Hayashi Glasses - Shinagawa City

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hayashi Glasses

住所 :

1 Chome-1-16 Ōi, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87797
Postal code : 140-0013
Webサイト : http://www.megane-hayashi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

1 Chome-1-16 Ōi, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0013, Japan
masaya Osaki on Google

すごく親切に接客してくれました。 丸メガネのラインナップも豊富で、いい丸メガネに出会うことができました! 次回もこのお店でメガネを買いたいです〜
Thank you very much for serving me. The lineup of round glasses is also abundant, and I was able to meet nice round glasses! I want to buy glasses at this shop next time ~
keiko hayashi on Google

20年前はいつもこちらで眼鏡を新調していました。 耳が痛くならず、最高の調整をしていただいてました。 引っ越ししてもあの技術を超える店に残念ながらまだ出会えてません。 近くに行ったらまた是非作りたい!
Twenty years ago, I always used my glasses here. My ears didn't hurt and I had the best adjustment. Unfortunately, I have not been able to meet the shop that exceeds that technology even if I move. I want to make it again if I go nearby!
小俣一平 on Google

For more than a dozen years, or even more, it's just Hayashi glasses. The reason I go out from Yokohama is that I have 100% reliability because I have a good aftercare and know the customer well.
東大沢検修区 on Google

ネット通販もしている様で、楽天市場で選ぶ事が出来ます。自分は色々あって、近くに用事が出来た為実店舗にて相談にのってもらいました。 懇切丁寧な説明に加え、店長さんの豊富な経験からか、スムーズにレンズ選択が行えました。 楽天市場でのレビューも迅速丁寧な事柄が書かれてますが、それらは実際に店舗でも店長さんの人柄として伺う事が出来ます。他の量販店での淡々とした対応に辟易しちゃってる方は、一度相談にのってもらうだけでも「こりゃ、良い店だわ」・・・を味わう事が出来るでしょう。
It seems to be online shopping, so you can choose at Rakuten Ichiba. I had a lot of things, and because I was able to work nearby, I got a consultation at the actual store. In addition to the courteous explanation, the lens selection was made smoothly because of the rich experience of the store manager. The reviews on Rakuten Ichiba are also written with quick and polite matters, but they can actually be asked as personality of the store manager at the store. For those who are easy to deal with inquiries at other mass merchandisers, you can taste “This is a good store” just by consulting.
土田努 on Google

I wanted to see the world in a circle, so I went there for the first time because I wanted round glasses. It was very good because it is more abundant than other stores. I was relieved because it was speedy, polite, and conscientious.
parsifal on Google

There are plenty of round glasses. I wonder if I made nearly 20 of these. I am often indebted to the fitting. The correspondence is always kind and I would like to continue to support you.
k y on Google

丸眼鏡の品揃えが豊富です。過去に希望のデザインを求め横浜や表参道、百貨店なども歩きましたがこの店ほど品揃えの良い店は見つけられませんでした。 ちょっとしたデザインの拘りも、ある程度ならパーツを組み合わせるなどして融通を利かせて頂き叶えてくれました。 こちらでは2本購入し、かれこれ5年お世話になってます。頻繁に通っているわけでは無いですが大切な眼鏡を長く使いたいので、いつまでも長く続いて欲しい、そんな頼れる眼鏡屋さんです。
We have a large selection of round glasses. In the past, I walked around Yokohama, Omotesando, and department stores in search of the desired design, but I couldn't find a store with a better selection than this one. Even a little design insistence was granted by combining parts to some extent. I bought 2 bottles here and have been indebted for 5 years. I don't go there often, but I want to use my precious eyeglasses for a long time, so I want them to continue for a long time.
すわもいち on Google

John Lennonモデルのメガネを取り扱っているメガネ屋さん。Johnと言えば思い出す丸い眼鏡はもちろんのこと、ロスにいた頃のモデルなど多数取り扱っています。20年前位に見つけ、メガネなのでそんなに行くことは無いですが、数年にぶりに行っても店主は覚えてくれており、いつも丁寧に調整してくれます。私は仕事用、お休みのラフな時用、サングラスなど、全てこのお店で購入しており、いつまでも通いたいお店の一つです。John Lennonファンなら是非一度、訪れてください。
An eyeglass shop that sells John Lennon model eyeglasses. Speaking of John, we handle not only round glasses that I remember, but also many models from the time I was in Los Angeles. I found it about 20 years ago, and since it's glasses, I don't go that much, but even if I go there for the first time in a few years, the shop owner remembers it and always adjusts it carefully. I buy everything from this shop for work, rough holidays, sunglasses, etc., and it is one of the shops I want to go to forever. If you are a John Lennon fan, please come visit us.

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