中華料理 再々来

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 再々来

住所 :

Higashihakushimacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0004 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://ya3m900.gorp.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Higashihakushimacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0004 Hiroshima,Japan
HIDENORI Sugitani on Google

There are menus with service prices depending on the day of the week. Limited service lunch on weekdays is full of volume!
Ryu Yamamoto on Google

It is Chinese food in town. It's not a loss, but if you expect it, you will be betrayed.
山田太郎 on Google

ラーメンを食べてたら膝に違和感が。見てみるとでかいゴキブリが膝の上に乗っていました。飲食店なので仕方ないのかもしれませんが、かなり不愉快でした。 もう二度と行くことは無いでしょう。接客は良かっただけに残念です。
When I eat ramen, I feel something is wrong with my knees. When I looked at it, a huge cockroach was on my lap. It may be unavoidable because it is a restaurant, but it was quite unpleasant. You will never go again. It's a shame because the customer service was good.
よーちゃん on Google

Since there is no parking lot, I stopped at coin parking.
胡椒の粗挽き on Google

写真でわかる通り盛りがよくて大満足です〜✨ エビ玉と酢豚と唐揚げとしかメニューになかったのに、コロッケ半分とチャーシュースライス3枚、ポテサラ、野菜、オレンジ、ハム一枚と圧倒的盛りの良さ✨ 唐揚げアツアツで美味しかった〜?酢豚も私好みの歯応え抜群なのに柔らか豚肉でした(*´꒳`*) 満足以外の何者でもなかったです!*\(^o^)/*
As you can see in the picture, it's very satisfying ~ ✨ Only shrimp balls, sweet and sour pork, and fried chicken were on the menu, but half the croquette, 3 slices of char siu, potato salad, vegetables, orange, and 1 ham were overwhelmingly good. The fried chicken was hot and delicious ~ ? Sweet and sour pork was also my favorite crunchy but tender pork (* ´꒳` *) It was nothing but satisfaction! * \ (^ o ^) / *
ozzyオジー on Google

創業50年越えの街中華の名店❗️料理歴40年の3代目店主がウデをふるう、柔かたまご焼きがのった五目チャーハンは逸品です? 見た目以上のボリュームで大満足。 これは美味しい❗️ おス スメします‼️
A famous Chinese restaurant that has been in business for over 50 years ❗️ The 5th fried rice with soft egg grilled by the 3rd generation owner who has 40 years of cooking history is a gem ? I am very satisfied with the volume beyond what it looks like. This is delicious ❗️ I recommend it! ️
しま on Google

カツ丼と天津丼をいただきました。 どちらもとても美味しかったです。カツ丼は甘めの餡掛けで通常のものとは違う味わいでした。 花よりガッツの田村アナも絶賛されています。
I had Katsudon and Tianjin bowl. Both were very delicious. The katsudon was a sweet ankake and had a different taste than usual. Tamura Anna of Guts is also acclaimed more than flowers.
TKSX SHOT on Google

土曜日にランチで伺いました。 お姉さんにカウンターに案内して頂きました。 天津飯・唐揚げを単品で頂きました。 天津飯は醤油ベースの味付けした餡でグリーピースが乗っています。 卵の中のエビとご飯と餡がとても美味しく、いくらでも食べたいですね。 唐揚げも6〜7個位あり、ボリュームも満足です。 出前も人気のようで、出前のお兄さんがひっきりなしにお店を出入りされてました。 駐車場は無いようですが、近くにはコインパーキングも沢山あるので、そちらを活用しましょう。 コインパーキングと提携して頂けると、とても嬉しいのですがね。
I visited for lunch on Saturday. My sister guided me to the counter. I had Tianjin rice and fried chicken separately. Tianjin rice is a soy sauce-based seasoned bean paste with green pieces on it. The shrimp, rice and bean paste in the egg are very delicious and I want to eat as much as I want. There are about 6 to 7 fried chicken, and the volume is also satisfactory. It seems that delivery is also popular, and the delivery brother constantly goes in and out of the store. It seems that there is no parking lot, but there are many coin parking lots nearby, so let's make use of them. I would be very happy if you could partner with Coin Parking.

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