
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手打蕎麦こなや

住所 :

Heiwa, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0876 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.sobakonaya.com/
街 : Shizuoka

Heiwa, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0876 Shizuoka,Japan
古谷淳彦 on Google

I ordered warm raccoon soba and colander. I visited various soba restaurants, but this is the only restaurant where Bach's unaccompanied cello is played. There is no shortage of quantity, and the colander comes with wasabi and wasabi, and I grate it myself. I saw it after a long time. It is a popular restaurant that is always full during the day with three men and one Nakai. The parking lot is large, everyone is moving fast, and it is a very commercial store.
Julia. on Google

暑い日のみょうが蕎麦(冷)の美味しいこと! こんなに茗荷が乗ってるのに強過ぎなくてただただ爽やかで美味しいし、お蕎麦のつゆも好みだし、細切りの蕎麦なのにしっかり歯応えがあるのも好きだし、次は何を食べてみようかと食べた側からすぐ思案しちゃう(笑) おすすめです。
The deliciousness of soba (cold) on a hot day! It's not too strong even though it's loaded with Japanese ginger, it's just refreshing and delicious, I like the soba soup stock, I like the shredded soba noodles but it's chewy, and from the side I ate what to eat next I'll think about it right away (laughs) it's recommended.
Shahal Y on Google

蕎麦は歯応えが強く、往年のつむらやのような感じ。天ぷらも美味しくいただけました。 メニューも他に気になるものがあるのでまた行きたいですね。
Soba is crunchy and feels like the tsumuraya of yesteryear. The tempura was also delicious. There are other menus that I'm interested in, so I'd like to go there again.
R on Google

いつも混んでいて気になっていたお蕎麦屋さん、お昼を過ぎた時間だったのでタイミング良く入店できました。せいろ(825円)、野菜天(660円)を注文。 せいろはツルっとしていて喉ごしが良く、食べやすかったです。天ぷらも量少なめで割高感がありますがサクサクで美味しい。生のわさびがついていて自分ですりおろしたのですが、香りよく新鮮で嬉しかったです。 一人一品注文制?お子様とのシェアはできないとメニューに記載がありました。
The soba restaurant, which was always crowded and worrisome, was able to enter the store at the right time because it was past noon. I ordered a bamboo steamer (825 yen) and a vegetable heaven (660 yen). The bamboo steamer was smooth and smooth, and it was easy to eat. The amount of tempura is small and it feels expensive, but it is crispy and delicious. It had raw wasabi and I grated it myself, but I was happy that it was fragrant and fresh. Is it an order system for each person? There was a statement on the menu that it was not possible to share with children.
イシマックス on Google

☑︎天せいろ(海老2本、野菜3種) ☑︎太刀魚の天丼  蕎麦は透明感のある二八蕎麦。蕎麦の香り、食感、喉ごしはどれもいい感じです✨つゆは、程良い甘さでダシの味わいを感じます。カウンターに塩が置いてあります。この塩で蕎麦を食べるのも美味い?天ぷらはサクサクで、海老もプリップリ?さつまいもの甘味が強い‼️太刀魚の天丼、甘口のタレがたっぷりかかっており、フワフワ食感‼️美味かったー✨
☑︎ Bamboo steamer (2 shrimp, 3 kinds of vegetables) ☑︎ Hairtail Tendon . Soba is a transparent 28 buckwheat noodles. The aroma, texture, and throat of soba are all nice. ✨ The soup has a moderate sweetness and a dashi flavor. There is salt on the counter. It's delicious to eat soba with this salt ? Tempura is crispy, and shrimp is also crispy ? Sweet potatoes have a strong sweetness‼ ️Tendon of cutlass fish, plenty of sweet sauce, fluffy texture! ️It was delicious ✨
車寅次 on Google

The flour is ground daily with a stone mill, and the freshly ground and freshly beaten soba has a transparent texture, and you can enjoy a crispy texture. Even though it is a small shop, you can feel that you are working carefully one by one. It's a shop where you can enjoy really delicious soba. The store is so popular that there are regulars waiting for it to open and it fills up immediately after it opens. If you don't want to wait, I think it's recommended to aim for the opening time. It's a soba restaurant that is a little far from Shizuoka city, but there is no loss in going there.
加藤忠宏 on Google

As an exception (soba noodles can only be enjoyed). I went to 3 stores around here, but so far it is the best. It's certainly a little expensive, but there are many mature couples who come to drink. I thought it was such a store. Soba is delicious with a sharp hydrangea. Burdock heaven was good.
Boris on Google

せりざる 990円 自分で山葵をすり下ろしながらお蕎麦を待っていると、山葵のいい香りが‥食欲が刺激されます。そしてお蕎麦到着。もう見た目から美味しそう!春を感じます? お蕎麦も美味しいけど、せりが美味しい!特に根っこの方が美味しくて驚きました! シャキシャキせりの独特の風味が、お蕎麦と合います!お茶もgood? 【挽きたて、打ちたて、茹でたてを約束します】三たての約束って言うのが、またイイですね! お店は阿部街道沿いにありますが、白い看板と黒い建物なので、気を抜くと通り過ぎてしまいます^^; 店内は天井が高くてとても気持ちが良かったです!
Serizaru 990 yen If you grate the mountain aoi and wait for the soba, the nice scent of the mountain aoi will stimulate your appetite. And soba arrived. It looks delicious already! I feel spring ? The soba is delicious, but the seri is delicious! I was particularly surprised that the roots were delicious! The unique flavor of crispy seri goes well with soba! Tea is also good ? [I promise freshly ground, freshly beaten, and freshly boiled] It's good to say that it's a three-pronged promise! The shop is located along the Abe Kaido, but it's a white sign and a black building, so if you're not careful, you'll pass by ^^; The inside of the store had a high ceiling and it was very comfortable!

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