HATI YOGA studio - Kashihara

4.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact HATI YOGA studio

住所 :

Tanakacho, Kashihara, 〒634-0032 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 634-0032
Webサイト : http://www.r-hashimoto.com/
街 : Nara

Tanakacho, Kashihara, 〒634-0032 Nara,Japan
光野真衣 on Google

初のエアリアルヨガでしたが、笑顔が素敵な優しい先生で一つ一つの説明がとても丁寧でわかりやすかったです☺︎♡ 初めてでも安心してできました。 体中がポカポカと温まっていくのがわかり心も身体もリフレッシュできて最高でした。 また絶対行きます! 本当にありがとうございました(*^^*)
It was the first aerial yoga, but it was a gentle teacher with a lovely smile and each explanation was very polite and easy to understand ♡ I was able to feel safe even for the first time. I could see my whole body warming up and I could refresh my mind and body. I will definitely go again! Thank you very much (* ^^ *)
長井理恵子 on Google

テレビで見て、気になっていたエアリアルヨガ。 なんと、橿原にあったので、友達に付き合ってもらい体験レッスンに行ってきました!教室に入ると天井から吊るされた布に感動したものの、いざぶら下がるとなると布が破れないか心配でしたが、布は体重100㎏、天井は体重200㎏でも耐えれるとの事で、思い切ってぶら下がってみたら、これがほんとに楽しい! 身体カチカチの私でも、逆さまのポーズもなんとか出来ました!布に包まれての瞑想はほんとに癒されましたー! 全身に血が巡り、肩こりも楽になり、気分爽快! 初めてなので、不安でしたが先生がほんとに優しく教えてくれて、きちんと一人一人に声をかけてくれます。なにより、先生のスタイルの良さに私たちは惚れ惚れ!笑 身体だけでなく、心も柔らかくなりました。 帰りの車で、また行こうなと友達がノリノリでした! 先日は、ありがとうございました! また、宜しくお願いします^_^
Aerial yoga that I was worried about watching on TV. Since I was in Kashihara, I went to a trial lesson with a friend! When I entered the classroom, I was impressed by the cloth hung from the ceiling, but I was worried that the cloth would not break when it hanged, but I dared to say that the cloth can withstand a weight of 100 kg and the ceiling can weigh 200 kg If you hang it down, this is really fun! Even with my body ticking, I managed to pose upside down! Meditation wrapped in cloth was really healed! Blood circulates all over the body, stiff shoulders also ease, and feel refreshed! Because it was my first time, I was anxious, but the teacher really taught me kindly and spoke to each person properly. Above all, we fell in love with the teacher's style! Lol Not only the body but also the mind became softer. On the way back home, my friend was sick of trying to go again! Thank you for the other day! Also, thank you ^ _ ^
豊田佑子 on Google

何か自分の為に習い事がしたいと思い、今年のはじめより通い始めました。子供いる為なかなか、ゆっくり出来る時間もなく仕事と育児でストレスが溜まっていました。ヨガは以前、出産前に習っていましたが、大人数のクラスだったし、わざわざ電車に乗って行かないと行けない場所だった事もあり、足が遠のいてしまいました。以前テレビで観て興味があり、エアリアルヨガは初めてで不安でしたが、、、先生の細やかなご指導で、運動音痴の私でも初日から布?の上に立ったり、ぶら下がる事ができとても嬉しかったのを覚えています。もともと車酔いする方でしたので事前にその事をお伝えしたら、こまめに「大丈夫ですか?」と他の生徒さんに気付かれないように先生が気配りしてくださり、初日でクラスの雰囲気と先生の事を気に入って、通う事を決めました。まだまだ目標体重へは届いていませんが、産後太りとストレス解消の為、今後も通いたいと思います。 保育園の送り迎えの事情もあり車で通える場所もありがたいです。まだ目標体重へ届いてないので☆は4ツです!
I wanted to learn something for myself, so I started going to school earlier this year. I had a lot of stress in my work and childcare without having time to relax because I had children. I used to practice yoga before giving birth, but it was a class for a large number of people, and I had to go on a train to go there, so my legs were far away. I was interested in watching aerial yoga for the first time on TV and was worried about it for the first time. I was very happy to be able to stand on and hang on. I was originally a car sick person, so if you tell me that in advance, the teacher will always be careful not to notice other students, "Is it okay?", The class atmosphere and the teacher on the first day I liked it and decided to go. I haven't reached my target weight yet, but I'd like to go there again to gain weight and reduce stress after giving birth. I am grateful that there is a place where you can go by car due to the situation of picking up and picking up nursery school. ☆ is 4 because it has not yet reached the target weight!
上田良子 on Google

エアリアルヨガを始めて半年が経ちました。 肩こりに良いと聞いて、半信半疑ではじめてみたところ、今ではあんなに酷かった慢性的な肩こりがすっかり楽になりました! もう私の生活の中にエアリアルヨガは欠かせません! 先生もとても優しくて可愛い方でスタイル抜群、私の憧れです。
Six months have passed since I started Aerial Yoga. When I heard that it was good for stiff shoulders, I was skeptical and tried it for the first time. Aerial yoga is indispensable in my life! The teacher is also very gentle and cute, and his style is outstanding, which is my dream.
n_n n_n on Google

インストラクターの先生のフロアヨガでは、心地良さから、初回から眠たくて眠たくて…笑 一つの一つのポーズに集中できて、自分を内観できる特別な時間にいつもさせてもらえます。 オンの状態になると、過敏に気を張り巡らせてしまう私にとって、心地よく身体を伸ばせること、緩めてあげられることがとてもうれしいです。大好きな先生です。いつもありがとうございます。ヨガニードラもまたいつか受けたいです。
In the instructor teacher's floor yoga, from the comfort, I want to sleep from the first time and want to sleep ... lol I can concentrate on each pose and always have a special time to see myself. I'm very happy to be able to stretch my body comfortably and relax when I turn it on. My favorite teacher. I am always grateful for your help. I would like to receive Yoga Niedra again someday.
柏木佳那 on Google

Aerial yoga, I participated in the experience! Unlike relaxing yoga on a mat that is usually flowed by myself, the feeling of being wrapped in a cloth and the feeling of stretching are new, very fun, and yet healing (^ ∀ ^) A brilliant sample of teacher Even if I wonder if I can do this pose, it will assist me gently as far as I can, so I can do it! Like lol. It is fun again. Because I can not feel free at home, I want to go to the classroom again as extraordinary yoga ♪ Thank you ♪

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