株式会社 プレジャーメイト

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 プレジャーメイト

住所 :

Higashifuchinobe, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0203 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.goobike.com/shop/client_8500537/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Higashifuchinobe, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0203 Kanagawa,Japan
成駒長兵衛 on Google

Although it has a signboard of a global brand called YAMAHA, don't expect any customer service due to its image. The reality is "the old man at a motorcycle shop in the city." It seems that the human nature is not bad, but it seems that there are many "extra words that are irritating". I was taken care of by the motorcycle repairs, but I have not returned.
三鬼男三鬼谷 on Google

点検だけでなく世間話でもふらっと立ち寄りたくなるバイク屋です。 遠くても通いたくなる、不思議な魅力があるバイク屋です。 ここには昔から本当にお世話になっております。はっきり物を言うバイク屋なので好き嫌いはあるかもしれないが、個人的にはとても気に入っている。 値段は決して安くはないが、社長の技術や想像力はすごいので、大切なバイクを安心して任せられる。
It is a motorbike shop that you want to stop for not only checking but also talks. It is a bike shop with mysterious charm that you want to go through even in the distance. I am really indebted to you from here. You may like it because it is a bike shop that says clearly, but I personally like it very much. The price is not cheap at all, but the technology and imagination of the president is great, so you can trust your precious bike with confidence.
nob kin-toki on Google

初めての大型XSR900 昨日無事納車終わりました。 今回このお店での購入は初めてです。 来店する前googleのココの評価が低いので躊躇していましたが、 自分自身で確かめようと思い来店することにしました。 すると、話しやすいし丁寧だし、店長と年がさほど違わないところが影響しているのかもしれませんが、1評価?ほどの悪い店ではありませんでした。 今後も、お世話になりたいと思います。
First large-scale XSR 900 Delivery finished safely yesterday. This is my first time buying at this store. Before coming to the store, I was deceiving because google's rating is low. I decided to visit the store to see for myself. Then, it is easy to talk and is polite, and it may be affected by places where the manager and the age are not so different, 1 evaluation? It was not a bad store. I want to be indebted to you in the future.
こももさん on Google

バイクのオイル漏れ修理を頼んだが結局直らなかった。 原因箇所特定さえもできず、、、、これがヤマハ専門店? しかし、直った言って代金はしっかり徴収されました。 後、店長の対応は人をイラつかせます
I asked for a bike oil leak repair, but it didn't fix. I couldn't even identify the cause, this is a Yamaha specialty store However, the price was collected properly. Later, the store manager's response is frustrating
Yukitaka S on Google

ヤマハのバイクを買ったので修理をお願いしようかと思い電話をしたところ、面倒くさそうに出来ればやりたくないと言われた。しかも部品代は先払いだとか… 修理をした後に不具合が出ても保証したくないとか… 自分たちの都合ばかりで話になりませんでした。 ココは本当にYAMAHAのお店なのか!? と思ったら個人経営でヤマハの看板出してるいだけのお店でした。 最低な接客対応で、もう絶対に関わり合いたくない店です。
I bought a Yamaha motorcycle, so I called her and asked if I could repair it. I was told that I didn't want to do it if I could do it. And the parts cost is paid in advance ... If you don't want to guarantee if something goes wrong after repairing ... It was not for our convenience. Is Coco really a YAMAHA shop! ? When I thought about it, it was just a shop that had a Yamaha signboard run by myself. It's a store with minimal customer service and you never want to get involved.
Nemoto Kazuhide on Google

アフターが良いと他の方が言っていたがとんでもない。 経営の都合ばかり言ってお客さんの為という店長の言い分は全くの嘘。経営は客に関係ないから。 点検も異常に待たされるし2ヶ月前に予約しようとしたら取れず、車検前の点検の時も間に合わなくなるのに店は代車も出せないし、そちらがお知らせしてすぐ来たのに…無理の一点張り。 そして、お客に恩着せがましい発言の数々。受けてないサービスにも返金せずに当たり前の様子。なぜこちらが下手になる?って感じ。 公共機関に相談してもやはり問題との事でした。その話をしても悪びれた様子も無く開き直り…。周辺のお店からも酷い店と聞いている。と有名の様ですね。 クレームも最もらしく説明して話が逸れて来ますが威圧的に感じてこちらが怖くなるくらい。我慢してお付き合いして来ましたが二度と行きたくないお店です。 良いと評価してる方がそこそこ居ますが人それぞれの合う合わないがあるのはわかりますが普通の人にはまず耐えられないお店だと思います。 不満はここには上げ切れない位です。 ちなみにYSPってメーカーからの直営ではないので騙されないで下さい。 個人店がヤマハの名前を借りてるだけでただの個人店ですから。ディーラーとは考え方が違う様です。メーカーは車両を卸してるだけでノータッチの様です。
Other people said that after-sales are good, but it ’s ridiculous. The manager ’s case for the customer is just a lie. Management is not related to customers. The inspection is awaited abnormally, and if you try to make a reservation 2 months in advance, it will not be possible to make a reservation even if it is not in time for the inspection before the car inspection, but the store can not give out a substitute car, but it came soon after that notice ... One point tension. And a lot of remarks that are tempting customers. It looks natural without refunding services that we have not received. Why are you so bad? I feel. Even after consulting with a public institution, it was still a problem. Even if it talks about it, it doesn't look bad and it opens again ... I hear from neighboring shops that they are terrible. It seems to be famous. The complaint will be explained with the most probable complaints, but it feels intimidating and makes me scared. I've been patient with you, but I don't want to go again. There are people who appreciate it as good, but I understand that there is a mismatch between each person, but I think that it is a shop that can not be tolerated by ordinary people. Dissatisfaction is the place that cannot be raised here. By the way, YSP is not directly managed by the manufacturer. Because a private store just borrows the name of Yamaha, it is just a private store. The way of thinking is different from the dealer. The manufacturer is like a no-touch just by wholesale the vehicle.
中川忠雄 on Google

I entered the store on December 12th because the engine lamp of Tricity was lit. When I entered the store and told the symptoms of an elderly clerk, I was suddenly told that I couldn't do it. I may be busy, but the customer service is not so good, so I will never go again.
がるむくん on Google

バイクから冷却水が垂れてきたので、たしかここにYSPがあったと思い訪問したところ、この店があった。 相談したところ、忙しいから預かっても1ヶ月は放置するよとのこと。言い方には腹が立ったが、先に入庫しているお客さんの後だから1ヶ月待ちには納得。 しかし話していくと、少し古いバイクはやりたくない、既に入庫しているバイクを指差し、あのバイクも本当はやりたくない。など、バイク整備を生業にしている人間とは思えない発言。整備士資格を持っていて技術はあるのかもしれないが、こんな整備士に愛車は預けられないので二度と行くことはないです。
Cooling water was dripping from the motorcycle, so I thought there was a YSP here, and when I visited, I found this shop. After consulting, he said that he would leave it for a month even if he kept it because he was busy. I was angry at how to say it, but I was satisfied with waiting for a month because it was after the customer who had arrived earlier. But when I talk about it, I don't want to play a little old bike, I point to a bike that is already in stock, and I don't really want to do that bike either. Such a statement that I can not think of as a person who makes a living in motorcycle maintenance. I may have a mechanic qualification and have some skills, but I will never go there again because I can't leave my car to such a mechanic.

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