthopedic surgery or bicycle parking lot.
kazamax on Google

レントゲンを撮る時、腰が痛くて動かせないと言っても、何も介助しようとしない最低の看護師、優しさの微塵もない。 検査結果は異常なし。しかし痛みが治まらず、翌日、別の病院(金町中央病院の整形外科)で診て貰ったら、圧迫骨折をしていた。2度と行くつもりない病院です。 最低最悪の病院。未だにここで治療している患者さんの気が知れない。
When I take an X-ray, even if I say that I have a pain in my back and can't move, I'm the worst nurse who doesn't try to help me, and I don't have the slightest kindness. The test result is normal. However, the pain did not go away, and the next day, when I was seen at another hospital (orthopedic surgery at Kanamachi Central Hospital), I had a compression fracture. It is a hospital that I will never go to again. The worst and worst hospital. I still don't know the patients who are being treated here.
おいら on Google

首のヘルニアで一度だけ行きました。 私「最近痛むんです、寒かったり梅雨時期は症状が出やすいと以前通っていたお医者さんも言ってました」 先生「どこの誰? どこの病院? 名前なんて人?」 怖い
I went only once with a hernia in my neck. I said, "I've been hurting lately, and the doctor I used to go to said that it's easy to get symptoms during the cold and rainy season." Teacher "Who is it? Which hospital? What is your name?" scared
かつくん on Google

It is popular and sometimes has a little waiting time, but it is kind and polite.

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