青島食堂 東堀店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 青島食堂 東堀店

住所 :

Higashiboridori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8065 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.aoshima-ramen.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Higashiboridori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8065 Niigata,Japan
mar s on Google

長岡に本店があり新潟市内でも何店舗か展開している「青島食堂」さん。 やはり本店がうまい、いやいやあっちの方がうまいなど様々なご意見があるようですが私はどこで食べても美味しく感じてしまいます♪ 新潟市内の店舗も、ランチどきになると並んでおりますね。 天気の良い平日にふと前を通ってみると空席発見! 即入店してラーメンを注文! ほどなくしてラーメン到着、安定のビジュアルですね! もちろん味も安定の味わい、青島ラーメンってクセになりますよねぇ。 また来ます!
"Qingdao Shokudo" has its main store in Nagaoka and has several stores in Niigata city. After all it seems that there are various opinions such as the main store is good, no, that one is better, but I feel delicious no matter where I eat it ♪ The stores in Niigata City are lined up at lunchtime. When I passed in front of me on a nice weekday, I found a vacant seat! Immediately enter the store and order ramen! Soon after, the ramen arrived, and it was a stable visual! Of course, the taste is stable, and Qingdao ramen is addictive. I will come again!
日野原誠 on Google

I think there were 7 seats at the counter. It's more delicious than I imagined and I'm very satisfied. It was nice to increase the amount a little with a 50 yen topping (* ^^ *) ♪
chou chutai on Google

『青島チャーシュー&トピ全部』様(900円&200円) トピは〜茹ほうれん草、海苔、刻みネギ、自家製チャーシューの4種で各50円。 なんて大盤振る舞いな一杯なんだww けどこんだけトピしてこの金額ならトピは絶対やった方が良いね♪ 先ずはスープ頂いてみると〜しっかり脂の浮いた見た目と違ってスッと入る。 生姜感はそこまで強く無いけどビシッと醤油の効いた味わいなかなかガテンww 麺は、軽いパーマネントな中細麺で旨いね〜 追加海苔をスープに浸しながらチャーシュー食べたら最高だよ♪ このチャーシューがかなり粗切りで面白いww そして味わいかなり良いね〜ほうれん草は少しヘルシーな気分の気休めだねww 味変でブラックペッパーかけるとかなり引き締まって良かったな〜
"Qingdao Char Siu & Topi All" (900 yen & 200 yen) Topi is ~ Boiled spinach, seaweed, chopped green onions, and homemade char siu for 50 yen each. What a big behaviour, ww It's definitely better to do topi for this amount of money ♪ First of all, when you try the soup, it goes in smoothly unlike the appearance that the fat is firmly floating. The ginger feeling is not so strong, but the taste with soy sauce is quite good ww The noodles are light, permanent, medium-thin noodles that are delicious. It's great to eat char siu while soaking the additional seaweed in the soup ♪ This char siu is pretty rough and interesting ww And the taste is pretty good ~ Spinach is a little healthy and relaxing ww I'm glad I put black pepper on it because it tasted strange and it was pretty tight.
shio oreno on Google

仕事で新潟来ました。 素手マニア必見! 平日水曜日15時入店。先客3名。 ★評価4.2でしたけど、嘘です。 大盛りチャーシュー、+ネギで1000円。 高い、味普通、でした。 コインパーキング停めまでまでは大げさだと思いました。停めましたが? 昨日食べたバスセンターのカレーは、サプライズ感あったし安い美味しいでしたが、ここは価格と実物がかけ離れております。 +ネギ50円頼んだけど、ネギこんだけなんですね?
I came to Niigata for work. Must-see for bare-handed enthusiasts! Entered at 15:00 on weekday Wednesdays. Three customers. ★ The rating was 4.2, but it's a lie. Large char siu, + green onion for 1000 yen. It was expensive and had a normal taste. I thought it was an exaggeration to stop at the coin parking lot. I stopped, but ? The curry at the bus center I ate yesterday was surprising and cheap and delicious, but the price and the real thing are far from each other. + I ordered 50 yen for green onions, but it's just green onions, right?
Purinn Puku on Google

具、麺、スープのバランスの良い一杯。麺は、シコシコとコシがあり、チャーシューは柔らかく美味しい。 スープだけ飲むと少し塩っぱいようです。完食したかったのですが、スープは半分くらい飲んでやめました。身体のためです。とても美味しい一杯でした。ごちそうさまでした。
A well-balanced cup of ingredients, noodles and soup. The noodles are chewy and chewy, and the char siu is soft and delicious. It seems a little salty if you drink only the soup. I wanted to finish it, but I drank about half of the soup and stopped. It's for the body. It was a very delicious cup. Thank you for the meal.
阿寒湖まりも on Google

大学病院の帰り道 十字路を渡って真っすぐいき小路を通おり神社に入って駐車場を抜けるとほぼ直線で青島ラーメンにいけます ラーメン屋の左前の小路に入ると幼稚園のバス停があり大学病院から新潟駅のバスに乗れます 券売機は外(わからない人がいた)でメニューを見るとラーメン800円 チャーシュー900円でチャーシュー1択ででした 厨房より狭い店内はカウンター席しかありません 濃い見た目のラーメンはクセの少ないしょっぱめの味で細麺です チャーシューが特に美味くもうプラス100円でチャーシュー増し増しにしとけばよかった しかも脂身さいこー この店のおすすめの席は一番右 この時は気温高めで圧迫感の少ない隣に移動したらとにかく暑い ドンブリ程度の距離の製氷機?が物凄い熱を出してて暑い中食べていました 暑い時に熱いラーメンを食べるのは最高の贅沢だったりするのでお勧めです
The way back from the university hospital Cross the crossroads, go straight through the alley, enter the shrine and go through the parking lot, you can go straight to Qingdao Ramen There is a kindergarten bus stop when you enter the alley on the left front of the ramen shop, and you can take the bus from Niigata Station from the university hospital. The ticket vending machine is outside (some people didn't understand), and when you look at the menu, the ramen is 800 yen. It was 900 yen for char siu and one choice for char siu There are only counter seats in the store, which is smaller than the kitchen The strong-looking ramen is a thin noodle with a salty taste with little habit. The char siu is especially delicious, and I should have added more char siu for an additional 100 yen. Moreover, fat saiko The recommended seat in this shop is on the far right At this time, if you move to the next door where the temperature is high and there is little oppressive feeling, it will be hot anyway. An ice machine at a distance of about Donburi? Had a tremendous fever and was eating in the hot weather Eating hot ramen when it's hot is the best luxury, so it's recommended.
ZUMDA (JOJOBA) on Google

Simple soy sauce-flavored soup, medium-thick straight noodles, menma, char siu, seaweed, spinach and royal toppings, I felt that it was good and cheaper than 1000 yen. There are many char siu that are slightly smaller than usual, and I thought this was a consideration to enjoy eating noodles and char siu alternately. I asked for a large serving, but it was completely eaten. Please note that the transportation access is quite a walking distance from Niigata Station.
ちーちゃん推し on Google

新潟での所用の合間、ネタが切れた時に強い味方となる「青島食堂」。今回は古町から白山神社へ向かう途中にある東堀のお店にて基本形『青島ラーメン(800円)』を頂きました。 外観は女性ならちょっと入店を躊躇うようなオ○ボロさw。いやいや、こーいうお店が寧ろマニアの心をくすぐるのですよ。今まで訪れた事のある青島の中でも絶対に旨いほうだよな、と謎の自信。。 そして思っていた通り美味い!熱々のスープには生姜が髄まで染み込み、ひょろひょろの麺もツルシコな歯ごたえ。余りに美味いので、胡椒やニンニクで味変するのが大好きな自分でも、青島ではいつも余計な小細工をせず最後までそのままで完食します。 厨房を司るのは、少しお年を召していらっしゃる、いぶし銀の大将と若手のマスターのコンビ。大将、無駄な動きがなくてカッコいい。数ある青島の中でも、味は濃いめで脂は少なめ。大将のさじ加減なんだろうか。自分は丁度心地良く感じました。 最近は東京でも青島もどきの長岡生姜醤油ラーメンをいたるところで目にするようになりましたが、やはりこちらが元祖。旨さはひとしおだと思います。
"Qingdao Shokudo" is a strong ally when you run out of material while you are in Niigata. This time, I got the basic "Qingdao Ramen (800 yen)" at the Higashibori shop on the way from Furumachi to Hakusan Shrine. The appearance is a bit hesitant to enter the store if you are a woman. No, this shop tickles the hearts of enthusiasts. Mysterious self-confidence that it is definitely the best in Qingdao that I have visited so far. .. And it's delicious as I expected! The hot soup is soaked with ginger to the pith, and the sloppy noodles are also chewy. It's so delicious that even if you love to change the taste with pepper and garlic, Qingdao always eats it as it is without any extra work. The kitchen is managed by a combination of a young master and a general of Ibushi silver, who is a little older. General, there is no useless movement and it is cool. Among the many Qingdao, the taste is strong and the fat is low. I wonder if it's a scoop of the general. I just felt comfortable. Recently, I've come to see Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen like Qingdao everywhere in Tokyo, but this is also the originator. I think the taste is good.

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