
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リメイクハウス

住所 :

Higashibun, Utazu, Ayauta District, 〒769-0213 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87998
Webサイト : https://re-makehouse.com/
街 : Kagawa

Higashibun, Utazu, Ayauta District, 〒769-0213 Kagawa,Japan
Itsuko (いっちゃん) on Google

とても気に入っています。 見積り、契約は分かりやすく説明してもらい 思った通りの仕上がりに、築20年程経つ建物が生き返ったようです。 若い社長や、営業の方も明るく 丁寧な仕事ぶりは、安心して知人にも紹介できそうです。外装、内装や水周りの相談も 今後お願いしたいと思います。
I like it very much. Have a quote and contract explained in an easy-to-understand manner It seems that the 20-year-old building has come back to life as expected. The young president and sales people are also bright It seems that you can introduce your polite work to your acquaintances with confidence. Consultation on exterior, interior and water surroundings I would like to ask you in the future.
さやか on Google

屋根、外壁塗装を依頼しました。自ら足を運んで親切丁寧に説明してくださった社長さんを始め、職人さんたちも丁寧に一生懸命仕事してくださいました。 寒い時期に外回りの作業申し訳なかったですが、ありがとうございました❗️ 足場が外れて改めて綺麗に仕上げてください感謝しています✨
I requested painting of the roof and outer wall. The craftsmen, including the president who visited and explained kindly and politely, also worked hard and politely. I'm sorry to work outside in the cold season, but thank you ❗️ Please take off the scaffolding and finish it beautifully again. Thank you.
T W on Google

社長さんをはじめ職人さんの人柄も良く 親切で話しやすく、工事内容も丁寧に説明して頂き安心しておまかせすることができました。 築30年の我が家の外壁が新築のように綺麗なり満足しています。 最後までご丁寧にありがとうございました。
The personality of the craftsmen including the president is also good It was kind and easy to talk to, and I was able to leave it to you with confidence because I was able to explain the construction details carefully. The outer wall of my 30-year-old house is as beautiful as a new building and I am satisfied. Thank you for your politeness until the end.
しお on Google

外壁塗装と屋根の葺き替え工事をお願いしました。社長さんを始め、従業員の方々の丁寧な説明と対応により成約させて頂きました。 築30年を超える家ですが、屋根と外壁が新しくなったことで、イメージが変わり大変満足しています。リメイクハウスさんに依頼して本当に良かったです。寒い中、皆様ありがとうございました。今後とも、何かあれば相談したいと思っています。
I asked for the exterior wall painting and roof re-roofing work. We made a contract with the careful explanation and response of the employees including the president. The house is over 30 years old, but the new roof and exterior walls have changed the image and I am very satisfied. It was really good to ask Remake House. Thank you everyone in the cold weather. I would like to continue to consult with you if there is anything.
YI YI on Google

Due to the relationship, we have decided to ask Remake House to paint the outer wall this time. Mr. Kamada and Mr. Nishikawa visited us many times to explain in an easy-to-understand manner, and after that, we took in the consultations and requests from here and made a convincing story! I think that the timing of the talk, the quality of the coating materials, the personality that I can consult with, everything led to good results. I am looking forward to the finish with my family! Thank you ?✨
kouji1263 on Google

外壁と屋根の塗装をお願いしました 営業に来られた方が一生懸命で、説明に来られた社長には丁寧に詳しく分かりやすくお話してもらい安心しておまかせすることが出来ました。工事に来られた方もキチンと挨拶もされ現状と予定の説明も逐一して頂き、皆さんとても感じが良かったです。 仕上がりも十分に満足できるものでとても良かったです。
I asked you to paint the outer wall and roof The people who came to the sales office worked hard, and I was able to leave it to them with peace of mind by having the president who came to the explanation talk in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner. The people who came to the construction also gave a nice greeting and explained the current situation and schedule one by one, and everyone was very happy. The finish was also very satisfying and very good.
小玉孝章 on Google

It was about 15 years ago, so I asked Mr. Nurikae (a trader comparison site) to consider it. I was impressed by the fact that the president and everyone else explained carefully, so I consulted with my wife and made a contract. At first, I talked about the roof, but in the end I asked for the wall as well. I was convinced of the difference depending on the price and the meaning of the exterior wall painting, so after consulting with the budget, my family asked for "undercoat + topcoat twice" organic solvent. At first, I thought it would be okay to use "transparent (varnish-like finish)", but I was struck by the "confidence of hand-painting" and finished with a similar color. I am satisfied with the result. Thank you for your hard work in the cold. A house is a lifelong thing, so I would like to treat it with attachment.
ジャック on Google

今回、テラスからの雨漏り修理と外壁塗装をお願いしました。相談の段階からしっかりと説明してくださり、不安なくお任せできました。仕事などで不在にすることが多かったのですが、現場の方も顔を合わす時には、とても丁寧に接してくださいました。 色味を変えての塗装でしたが、イメージ通り、落ち着いた仕上がりに満足しています。雨漏りも心配なく過ごせるので、専門のところにお願いして良かったです。
This time, I asked you to repair the leak from the terrace and paint the outer wall. He explained it well from the consultation stage, and I was able to leave it to him without any anxiety. I was often absent due to work, etc., but when I met the people in the field, they treated me very politely. It was painted with different colors, but as I imagined, I am satisfied with the calm finish. I'm glad I asked a specialist because I can spend time without worrying about leaks.

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