ジョナサン 平和島店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ジョナサン 平和島店

住所 :

Heiwajima, Ota City, 〒143-0006 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Webサイト : https://www.skylark.co.jp/jonathan/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–1AM
Sunday 7AM–1AM
Monday 7AM–1AM
Tuesday 7AM–1AM
Wednesday 7AM–1AM
Thursday 7AM–1AM
Friday 7AM–1AM
街 : Tokyo

Heiwajima, Ota City, 〒143-0006 Tokyo,Japan
shigeru nakamura on Google

ランチタイムに良く利用します。 料理は、もちろん美味しいのですが、ランチタイムに提供されるスープが大のお気に入りです。 平日は静かですが、週末や祝日、大型連休になると家族連れでそれなりに賑やかになります。 買い物や温泉、ボーリングに映画、その他を楽しんで一息つく時に利用するのも良いと思います。
We use well at lunchtime. The food, of course, is delicious, but the soup offered at lunchtime is my favorite. Weekdays are quiet, but on weekends, national holidays, and large holidays, the family becomes quite lively. I think it is good to use it for shopping, hot springs, bowling, movies, etc. when you enjoy and take a break.
Ken-ei Unoki on Google

平和島温泉の隣にあります ジョナサンに行くのおそらく1年ぶり〜 ここでは個人的に定番なのがタンドリーチキン&メキシカンピラフ ピリ辛テイストが良い感じです ボリュームは少なめ ごちそう様でした
Next to Heiwajima Onsen Probably the first time in a year to go to Jonathan ~ Tandoori chicken and Mexican pilaf are my personal staples here. The spicy taste is good Volume is small thank you for the food
leungch HENRY on Google

Natsune Takano on Google

Standard family restaurant. Operates well.
Yen Yang Law on Google

Nice meal with affordable price.
Oyunaa WR on Google

Very recommended. Taste and portion was much better than usual japanese restaurants.
Jonathan Thauvette on Google

The price is ok and the food isn't bad (though saizeria makes a better Hamburg plate). The staff is nice but I guess it got soured by some annoying kids laughing at me cause I'm a fat foreigner. Even in japan there is bad parents.
Kai Kincaid on Google

It's a standard family restaurant but it's expensive for not much volume of food.

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