お好み焼 一銭洋食

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お好み焼 一銭洋食

住所 :

Higashihakushimacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0004 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
街 : Hiroshima

Higashihakushimacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0004 Hiroshima,Japan
aki roman on Google

In a word, it's unpleasant. The owner was also unfriendly and disappointed, and it was the worst shop in the vicinity of Hakushima. A cute shopkeeper who can't even say welcome.

I was fascinated by the unique way of grilling my husband.
Sケイ on Google

コレでもか!と腕を高くあげて叩きつけながらお好み焼きを押しつけるて焼くスタイルは引くわ 生地もひっついてボロボロで見た目も悪い! キャベツから水が出過ぎて不味い!ビチャビチャだ! せっかく麺を茹でて焼いているのに不味いとはもったいないです。 鉄板も焦げが付いているのに磨かないまま焼いているのにはビックリ! 美味しいお好み焼きが焼けるわけがない。
Even this! I'm pulling the style of baking by pressing okonomiyaki while raising my arm high and hitting it The fabric is also sticky and tattered and looks bad! Too much water comes out of the cabbage and it tastes bad! It's fluffy! Even though the noodles are boiled and baked, it's a waste to have a bad taste. Even though the iron plate is charred, I'm surprised that it's baked without polishing! There is no way to bake delicious okonomiyaki.
Tomotaka Tainaka on Google

長く広島に住んでいたけど、ここ以上のお好み焼きには出会ったことが無い。 それくらい美味しい。 焼きはかなり荒っぽく感じるくらい野菜を叩き上げるんで、けっこうびっくりするかもしれません。 麺は一度お湯で茹でてから鉄板で焼き上げるんだけど、この麺が最高に美味しい。 キャベツの甘味が広がって、食べたという満足感があります。 お皿で食べる人がいますが、広島のお好み焼きは鉄板で食べるべし。
I've lived in Hiroshima for a long time, but I've never met any more okonomiyaki. That's delicious. You may be quite surprised because the grilled vegetables are beaten up so that they feel quite rough. The noodles are boiled in hot water and then baked on an iron plate, and these noodles are the most delicious. The sweetness of the cabbage spreads, and I feel satisfied that I ate it. Some people eat it on a plate, but Hiroshima's okonomiyaki should be eaten on an iron plate.
みやびお on Google

メニューはお好み焼きと焼きそばがメイン。そば玊600円を注文しました。一般より安いかも?奥にはテーブル。手前が鉄板スペースです。マヨネーズ、カープソース、七味唐辛子が置かれています。 美味しいと思います。
The main menu is okonomiyaki and yakisoba. I ordered buckwheat noodles for 600 yen. Is it cheaper than general? There is a table in the back. The front side is the iron plate space. Mayonnaise, carp sauce, and shichimi pepper are placed. I think it's delicious.
t y on Google

美味しい。広島のお好み焼きはあまり好きでなかったが、ここは美味しい。 佇まい、そして地元の方が多めなので少し緊張するが、店の方は寡黙ながらに優しい。 種類がいくつかあり食べ比べたが、やはりそば入りが一番美味しいと思った。
delicious. I didn't really like Hiroshima's okonomiyaki, but it's delicious here. It is a little nervous because of the appearance and the locals are a lot, but the shop is quiet but gentle. There were several types, and I tried to compare them, but I thought soba noodles were the best.
Hiroaki Imano on Google

お好み焼きもいろいろですが、こちらのお好み焼きはしっとりした感じのものです。 キャベツがかなり太目に切られていることや、通常より返す行程が多い独自の焼き方(つぶし方がワイルド!)もあってか、甘み・旨みの強い美味しいお好み焼きが食べられます。
There are various types of okonomiyaki, but this one has a moist feel. You can eat delicious okonomiyaki with a strong sweetness and umami, probably because the cabbage is cut into thick pieces and there is a unique method of roasting that has more steps to return than usual (the method of crushing is wild!).
Sean Waters on Google

Cute place, good food, really kind people.

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