
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 冠生園

住所 :

Noboricho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0016 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://kanseien.com/sp/
街 : Hiroshima

Noboricho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0016 Hiroshima,Japan
Youta on Google

中華そば。 すずめ復活!と言われても、ついついそば以外も食べてしまうので、すずめ当時の味わいは多少薄れる感じがする。 ※あれこれ頼まずに、そばだけ食べりゃ良いのでしょうが・・・。地味~にここの唐揚げが自分好みなので、ついつい頼んでしまいます。 ※ビル建て替えで2018年まで一旦閉店しています。 ※2017年10月現在。ビル建て替え工事が着々と進行しています。建ち始めたら結構早く工事も進むと思うので、完成が楽しみです。
Chinese buckwheat. Sparrow is back! Even if I was told, I would eat more than just buckwheat noodles, so the taste at the time of sparrows seems to be a little weak. * I don't think I should eat soba without relying on it. Because I like fried chicken here plainly, I just ask. * The building has been temporarily closed until 2018 after rebuilding. * As of October 2017. Building reconstruction work is steadily progressing. I think the construction will proceed very soon once it starts to build, so I'm looking forward to its completion.
pai pi on Google

The price of mapo tofu and ramen set was 1000 yen, which was kind to the students' pockets, and the taste was not just spicy, but the taste was condensed. Ramen has a taste that makes you feel the warmth of people. I would like to go eat again.
RunLevo on Google

Sweet and sour pork, fried rice and delicious. I was hoping that the single vinegared pork would be a little more volume.
ra Saku on Google

冷麺がイチオシです! コシのある麺に鳥の唐揚げがトッピング。酸味の効いたスープも美味しい。 夜9時までの営業。リニューアルしてお店の内装もキレイになりました。
Cold noodles are recommended! The chewy noodles are topped with fried chicken. The sour soup is also delicious. Open until 9pm. The interior of the store has been renewed and has become beautiful.
かくかくあらあら on Google

This time I got a shrimp chili ankake fried noodle. The texture was good and delicious, but as I continued to eat it, the sweetness of sugar became stronger, and I thought it would be a little negative to eat as rice.
テッカメン on Google

At lunch service, I ordered a small set of soy sauce tonkotsu ramen and fried rice. The soup is excellent and I was able to enjoy it.
Hideki Hayashi on Google

広島ラーメンの老舖『すずめ』の関上さんも在籍し話題を集めた店へ初来店。 シンプルな中華そばと焼き飯セット850円をオーダー。 スープは醤油の香りが香ばしく、かといって濃すぎない飲みやすい味。私は、まち中華でありがちな、うまみ調味料盛りだくさんで食べた後に喉が渇くようなのが嫌いなのですが、ここのスープはそのような感じが一切せず、気付けば飲み干してしまうほどでした。 俺はツルツルとして喉越しがよく、パラパラな焼き飯に合い、セットとして完成されたバランスになってました。 感動するほどの味ではないものの、ふらーっと行きたくなるお店でした。 また、メニューも豊富なので、ランチだけでなく、夜にみんなでワイワイするにも適してます!今の時期はなかなか難しいかもしれませんが、忘年会などの会場としても最適です!
Mr. Sekigami of the old man "Suzume" of Hiroshima ramen was also enrolled and visited the store that attracted a lot of attention for the first time. I ordered a simple Chinese soba and fried rice set for 850 yen. The soup has a fragrant soy sauce scent, but the taste is not too strong and easy to drink. I don't like the thirst after eating with lots of umami seasonings, which tend to be Chinese food, but the soup here didn't feel like that at all, and I couldn't help but drink it up. I felt smooth and smooth, and it went well with the fried rice, and the balance was completed as a set. It wasn't a taste that impressed me, but it was a shop that made me want to go there. Also, the menu is abundant, so it's suitable not only for lunch but also for everyone to hang out at night! It may be difficult at this time of year, but it is also a perfect venue for year-end parties!
Hiroka Sugimoto Kranenburg on Google

Kids friendly. Yummy. Warm service.

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