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Contact 中川起点碑

住所 :

Higashi, Hanyu, 〒348-0052 Saitama,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Saitama

Higashi, Hanyu, 〒348-0052 Saitama,Japan
新井弘 on Google

俺はペヤンガー on Google

おっくんドローン映像チャンネル on Google

If you go downstream, the river is wide, but the starting point is like an irrigation canal that is everywhere.
manoまの on Google

ここから17の市区町を流れて東京湾へ濯ぎます。 起点なので湧き水がボコボコしてるわけではありません。念のため。
From here, it will flow through 17 municipalities and rinse into Tokyo Bay. Since it is the starting point, the spring water is not lumpy. Just in case.
かず on Google

中川下流域三郷市在住です。自宅の2階から毎日 見ています。何処が中川の起点かと思いドライブがてら見てきました。風情のあるレンガ造りの水門(勿論当時のままではないと思います)で感動しました。
I live in Misato City, the lower reaches of the Nakagawa River. I watch it every day from the second floor of my house. I wondered where the starting point of Nakagawa was, and I saw it while driving. I was impressed by the tasteful brick lock (I don't think it was the same as it was at that time).
Kobaton in Hong Kong on Google

羽生市警察署の近くにあります。 駐車場はないですが、道幅があるので少しの時間だけなら駐車すらことも可能です! すぐ近くに葛西用水路が通っています。
It is near the Hanyu police station. There is no parking lot, but the road is wide so you can even park for a short time! The Kasai irrigation canal runs nearby.
大崎龍二 on Google

以前は草ぼうぼうの土地でしたが、中川起点地として整備されきれいになりました。 土手へ上がると桜の時期(例年3月末〜4月上旬)はサイフォンで立体交差してる葛西用水路沿いの桜並木が美しいです。 起点から下流(東方向)も桜並木になってます。 回覧板に寄りますと2021年9月より中川護岸改修工事が開始されるそうで中川側の中川起点→北袋県営住宅北側間の桜並木が伐採されてしまうそうです。植樹されて40年程でしょうか、育って来たのに勿体ないです。 今は土の護岸でフェンスもないのでコンクリート護岸にフェンスが設けられれば安全化の為に仕方がないかと思います。(もちろん葛西用水路の桜並木は伐採予定に入ってません) 過去に児童が溺死してしまった悲しい事故があったので、切れてても柵の中へ入らない様にしましょう。サイフォン部分の水深が深くなってるそうです。
It used to be a land of grass, but it has been improved and cleaned as the starting point of Nakagawa. When you go up to the bank, the cherry blossom trees along the Kasai irrigation canal, which are siphoned overpasses during the cherry blossom season (usually from the end of March to the beginning of April), are beautiful. Downstream (eastward) from the starting point is also lined with cherry blossom trees. If you approach the circulation board, it seems that the Nakagawa revetment repair work will start in September 2021, and the row of cherry blossom trees between the Nakagawa starting point on the Nakagawa side and the north side of the Kitabukuro prefectural housing will be cut down. It's been about 40 years since the tree was planted, but it's a shame that I've grown up. Currently, there is no fence on the soil revetment, so if a fence is installed on the concrete revetment, I think there is no help for safety. (Of course, the row of cherry blossom trees in the Kasai irrigation canal is not scheduled to be cut down.) In the past, there was a sad accident in which a child drowned, so even if it breaks, do not enter the fence. It seems that the water depth of the siphon part is getting deeper.
Alfonso Sanzone on Google

Starting point of Nakagawa river in Saitama. The river flow until Tokyo Disneyland area

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