菓子工房 京甘堂

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Contact 菓子工房 京甘堂

住所 :

Higashi12bancho, Towada, 〒034-0016 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Aomori

Higashi12bancho, Towada, 〒034-0016 Aomori,Japan
佐伯周 on Google

I've always liked chocolate cakes with a sparkling surface like the surface of the water. The modest sweetness is good. I feel that it is getting smaller year by year, but considering the situation, it is unavoidable. I don't put this on it to make pressed flowers, so it's good if it's delicious. I'd like to try other things, but I can't go so much, so I buy the same one every time.
man tonio on Google

ケーキが美味しいのか知らないけど、30代くらいの店員の女の態度悪すぎ。早くしろよってオーラ全面に出しすぎてて、気分悪くなった。 美味しかろうが、そんな奉仕精神のない人の商品を食べたくない。
I don't know if the cake is delicious, but the attitude of a female clerk in her thirties is too bad. I felt sick because I put too much on the entire aura because I wanted to do it quickly. It may be delicious, but I don't want to eat the products of people who don't have such a spirit of service.
はるのゆいたろう on Google

十和田市にはスイーツショップが多いのですが「京甘堂」はその中でもトップクラスに美味しいお店だと思います。 外観は古めかしい昭和風なのですが、ケースに並ぶ洋菓子は洗練されていて彩りもキレイです。もちろん味も美味しいし値段も手頃です。とは言え全般的に甘さ控えめや隠し味にお酒を使っているケーキが多いのでどちらかと言えば「大人向け」でしょうか…⁉️ ちなみにイートインが可能で夏場は「かき氷?」も人気です。また紅茶にこだわっていますので、ケーキのお供には絶対に紅茶がオススメです。
There are many sweets shops in Towada City, but I think "Kyokando" is one of the most delicious shops. The appearance is old-fashioned Showa style, but the Western confectionery lined up in the case is sophisticated and beautifully colored. Of course, the taste is delicious and the price is reasonable. However, there are many cakes that use sake for modest sweetness and hidden taste, so it's more for adults ... ⁉️ By the way, you can eat in and "Shaved Ice ?" is also popular in the summer. Also, we are particular about tea, so we definitely recommend tea to accompany the cake.
長畑良子 on Google

You'll always want to eat sweets suddenly. The place that comes to mind at that time is Kyogando. The lakeside virgin has an excellent balance of butter and cheese. About the house, just into your mouth --- every time you eat, your smile will spill.で す It is a new product
たきうちあきのり on Google

家族の節目には必ず京甘堂のケーキでお祝いしています。ちなみに今日は私の誕生日で還暦を迎えました‼️ 10年位前かな?京甘堂の夏季限定で「白玉ぜんざい」がありました。 とても美味かった記憶があります!
At family milestones, we always celebrate with Kyokando cakes. By the way, today is my 60th birthday! ️ Is it about 10 years ago? There was "Shiratama Zenzai" only in the summer of Kyokando. I remember it was very delicious!
iwamon 0507 on Google

The atmosphere of the shop and the customer service are good ? There were lots of cheap cakes ~ ?
観光支部 on Google

フルーツパフェ甘さ控えめの生クリームが一層目のイチゴのソースと二層目スポンジがしっとりしててめちゃくちゃ美味しいです このパフェ安いです 東京で買ったら千円ぐらいで売ってそうだけど、480円で買えるなんて最高です 笹餅は、クルミが入ってた 柏餅も肉厚の感じだけどアンも甘さ控えめで美味しいです リピーターになりたいです‼️
Fruit parfait The low-sweetness cream is moist with the strawberry sauce on the first layer and the sponge on the second layer, and it's insanely delicious. This parfait is cheap If you buy it in Tokyo, it will sell for about 1,000 yen, but it's great to buy it for 480 yen. Sasa mochi contained walnuts Kashiwa mochi is also thick, but Anne is also modestly sweet and delicious. I want to be a repeater! ️
Ai tim on Google

ケーキはお手頃価格だし種類が豊富です。 イートインでドリンクとのセットにすればケーキが3割引になります。 紅茶の種類が豊富なので選ぶのが楽しい。 どれも美味しくてよくお土産にも利用します
The cakes are reasonably priced and a wide variety. You can get a 30% discount on the cake if you set it up with a drink at the eat-in. There are many types of black tea, so it's fun to choose. All are delicious and often used as souvenirs

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