蕎麦 なかや

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蕎麦 なかや

住所 :

Higashihonmachi, Shobara, 〒727-0011 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
街 : Hiroshima

Higashihonmachi, Shobara, 〒727-0011 Hiroshima,Japan
たぬきのぬぬた on Google

The texture of the bukkake is excellent. Sometimes I want to eat unbearably. The colander is light and delicious. I also recommend soba salad.
shin Y on Google

Soba is delicious!
ゆば on Google

ざるそばを頂きました。 ちょっと柔らかいなぁ サービス品の肉じゃがとお豆腐が美味しかったのです。時間のせいかな、蕎麦サラダは既に空っぽで残念。。 ざるそばのつゆに生卵を入れた瞬間の感動がすごい。あれは黄身を入れてこそ本領発揮、と言うくらいにはベストマッチです。
I got Zaru soba. It's a little soft The serviced meat, potatoes and tofu were delicious. It's a pity that the soba salad is already empty, probably because of time. .. The moment you put the raw egg in the soba noodles, the impression is amazing. It's the best match to say that it's only when you put the yolk in it.
岩崎良 on Google

Today, I went to Nakaya-san, a soba restaurant that I was more interested in than before. The parking lot is across the road from the store. The inside of the store was a spacious space, and there was a daily service area. Curry etc. were placed today, and this was also quite delicious. The order is a large serving of Zaru soba. It seemed like there was almost no waiting time, but if you add all the condiment wasabi, it works a little ... f (^^; The soba is cut to just the right length, and the taste is good and you can eat it smoothly. Also, it was a shop I would like to visit again next time.
渡辺恵子 on Google

The menu is simple with handmade soba noodles. Simple side dishes, green onions, tenkasu, etc. can be sorted by self-service. The price is also reasonable. Soba is really delicious.
K Tochi on Google

決して不味いわけではなく、何か物足りない感じがしました。 手打ち蕎麦でつゆはこだわりを感じました。 サラッと食べれるお蕎麦でした。 メニューもざる蕎麦、かけ蕎麦、ぶっかけ蕎麦の3種類。いたってシンプル。 サービス品のお惣菜は閉店間際だったので少なかったですが美味しかったです。 専用駐車場が道路向かいに4台分ありました。 危うく通り過ぎるところでした。 1人で切り盛りされてますが食事提供が遅くないので、時間がなくてサッと食べたい時は良いかもしれません。
It wasn't bad at all, and I felt something was missing. I felt that the soba noodles were made with handmade soba noodles. It was a soba that you can eat lightly. There are three types of soba noodles on the menu: Zaru soba, Kake soba, and Bukkake soba. Very simple. The side dish of the service item was small because it was just before closing, but it was delicious. There was a private parking lot for 4 cars across the road. I was almost passing by. Although it is prepared by one person, the meal is not late, so it may be good when you do not have time and want to eat quickly.
まめ on Google

外からは中が見えず、1人で入るのは少し勇気が要りました。 店主がテレビを観て笑っていて、ユルイ雰囲気でした。 蕎麦の味は美味しかったです。
I couldn't see the inside from the outside, and it took a little courage to enter alone. The shopkeeper was watching TV and laughing, and it was a Yurui atmosphere. The taste of soba was delicious.
F SDGs on Google

食べ応えとコシのある出雲蕎麦。 庄原の市内では一番美味しいと思います⭐️ カウンター壁の後ろに。色々とおかず 薬味など、無料のバイキング形式で置かれ、楽しい。 素朴な店主さんが、一生懸命に作られる様子を見ながら、出来上がりを待つのもよしです。 駐車場は道路向かいに3台ほどです。
Izumo soba with a chewy texture. I think it's the most delicious in Shobara city ⭐️ Behind the counter wall. Various side dishes, condiments, etc. are placed in a free buffet format and are fun. It is also good to wait for the completion while watching the simple shop owner make it hard. There are about 3 parking lots across the road.

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